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Indybay Feature

Bush Did It: Pictures From 9/11 Protest in Oakland

by Z
9/11protest in Oakland
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
§pictures from protest
by Z
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by matthew
this was a great demo! people were honking in support the whole time. the numbers were small, but grew to about 35 people by its height at the corner of 12th and broadway. a drummer started drumming, an african poet joined us and then a posse of young filipino warriors! we were chanting "on 9-11 bush had a plan! to steal the oil from afghanistan! on 9-11 bush had his sites, to take away your civil rights"

a story was published about our demo in the examiner which had some problems of course, but dealt with the contradictions in the mainstream 9-11 explainations and discussed the motives for bush and his regime to allow 9-11 to happen.

that night a great forum was held at the uhuru house in oakland.

i am very grateful for all peeps to allow a militant anti-colonial voice to enter the peace movement. for folks who are tired of singing "kumbaya" and understand there can't be peace unless there's a struggle for freedom to serve as its foundation, all peeps is the coalition you should get with.

we meet every saturday from 3-5 in different spots in the bay area. for more info, email allpeepsco [at]

all power to the p!
by The Left is Wrong
Just when I thought Leftists couldn't be any stupider, they prove me wrong.

What a bunch of no life imbeciles.
by The Left is Wrong
Just when I thought Leftists couldn't be any stupider, they prove me wrong.

What a bunch of no life imbeciles.
by The Left is Wrong
Just when I thought Leftists couldn't be any stupider, they prove me wrong.

What a bunch of no life imbeciles.
by toast
"Just when I thought Leftists couldn't be any smarter, they prove me wrong."

by toastedshitferbrains
Yeah, mentally challenged tongue pierced lice storms who scream in terror at the mention of soap sure turn me on.
by debate coach
by nessie • Thursday June 20, 2002 at 08:54 AM

OK, JoJo, so you don't want to talk about your own.

So instead, let's talk about where you put it. Tell us, JoJo, how long has it been since the last time you did it with a sheep?

by The Left is Wrong
"Children call each other names.
by nessie • Sunday September 15, 2002 at 11:40 PM

Grownups talk about the issues."

Yes, such as smashing in the skulls of those in a different economic class than you?

Or pissing on the graves of 3,000 murdered Americans?

Fuck off, loser.

BTW, if you and your psuedo-Manson types ever decide to pay my home a visit, rest assured the last thing you will ever see is the muzzle flash from a firearm.

by leftist
From the looks of the right wing fanatics on here, it appears that if the world were only made up of them (and no left-wing), they'd quickly blow eachother to bits over things like bumperstickers or postings on conservative loser chat rooms. Its probably a good thing they're all armed - they end up in jail faster after they shoot at people who are trying to enforce the law.
by Joel (joelburger [at]
How can it be surprising that the government would bare responsibility for the world trade center bombings? How can people be so fattened by this thieving society that they can't even look in the mirror to ask the questions about criminal culpability by the administration?

How much of a leap is it from slavery and genocide of the majority of the indigenous population to taking down a building full of people? Isn't this the same government that has bombed and economically quarantined the Iraqi people thereby killing over a million people because the Bush family has a hard-on for Sadaam Hussein and the oil? Is it less of a crime because the killings are geographically remote to us? Is it more of a crime when white people are the victims?

Is it too unpatriotic to connect the monies given by the U.S. to Bin Laden and the Northern Alliance in the 1990s to the uninterupted support of successive U.S. administrations for the barberous atrocities of such rogue states as Israel, apartheid South Africa, Mobutu's Congo, Pinochet's Chile, DeAbuson's El Salvador, Marcos' Phillipines, Columbia, etc. Has this country not proven that greed and unholy self-interest is its primary foreign policy motivator?

Is there anyone left in the world who has not learned to follow the money to the underground oil when looking for the real reasons for U.S. military actions anywhere in the world? Is it not ironic that the American public can be so sophisticated when consuming movie and television plots about the depth of government power and corruption but so childlike when confronted with real world politics?

I'm not suggesting that Bush, the CIA, and the Company are smart enough to plan any thing as complex as 9/11. But its worth considering that by the time the morons in Washington knew that the planes were in the air that someone or several opportunists with the capability to stop it all made the eyeblink decision to let it happen. It is but an eyeblink for the theiving government oil men to link a homeland attack to retaliation against the Arab world. And thus, a "free" Afghanistan and more importantly, a pipeline from the yummy Caspian oil region thru a lapdog country to tongue wagging Western oil tankers.
by Joel (joelburger [at]
How can it be surprising that the government would bare responsibility for the world trade center bombings? How can people be so fattened by this thieving society that they can't even look in the mirror to ask the questions about criminal culpability by the administration?

How much of a leap is it from slavery and genocide of the majority of the indigenous population to taking down a building full of people? Isn't this the same government that has bombed and economically quarantined the Iraqi people thereby killing over a million people because the Bush family has a hard-on for Sadaam Hussein and the oil? Is it less of a crime because the killings are geographically remote to us? Is it more of a crime when white people are the victims?

Is it too unpatriotic to connect the monies given by the U.S. to Bin Laden and the Northern Alliance in the 1990s to the uninterupted support of successive U.S. administrations for the barberous atrocities of such rogue states as Israel, apartheid South Africa, Mobutu's Congo, Pinochet's Chile, DeAbuson's El Salvador, Marcos' Phillipines, Columbia, etc. Has this country not proven that greed and unholy self-interest is its primary foreign policy motivator?

Is there anyone left in the world who has not learned to follow the money to the underground oil when looking for the real reasons for U.S. military actions anywhere in the world? Is it not ironic that the American public can be so sophisticated when consuming movie and television plots about the depth of government power and corruption but so childlike when confronted with real world politics?

I'm not suggesting that Bush, the CIA, and the Company are smart enough to plan any thing as complex as 9/11. But its worth considering that by the time the morons in Washington knew that the planes were in the air that someone or several opportunists with the capability to stop it all made the eyeblink decision to let it happen. It is but an eyeblink for the theiving government oil men to link a homeland attack to retaliation against the Arab world. And thus, a "free" Afghanistan and more importantly, a pipeline from the yummy Caspian oil region thru a lapdog country to tongue wagging Western oil tankers.
by blah
been there, heard that. Bush is a thief, a liar, a cheat, blah blah blah blah.... it is just so - boring.
by Loki
Lets see,Afganistan is free from one of the worst human rights regimes since Pol Pot,one that killed homosexuals and treated women like cattle.America liberated this poor nation from evil.Now girls are getting an education and men can shave thier faces.The hippies cannot admit this.A pipeline will help Afganistan,not hurt it.It would provide an industry and create jobs.
This reminds me when Clinton was in office and the right-wingers and talk radio conservatives could see no good in anything Clinton did.They still attack Hillary and Janet Reno
untill thier blue in the face.The greatist victory America could have would be for Afaganistan to become a rich and properus democracy like what happend to Japan and Germany.
Afganistan has mant obsticles but Americas hippies should not be one of them.
by joey
"Lets see,Afganistan is free from one of the worst human rights regimes since Pol Pot,one that killed homosexuals and treated women like cattle."

yeah, now its got a brand new one. Yay!!!!!!
by Sheepdog
It must be raining glazed doughnuts because
the history of U.S. intervention as most people
who read more than the funny section of the newspaper
know, has resulted in death squads poverty and
terror. Who knows whats going on over there besides
what the pentagon(interesting design;hail Satan) gives
out to the press who lap it up and reguratate it as
"news". I'm sure everywhere people are dancing in the
street as the northern alience who relish in using
torture, rape and murder, now have a free hand once
again. This time with our tax money providing a blank
check for their rampage. Why can't we use our taxes
for rebuilding our health care, schools, water systems
bridges and other critical infrastructure right here.

Our meddling in other countries is only concerned
with insuring profits for the real rulers of this world
the useless roach droppings living in their unaccounted
position of power.
by Sigh...
At least the pics are proof of enemies within our nation.
by pops
BBC has just published some facts about one of the phone calls which totally contradicts the official story. She speaks of 4 hijackers not 5, and, they are not in the same seats as the supposed terrorists.
by trees
Why is this news if it was published a year ago?
by matthew (thew94610 [at]
hey loki, all your concern for human rights in afghanistan is very heartwarming. however you're very confused.

the mujahadeen, of which the taliban were a faction, are a u.s.-creation from back in 1979. they were not only funded and sponsored militarily, but also trained ideologically by the cia. this was done to disrupt the soviet's occupation of aghanistan at this time.

the u.s. courted the taliban for years and ignored their human rights abuses throughout the 90's. in 1997 unocal sponosored a visit of taliban leaders to sugarland texas, according to bbc reports of that time.

i know believing the u.s. bombed the hell out of afghanistan to free oppressed women and homosexuals and to support economic infrastructure is very conveinent, reality offers a far different scenario.

the bush regime cares about the people of afghanistan about as much as the 3,000 people they allowed to be murdered right here in the u.s. a little more than a year ago.

but hey what's freedom if its not cheap gasoline?

by cheap gasoline
by popeye
"the pentagon(interesting design;hail Satan)" <---- LOL!!!
by Sheepdog
Woof, woof (ah, you're embarrasing me) Its nice to hear another howl out there in the woods.
by G.W.Bush
I'd like to put this debate to rest. For all you peanut heads who weren't paying attention in your American history class, we Americans are not entirely holy people. We have our flaws.I admit that.

It is my duty to inform you, the American public, that I did it. The buck stops here.

When my staff aid whispered in my ear that the America was under attack, I thought he asked if I'd like a snack. I replied "yup" and returned my attention to the little kiddies. I apologize for this.

It has since come to my attention that certain members of my cabinet have allowed their unbridled and ungodly greed to cloud their judgement. I take full responsibility for the attacks on 9/11. I take full responsibility for that.

I now turn myself in to a military tribunal to be held indefinitely with no charges.

But someday...
I will return.
by Evil Empire
>>> How much of a leap is it from slavery and genocide of the majority of the indigenous population to taking down a building full of people? <<<

Let's see, even if the "evil Republicans" did plan to take down a building, why would they take down one filled with their own: investment bankers, stock brokers, etc.

The conspiracy theorists just won't ever give it a rest.
by Sheepdog
I didn'y notice any Mellons, Du Ponts or other real elites there or we would have heard about it. To these roach droppings, anybody without MAJOR stock holdings are
expendable like you or I. To them we are like stock-yard chickens, quickly replaced.
by matthew
this is a conspiracy theory:
19 men learned to pilot planes in a bumble-fuck town in florida. they board 4 commercial passenger planes. overtake those planes with box cutters. they pilot them unchallenged for the better part of an hour over the most densly populated airpspace in the u.s. and the world. they crash them one by one into some of the most significant buildings in the u.s. over the course of an hour unchallenged. they did this under the leadership of an evil man who lives in a secret cave in afghanistan.

because of all this, we must colonize afghanistan to build a pipeline to get oil from the caspian sea. we must also curb the civil liberties we pretend to be about as a society. and of course we must re-initiate a bombing campaign in iraq

the thing is conspiracies happen. the problem is some of them aren't true. some of them, like the one i just described are so unbelievable that only an idiot or a zombie would fall for them.
by history buff
Some background:

Mellon, Du Pont and Morgan have formed an unholy fascist triumverate for decades. In 1934 they attempted to mount a coup against FDR. It was foiled by Gen. Smedley Butler (Ret.)


by KEITH LEAL (behruz [at]
As far as I know, there WERE no "investment bankers, stock brokers, etc." in the towers The people who took the fall, as usual, were just ordinary, 9 - 5 working Americans. Furthermore, the "people" who are really behind this are not mere shekle-shakers and shifty politicians; they are the shadowy forms that make America go — as they ALWAYS have. Find them and you'll be well on your way to solving our global problems......By the way, read "The Global Trap".
by Brian (insane_mosher [at]
all you fucking assholes need to get a fucking life, a year later, were still mad about the attacks, but honestly stop accusing Bush of totally ridiculous allegations. your fucking dicks are basically shitting all over the victims of 9/11 with your anti-american government rhetoric. Yes Bush is not perfect, i think sometimes he seems a little bit out of it, but for Christ sake, leave him alone, stop making allegations that are so untrue their laughable. i wanna see you motherfucking dickheads in the street so i can beat the fucking shit out of you all. so fuck off!!!!!
by talk's cheap
show up at a demo and talk like that, then see what happens
by Sheepdog
The best and only weapon anyone better have is a
video 'corder cause that scares them the most.
Anything else and you are outclassed and have
made the first move, somtimes a bad tactic without

Wht not use the expected reactionary response in
a set up. Mix and match. Have fun at their exspence
if possible, but look out for-
Things That No One but Spooks Would Do-
that, or stupids. Watch for Both.
by leaf
This is also a good one . . .
The Jews "own" and run our government. They have for over thirty years through the "800 pound lobby-gorilla in Washington called A.I.P.A.C" As a congressman or president, if you don't follow their direction you're OUT! Don't believe me? Read the remarkably courageous book by 22 year congressman Paul Finey titled "They Dare Speak Out" about the throat-hold they have and contin ue to exert on our representatives and all create all the pathetic absurdities that exist in our middle east policies. How do you feel about giving Israel 5 Billion Dollars a year (1/3 of our entire foreign policy expenses)and our military equipment to kill people?.

Then you'll know why this is all happening...Also consider reading the truth about the control of the whole global economy by John Griffin titled "The Creature from Jekyll Island" about the creation of the Federal Reserve Board. By the way the Rothschild family is behind it all. Doubt me? Read and learn. The Bush family is just another pawn in the Jewish Game board. Don't you become one and don’t believe this is “anti-semitic” or hate speech…it’s fact!
Wolf at Large
by caution
Please, don't let juvenile anger prevent a larger understanding of this very complicated world
by Ben
you are all crazy!!!! to blam this tragity on our president. your all ignorant idiots, im am 15 and i wouldnt even to somthing that immature. Fuck u all!
by Don
Ben, maybe if the $200 Billion that Bush is going to spend on this needless (AND IMMORAL) war were spent on education, schools, teachers, books, etc. you'd learn how to spell.
by Radian
Nope the kids on the money. You guys are full of shit and taking a big dump on people who died on 9/11 so fuck you. "show up at a demo and talk..blah blah" No body gives a fuck about demonstrations. After seeing the police beat the shit out of a guy in a cow suit in seattle how could the public take anything the anti-imf anti war bunch is saying. Just another case of tyranny of the minority. This isn't Vietnam and no one gives a shit about your bitchin outside of southern california.

Go to NY and start telling people the reason they got bombed was because of oppressive us foreign policy. Go demonstrate at ground zero.

Oh there is no fucking pipeline in Afganastan, nor will there be. It is a backwards shithole and will be for the forseeable future. They don't have fucking electricity in most of Afganastan how are they going to build and maintain a pipeline project. Some sorry arab would just blow it up. Pull your head out of your ass when throwing around wild myopic theories.

by Mr. Toad
Where do you people get these theories? Too much time on your hands + not enough prozac = Statements like these. This is why they teach critical thinking in most universities these days. Prior to that, graduates were embarrassing their alma maters with similar baseless accusations.
Some of you use lies and fabrications to justify your huge leaps of twisted logic. Actually very similar to the way al Qaeda uses twisted logic to justify attacks on innocent US citizens. When you don't think, but simply react to rumors, regardless of their degree of stupidity, your opinions sound ridiculous.
Very sophisticated....................NOT!
You may go now.................
I think everyone here is wrong. I believe that the possibility that the government would do something like this is there. I mean think about it for a second. Do you think that the government really cares about you? Of course there is also the possibility that the damn Arabs did it. The point is that people need to be more open-minded. Look at all of the angles and don't be a dumb ass. Remember that everything the government does is about them getting more money and not about the people being happy.
by matthew
"Oh there is no fucking pipeline in Afganastan, nor will there be. It is a backwards shithole and will be for the forseeable future. They don't have fucking electricity in most of Afganastan how are they going to build and maintain a pipeline project. Some sorry arab would just blow it up. Pull your head out of your ass when throwing around wild myopic theories."

Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, the foreign advisor of the carter adminstration, the man credited with the creation of the mujahadeen and the fall of the soviet union, disagrees. in his book "the grand chessboard" he claims that whomever controls the oil and natural gas reserves in the caspian sea via a pipeline through afghanistan, rules the world in the 21st century. he wrote this in 1999. believe me, people in power pay attention to this guy.

read his book:

i know its hard to take -- its easier to believe the ridiculous consipiracy theory that passes for an explanation for what happened last september 11th. you want so badly to believe that 19 hijackers took control of 4 commercial jets and flied them one by one into three of the most heavily guarded buildings in the world unchallenged over the span of several hours in the most densly populated, well-protected airspace on the planet, all under the leadership and coordination of an evil man in a secret cave in afgahnistan.

the reason we want to believe this is because deep down, americans want the oil, the other resources, the power. we know very bad things have to happen to keep the world the way it is, and we are looking for lies to justify our complicity. it's like an abusive relationship where you can't see a world without your lover, but you know he's doing bad things. you just want to hear lies that make you believe its all ok. sometimes you'll even ask your lover to lie to you.

but the truth is your thief president bush whacked the wtc and the pentagon; either straight up directly, or by allowing it to happen. thousands were sacrificed so the the bush regime could do whatever it wants in the world, as long as it prefaces its actions with "war on terrorism." war on terrorism -- bomb afghanistan. war on terrorism -- department of homeland security. war on terrorism -- bomb iraq. war on terrorism -- detain citizens without accusing them of crimes. etc. etc.

ben, i hope you grow an open mind before its too late. don't a mindless drone for imperialism. you owe more to yourself than that.
by matthew
"Oh there is no fucking pipeline in Afganastan, nor will there be. It is a backwards shithole and will be for the forseeable future. They don't have fucking electricity in most of Afganastan how are they going to build and maintain a pipeline project. Some sorry arab would just blow it up. Pull your head out of your ass when throwing around wild myopic theories."

Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, the foreign advisor of the carter adminstration, the man credited with the creation of the mujahadeen and the fall of the soviet union, disagrees. in his book "the grand chessboard" he claims that whomever controls the oil and natural gas reserves in the caspian sea via a pipeline through afghanistan, rules the world in the 21st century. he wrote this in 1999. believe me, people in power pay attention to this guy.

read his book:

i know its hard to take -- its easier to believe the ridiculous consipiracy theory that passes for an explanation for what happened last september 11th. you want so badly to believe that 19 hijackers took control of 4 commercial jets and flied them one by one into three of the most heavily guarded buildings in the world unchallenged over the span of several hours in the most densly populated, well-protected airspace on the planet, all under the leadership and coordination of an evil man in a secret cave in afgahnistan.

the reason we want to believe this is because deep down, americans want the oil, the other resources, the power. we know very bad things have to happen to keep the world the way it is, and we are looking for lies to justify our complicity. it's like an abusive relationship where you can't see a world without your lover, but you know he's doing bad things. you just want to hear lies that make you believe its all ok. sometimes you'll even ask your lover to lie to you.

but the truth is your thief president bush whacked the wtc and the pentagon; either straight up directly, or by allowing it to happen. thousands were sacrificed so the the bush regime could do whatever it wants in the world, as long as it prefaces its actions with "war on terrorism." war on terrorism -- bomb afghanistan. war on terrorism -- department of homeland security. war on terrorism -- bomb iraq. war on terrorism -- detain citizens without accusing them of crimes. etc. etc.

ben, i hope you grow an open mind before its too late. don't a mindless drone for imperialism. you owe more to yourself than that.
by Mic Lawler
Better titled morons on parade
by ..............
I think that would refer more accurately to the trolls who come round here all the time ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
by Paul-Ben. Gee (netpaul [at]
Its good to see that american people dont think "it doesnt matter me all of the bush's policy" because
we had simmilar situation in germany in the 30's to 45.
I really dont want to compare these subjects but i can simmilarities. Why Amerika needs its patriotism ???
War is the seed of new war and please explain me why
america has foundet org's like CFR and Trilateral Commision ??

In my mind the "western civilisation" is everything else
than a cup of philanthophers.

But i was born in germany and i have to shut up because I could be a potential Terrorist if i criticise policy of evil democracy...

WTC-disaster was a simple side-effect of bush's policy, "crusades" in eastern World ...and it will be continued.... hopefully without war and death...
a shutted up german (please excuse my BAD english)
by Andrew Rivera (andrewrivera [at]
Bush Did It!!!
by rohonda
the minute that 911 happened, my husband quite calmly said "bush did it". he is not political. he is more of a computer genius. he doesnt speak badly about anyone. is very unopinionated and non judgmental. he is known for being forgiving and fair to his friends and family, so a comment like that just threw me for a loop.
my husband thinks like a strategist. is very intelligent,sees life as beautiful. when i am bitching about something or another, he says "isnt life beautiful that god allows you to feel both pain and joy?" if bush did this, i am scared, very scared. my friend was going to school in north florida and was stuck in the traffic that was roadblocked. she said that the police were checking for voters reg cards,diverting and delaying black voters. i just dont know what to think. i love living in america with all of its cultural diversity. what other country do such a mix of races and cultures get along so well? yes, we have many unjustices, but we are trying on a whole, as a whole. please bush ,go AWAY!!
by Kayla Carrington (sugargirl37 [at]
there is no way bush could have done this. bush may be evil but he is not the devil. and only some one like the devil could have killed so many people. yes there was signs there that this might be coming but he is only doing what the military and high athority tell him.
Tell that to Col. Thomas Ferebee.
by jk
fuck all you traitors. you all should be shipped out to iraq before we start bombing. you should be ashamed of yourselves. you better hope i don't find out who you are.
by Sheepdog
Time of the patRIOT.
This is my home. I want it back.
Another vet.
by madhatter (outback71 [at]
Those placards look cute on the streets of SF, but the resulting photos get published in papers like Iowa City. You've just managed to destroy your credibility with 80% of America.

As a result, you'll never achieve the power to change things...unless you do it by violently overthrowing the Consititution.
by Red_Monkey
Its not such a far feched idea that bush had a hand in it, if not being totally responsible. Even if he didnt know about it he might have seen something like this as a bit of a blessing, I mean after all look at what kind of power he had for 6 months afterwards.
I mean cmon people, he had the lay out for a "Department Of Homeland Defense," and had submitted it to congress in a fucking week.
Nothing moves that fast in government unless its their waiting.
And how long do you let 4 jets fly on a course that was not submitted to the FAA before you start to ask questions 2 maybe 3 hours, gimme a fucking break. Had something like that happened in England they would have had fighters on it in less then an hour.
You have to look at fact for what they are, because of 9/11 our president had unchecked power for a period of time and me made the best of it. Now we as a people and a nation have to be very carefull, because we dont know what the next presidential election is going to bring so either way we are in for one fucked up roller coaster ride for the next 5 years, just you wait and see.
by Concerned Patriot
As a young member of society at 22, it saddens me to hear so many unjustified assumptions of evil regarding the current administration. I am not so naive to believe the GOP acts appropriately in every case. However, believing they have the capability to enact a conspiracy of this magnitude while maintaining sercrecy from the most pervasive liberal media the world has ever known, is at best naive.

Speaking strictly for my generation...we are children of parents who experienced government at its most disgusting point. We have been raised to believe that trusting our elected officials is equivalent to acting as "sheep." Evidently logic has devolved. Regarding any other circumstance most would agree that we cannot allow the actions of few damage the credibility of all future.

Much of what I've said can be disputed and I am aware of that, however, I have one last request. If you should choose to exercise your 1st amendment rights, then please remember to stay on point. When protesters begin comparing Bush to Hitler (as I have seen elsewhere and I suspect many here would advocate), the potential validity of your arguments is ignored. Furthermore, you become associated with leftists advocating from a more valid and reasonable standpoint. This is analagous to Jerry Falwell being considered posterboy for the right.

God Bless the USA!
by tiger
Amen to victory, amen to George Bush, and God bless America!!!

I hope you realize your blessings, if not may God help you realize them!

All of you who promote and finance this site need to rethink how and why you are able to live as you live and give honor where honor is due!
by Patriot (stupidsphmr2005 [at]
by The Truth (thetruth [at]
all i gotta say is........ YOU ARE A TOTAL BUFFOON!!!!!!!!
by misguided soul (31415926535)
"nessie's reached adulthood"
by nessie Monday September 16, 2002 at 06:43 PM

Note that in the examples smashy cited, I didn't call JoJo names. I asked him questions. Big diference.


Nessie, did you start working here after getting kicked off your high school newspaper? Just a question.
Misguided soul, did you start posting here after you got kicked out of the mental ward? Just a question.
by misguided soul (31415926535 [at]
Just the sort of juvenile entertainment that keeps me coming back!

Oh I'm sorry, were there issues to discuss? Allow me to lock-step with the indymedia party line...

I hate Zionism
I hate Capitalism
I hate Bush
I hate Police
Let's paint signs and have a street party!
There's a conspiracy against us!
When's the next protest?

Nessie is so smart! Thanks to her investigative reporting, I know that when in Gaza, don't let anyone know you're Jewish.

by The Truth (thetruth [at]
"Nessie, did you start working here after getting kicked off your high school newspaper? Just a question."
"Just the sort of juvenile entertainment that keeps me coming back!"

You are the epitomy of hypocrisy. Typical conservative. Who do you get your talking points from, Rush Limbaugh? You make me sick.
by misguided soul
Read the whole thread. Then look up "sarcasm" in the dictionary.

However, I stand by my assertion that indymedia, as a body of journalistic work, most closely resembles a high school newspaper without the adult supervision. Feel free to disagree.

by The Truth (thetruth [at]
"Read the whole thread. Then look up "sarcasm" in the dictionary."
Unlike you, I don't need a dictionary to know what the word "sarcasm" means.

"However, I stand by my assertion that indymedia, as a body of journalistic work, most closely resembles a high school newspaper without the adult supervision."
I stand by MY assertion that you are the epitomy of hypocrisy. Look "hypocrisy" up in a dictionary.
by Bush is dumb
"I hate Zionism"
doesn't everyone? 12 Jews are secretly running the world from a cave somewhere, thus every third party won't be held accountable for its own actions because it's all the Jews fault!

"I hate Capitalism"
Why can't you realize how bad capitalism is? I mean sure every first world country is being devastated by it. Unlike the successful communists system in ... err never mind. (Socialism is fine, like any other modified capitalism system, however its still capitalism, deal with it.)

"I hate Bush"
Bush is a moron, and is as dumb as they come, so when he took his pro-war anti-oppression stance, we simply took the opposite anti-war pro-oppression stance, and rather than backing up our positions with concrete arguments; we had to resort to name calling. Bush is a moron, but what then does that make us?

"I hate Police"
Law and order sucks, look how happy the Iraqi were when there was no cops, now that the cops are back they are upset, Specious reasoning don't you just love it.

"Let's paint signs and have a street party!"
Ok, what is wrong with this, at least it means we can protest without the fear of been punished, I mean if we held a human rights protest in Egypt, we would have to put our lives at risk and no one here believes that strongly in our cause, such as the so-called human shields that ran away just before the bombing started, they were only their to protect Iraqi’s during the pre-war dangerous peacetime. After all, it’s better to complain from a distance don't you think?

"There's a conspiracy against us!"
Of course there is, how else can you explain why we are always wrong.

by Hypocrite Slayer
"I mean if we held a human rights protest in Egypt, we would have to put our lives at risk..."

Oh, really? What country SUPPORTS the dictatorship of Egypt? This ought to be good. I love it when conservatives dig their own holes.
by Bush Admirer
Way to go. Whenever we conservatives don't have a valid argument, we can always refuse to answer the question. We can also try to fool the other side by posing other questions. Great job!
by We are all dumb
Perhaps my answer wasn't clear.

Who supports the dictatorship in Egypt?

Every country which recognizes and trades with Egypt, supports the dictatorship. This includes every UN member country (and the UN itself), plus Taiwan, the Palestinian territories, and a few others. In fact, anyone who is not imposing sanctions or a trade embargo on Egypt is, in fact, supporting the current country. It would be easier to list countries that oppose the dictatorship in Egypt, but offhand I can't think of any.

Now answer my question: What indymedia members oppose the dictatorship in Egypt? People here are perfectly willing to oppose democracy and capitalism, but who here puts that energy into opposing dictatorships?
by Hypocrite Slayer
"Who supports the dictatorship in Egypt?"

I see how you puposely avoided mentioning the UNITED STATES in your answer. I'm not surprised.

"Now answer my question: What indymedia members oppose the dictatorship in Egypt?"

I do.
by We are all dumb
USA is not the only country in the world, nor is it the only country that supports the current Egyptian government. When I said every UN member country, this includes USA. What, should I single out USA while remaining silent on every other country in the world that does the exact same thing?

That would make me hypocrite, wouldn't it? :-)

by ryan
Yes bush and preceding presidents did have something to do with the attacks on 9/11. maybe not directly but the the reason that countries around the world hate us is because of our foreign policy. We are fighting this so called war on terrorism yet bush is using tactics that are no better than the ones of the 9/11 attacks. 3,000 innocent people lost their lives on 9/11, but how many innocent people do you think have lost their lives in Afganistan or Iraq. All you extreme partiots out there need to stop gobbling up everything that the media and the government tell you and actually look at what is happening. I think that you might have a better arguement than "fuck off," or actually realize what is going on.
by Don't let him get his war on
Bush is a moron, so that makes Bush Admirer a Moron Admirer.

How moronic can one person possibly be?
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