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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Texas Earth First! Gears Up

by Texas EF!
Monthly Protests in Houston, TX
Monthly Protest at Maxxam be there

Hi All,

On the First Monday of every month in Houston, TX U.S.A, at 4:00pm there will be a mass protest infront of the Maxxam HQs 5847 San Felipe, Suite 2600 Houston, TX 77057 in efforts to protect the Redwoods in Northern California.

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by psyrx (psyrx_420 [at]
thanks for gettin in there faces keep up the good work

much love from all the kidz in the woods !!!
by psyrx (psyrx_420 [at]
thanks for gettin in there faces keep up the good work

much love from all the kidz in the woods !!!
by Source of the Remedy
Good for all of you and many thanks. Focusing on the real criminal has really been needed. Keep it up.
by just wondering
So, what are you assholes going to firebomb? Be specific. Give examples.
by Sheepdog
There's a link on the front page you should
follow concerning the FBI smear painting (in
their usual ham fisted way) Earth first! as a
terrorist org.
Maybe a little reading (if you want to know) would
show just how low they can be.

Judi Bari, may she rest in peace, showed more
guts than the bastards who killed her. Fools still
parrot the enviroterrorist crap but it kind of rings
like a tin-foil bell after the FBI was shown to have
lied and lied and lied. But we get to pay their fine
of a few million bucks through our taxes.
by Rio Grande
Thank you all for keeping a vigil in Texas for the trees in Cali! Working hard over here and glad to see y'all are working hard over their! Can you guys go pay Hurwitz a home visit? He came to Cali and saw the destruction but his ice cold heart wasn't warmed.
by dragon
I appreiciate your front in the heart of maxxams evil, I live in the redwoods, up high and hear we do unite with compassion and knowledge... thank you
by Reality
Oh, so Mother Nature needs a favour? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival and she wants to quit because she's losing? Screw her.
by nature bats last
hope all the greedy assholes like the one who posted this above comment - go extinct first.

why do you think we have all those droughts and floods - you uneducated moron? Human made impacts (mostly fossil fuel burning) is fucking up the earth's bio-chemistry, disrupting a fragile eco system that has taken years to evolve.
you greedy bastards, driving your SUV's around, polluting, clear cutting, etc.. are the real eco-terrorists.

nature gives and gives and gives - and what do you do? take take take - destroy, plunder, trash shit on, etc..

hope you're one of the many cancer victims resulting from environmental toxics.

at least take the time to educate yourself to the facts surrounding ecological crisis and learn what the international scientific community is so alarmed about.
by AmSick2
A real man speaks. You are a man that will
one day die with dignity and honor.
by Dragon
Yo... thanks to all those in texas, standing up for the forest in N california and particularly the rape of the mattole and freshwater. THese trees need you and they have no need at all for maxxam. They suck!
by Dragon
Yo it is so awsome that yall do this,,,,
I was just up in the demon, where the legs of the goddess got slaughtered, give a hoot for me to MR. MAXXAM... may peace prevail to all beings by a huge awakening and realization of what is left and its sacridness.
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