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Israel, a Light unto Nations? The Myth of Israeli "Purity of Arms"

by Kathleen Christison
Is it anti-Semitic to wonder what happened
to the moral compass of a society that spawns a group of young
men who will intermingle their own religious and national symbols
with feces and urine, as if the drawings and the excrement both
constitute valued autographs? Do they think Israeli shit is cleaner,
holier than anyone else's? Why are my taxes paying for this army? How can Palestinians ever make peace
in the face of filth and disrespect like this?

"Nobody Should Preach to Us Ethics, Nobody!"

Israel, a Light unto Nations?

By Kathleen Christison
Former CIA political analyst

In the never-ending propaganda show designed to depict Israel as a moral nation victimized by immoral terrorists and anti-Semites, CNN recently ran a film clip of the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin declaiming, as only he could, "Nobody should preach to us ethics, nobody!"

And, of course, few do.

It's the general assumption among the vast majority of Americans that no on can preach ethics to Israel, that light unto nations. No nation is more ethical or more innocent--or so we are told.

But I can't get something I recently saw off my mind. Every so often in the midst of a deluge of information something leaps out at you as unique--utterly electrifying, utterly horrifying, almost mind-altering in a way. One's senses become dulled after months, years, of reading about and seeing images on christison.gif"television of innocents dead from Palestinian terrorist attacks, of other innocents dead from Israeli tank or sniper fire, of cities and refugee camps devastated, in recent weeks of the entire civilian infrastructure of Palestinian society destroyed. But one searing article leapt out the other day that has stuck in my craw, and I cannot let go of it.

In an article in the May 6 issue of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz entitled "Someone Even Managed to Defecate into the Photocopier," Amira Hass--an honest, courageous Israeli woman who has spent years living among Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza--described the scenes of destruction at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture left behind after Israeli military forces lifted their siege of the towns of Ramallah and its suburb al-Birah, where the ministry is located.

Entering the building after its month-long occupation by an Israeli military unit, ministry officials, foreign cultural attaches, and reporters found a scene of grotesque vandalism. Equipment from the local radio and television station had been hurled from windows in the multi-story building, electronic equipment was destroyed or had been stolen, furniture was broken and piled up on heaps of papers, books, computer disks, and broken glass. Children's paintings had been destroyed.

And then there was this, as described by Hass: "There are two toilets on every floor, but the soldiers urinated and defecated everywhere else in the building, in several rooms of which they had lived for about a month. They did their business on the floors, in emptied flowerpots, even in drawers they had pulled out of desks. They defecated into plastic bags, and these were scattered in several places. Some of them had burst. Someone even managed to defecate into a photocopier. The soldiers urinated into empty mineral water bottles. These were scattered by the dozen in all the rooms of the building, in cardboard boxes, among the piles of rubbish and rubble, on desks, under desks, next to the furniture the soldiers had smashed, among the children's books that had been thrown down. Some of the bottles had opened and the yellow liquid had spilled and left its stain.

"It was especially difficult to enter two floors of the building because of the pungent stench of feces and urine. Soiled toilet paper was also scattered everywhere. In some of the rooms, not far from the heaps of feces and the toilet paper, remains of rotting food were scattered. In one corner, in the room in which someone had defecated into a drawer, full cartons of fruits and vegetables had been left behind. The toilets were left overflowing with bottles filled with urine, feces and toilet paper. Relative to other places, the soldiers did not leave behind them many sayings scrawled on the walls. Here and there were the candelabrum symbols of Israel, stars of David, praises for the Jerusalem Betar soccer team."

This is not a tale we are ever likely to see in the American press, so the vast majority of Americans who think with Menachem Begin that nobody can preach to Israel about ethics, that Israel's army is the only moral army in the world and always employs the doctrine of "purity of arms," will go on thinking that way.

But I cannot.

I am forced to ask some questions that that American majority will no doubt never hear: Can it, for instance, be called terrorism if an entire unit of the Israeli army forsakes purity of arms and spends a month crapping on floors, on piles of children's artwork, in desk drawers, on photocopiers?

Is this self-defense, or "rooting out the terrorist infrastructure"?

Is it anti-Semitic to wonder what happened to the moral compass of a society that spawns a group of young men who will intermingle their own religious and national symbols with feces and urine, as if the drawings and the excrement both constitute valued autographs?

Do they think Israeli shit is cleaner, holier than anyone else's?

Why are my taxes paying for this army?

How can Palestinians ever make peace in the face of filth and disrespect like this?

Kathleen Christison worked for 16 years as a political analyst with the CIA, dealing first with Vietnam and then with the Middle East for her last seven years with the Agency before resigning in 1979. Since leaving the CIA, she has been a free-lance writer, dealing primarily with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Her book, "Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy," was published by the University of California Press and reissued in paperback with an update in October 2001. A second book, "The Wound of Dispossession: Telling the Palestinian Story," was published in March 2002. Both Kathy and her husband Bill, also a former CIA analyst, are regular contributors to the CounterPunch website.

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by Pat Kincaid (laughter [at]
THERE COULD BE, I think, no clearer illustration of the fundamental differences in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than a pair of articles in today's NYT. The first details the fairly common practice of Palestinian militants murdering Palestinians accused of being "collaborators" with Israel. The other notes the uproar in Israel over the accidental deaths of Palestinian civilians in the course of Israeli military operations to root out Palestinian terrorism.

"Sophisticated" thinkers on both sides of the Atlantic are fond of pointing out that both sides in the conflict have blood on their hands. Yes, yes. We all know this -- only the most shamelss of Israeli apologists would deny that Israel has done some awful things in this conflict. But what these thinkers consistently fail to understand is that, at some point, it is no longer acceptable to fail to take a stand. It is no longer acceptable to sit on the sidelines and criticize both sides. President Bush was widely ridiculed just under a year ago for putting the rest of the world on notice that, henceforth, they were either "with us or against us." But it's true. In the face of certain evils, a failure to side with good is tantamount to siding with evil. Those who seek to keep themselves pure by maintaining the pose of innocent bystanders to and commentators upon the conflict are neither pure nor innocent.

Whatever Israel's flaws, it is a liberal democracy, one that tolerates its minority population better than most countries on earth, and certainly better than every other country in the region. Like the US, like the European democracies, it is a country that sometimes does bad things, but it is also a country in which those bad things are publicly debated and criticized, a country in which the people are actively outraged by the persecution of minorities, a country in which the leaders ultimately must answer to those people. It is -- and this fact must be endlessly repeated, because it is so unusual, so shocking -- a country with Arab members of its Parliament. Much of the Palestinian population, on the other hand, has simply gone off the deep end. It has become a culture that celebrates death -- a culture in which young people are encouraged to grow up to be suicide bombers, a culture in which people celebrated in the streets on September 11, 2001.

Support for Israel, and Israel's ultimate victory, must be in keeping with what Israel is. It must not abandon its liberal, democratic, tolerant values. It must not resort to authoritarian tactics; it must not resort to the tactics of its enemies. It must not lose its soul. But it must be supported -- and wholeheartedly -- because it has that soul. Because its soul is our soul; its values are our values. And it is facing a nihilistic enemy, just as we are.

by draco
Why support a country that leeches our cash for its apartheid cause?
Why support a country that cheers when the WTC burns?
Why support a country that attacks our vessels (with arms we gave them) in international waters for no reason at all, while claiming to be our "ally"?
I stand by the Jewish people. But I can never support any state whose stated goal is to be ethnically pure, like Israel.
by nigga please
Wake up and smell the coffee.
by truthteller
THANK YOU for posting that image. Not that any of the ostriches will see it, but the rest of us will.
by truthteller
THANK YOU for posting that image. Not that any of the ostriches will see it, but the rest of us will.
by ........

The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.
by truthteller
The black belt of lever pullers and troll killers struck again.

Since youre not supposed to respond, nessie, are you going to call me a loser again?
by truthteller
The black belt of lever pullers and troll killers struck again.

Since youre not supposed to respond, nessie, are you going to call me a loser again?
by ....

The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.
by me
You're getting the hang of it. Pull it again.
by grefft
Why are you like calling yourself a troll and making fun of yourself? Are you one of these troll nerds that hangs out on startrek forums and thinks they're cool when they piss people off?
by .......
Homer: "We played trolls online for three hours! Then I got disconnected."

Bart: "Listen to yourself, man: you're hangin' with nerds."

Homer: "You take that back!"

Marge: "Homer, please! These boys sound very nice, but they're clearly nerds."

Homer: "Really? But nerds are my mortal enemy!"

Lisa: "Dad, nerds are nothing to fear. In fact, they've done some pretty memorable things. Some nerds of note include... popcorn magnate Orville Redenbacher, rock star David Byrne, and Supreme Court justice David Souter."

Homer: (gasp) "Oh, not Souter! Oh, no!!"
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