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Powell hints at geoengineering scheme? + Humiliation for Powell at earth summit

by LZ (LAMZ [at]
If you have been watching the skies lately and reading up on the insane geoengineering schemes to mitigate global warming -- allowing the oil companies to reign supreme -- this quote might mean something to you.

Powell hints at geoengineering scheme?

"...the US is taking action to meet environmental challenges, including
global climate change" (from Guardian article below).

At first glance you see a corporate military leader shrugging off the
question of climate change with a nonchalant, but cynical, 'don't worry
we're on it'. However, when one looks at the broader picture a frightening
trend becomes apparent.

Take these factors into consideration.

The Bush administration's stance on global warming is virtually identical to
the General Motors executive's press statement after quitting the global
warming lobbying group. They're both against any cutback in the burning of
fossil fuels, but they admit that climate change is a threat to the planet
and needs to be acted upon. The GM executive said "We're eager under our new
structure to continue working with the Congress, the administration, and
others to continue advancing [technology-based solutions to the climate

What "technology-based solutions" are they advancing? What "action" is the
U.S. taking to "meet environmental challenges".

It's not alternative energy because they have already spoken against a limit
on fossil fuel consumption. Could it have something to do with Livermore
National Laboratories, Edward Teller and General Motors? Remember, GM owns
Hughes Aircraft and Raytheon E-systems, the companies to which the infamous
Welsbach and HAARP patents are issued!

Now consider the recently released reports by NASA and Environment Canada
stating that "persistent contrails" are cooling the earth's climate. This
report is absolutely bogus considering that normal contrails only persist in
moisture-saturated environments. Read this Indymedia post for more
information on "persistent contrails", chemtrails and relative humidity: or .

"What is going on?", you ask. Well, I think it's high-time for activists to
put aside their media-conditioned aversion for "conspiracy theories" and
take a serious look at the chemtrail evidence that is out there.

Geoengineering schemes exist and could have DEVASTATING EFFECTS on the
Earth's already unstable climate. Even scientists working on the
light-scattering aerosol project at Livermore, such as Ken Caldeira, have
expressed concerns with the schemes, warning that the aerosolized aluminum
oxide (and other chemicals) could soak up moisture in the upper
atmosphere -- leading to DROUGHT. Has your area been experiencing
exceptionally low amounts of rain this year? I know the GTA has. I know
Western Canada has. People on the Chemtrail Tracking USA list can't stop
talking about the drought conditions in their regions. Furthermore, the
Welsbach cloud seeding scheme could unleash unpredicted rapid climate change
such as a run-away greenhouse effect or the inducement of an ice age!

Take a look at these articles and websites, and, seriously, open you mind --
not to mention your eyes.

For a world without corporate demons,



- The truth about those strange chemical trails in the sky


- Hamilton Chemtrail pictures

- Corporate News Reports that "Contrails are Changing the Climate"

- Climate Engineering: A critical review of the proposals


Humiliation for Powell at earth summit
by guardian . Wednesday September 04, 2002 at 01:00 PM

The US secretary of state, Colin Powell was booed, heckled and jeered as he
tried to defend America's environmental record on the closing day of the
world summit in Johannesburg today.

Humiliation for Powell at earth summit
Staff and agencies
Wednesday September 4, 2002

The Guardian,12264,785902,00.html

The US secretary of state, Colin Powell was booed, heckled and jeered as he
tried to defend America's environmental record on the closing day of the
world summit in Johannesburg today.
Delegates from non-governmental groups in the audience repeatedly
interrupted his speech, chanting: "Shame on Bush".

Several people held up banners reading: "Betrayed by governments" and "Bush:
people and planet not big business". At least one person was removed from
the hall by security. Mr Powell was visibly annoyed by the repeated
outbursts. At one point he answered back: "I have now heard you."

The South African foreign minister, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who was chairing
the meeting, asked hecklers to stop. She said the outbursts were "totally
unacceptable". Dissent filled the hall when Mr Powell criticised the
government of Zimbabwe for exacerbating the food crisis in that country and
pushing "millions of people to the brink of starvation".

While his speech was delayed by the protesters, he soldiered on, and finally
delivered his message that "the US is taking action to meet environmental
challenges, including global climate change".

America has been strongly criticised by foreign leaders and environmental
activists for its rejection of the Kyoto protocol, which is widely regarded
as crucial in the bid to halt global warming.

The US argues that the agreement would prove too expensive for its polluting
industries and would cost millions of US jobs. It also complains that it is
unfair because poor countries are not bound to cut carbon emissions.

The Bush administration has faced renewed criticism at the summit because of
its resistance to binding targets to increase the use of renewable energy.
President George Bush himself refused to attend the event.
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