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Indybay Feature

Hey Berkeley, Marin, and Oaktown residents . . .

by bov
Homeless will be virtual prisoners of the state with only $50/mo. and nothing to lose . . .
To all residents of Berkeley, Oakland, Marin, Daly City, etc . . .
Are you hoping for a HUGE surge in the homeless populations in your cities? If not, I suggest you either make a monetary contribution or time commitment to help out the No on N (care not cash) campaign in SF against Gavin Newsom’s plan to force all the homeless out of the city by taking their GA money and only leaving them $50/month to live on.

And for residents of SF . . .
Are you hoping for the homeless population to get FAR more aggressive on your corner? If you’d rather not have them chasing you down the street instead of just holding out their hand and asking for money, I suggest you help out the No on N campaign. Homeless will be virtually like prisoners of the state with only $50/mo. and nothing to lose, so who knows how far their aggression will go? What difference will there be between a prison and an institution where we put them after we’ve taken their cash? Not much to lose for them . . .

For your reading pleasure . . . 2 lies from the N campaign:
1. "The New England Journal of Medicine has found that cash-only systems cost lives."
After a phone call to the NEJM, we discovered that they had made no such claim, and that Newsom has been using the Journal's trademark logo without their authorization - which, of course, is illegal.

2. "Proposition N will guarantee services"
Nothing in this initiative guarantees services. It simply cuts poor people's income to underwrite the services they now get for free. The expected savings -- which may or may not be used for services -- is actually based on the assumption poor folks will flee San Francisco. If they don't leave, the City would only realize savings from the 40% of shelter residents that are CAAP recipients.

More of the lies exposed at:

Contact to see how you can help!!
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by argh
Why don't we all contribute to the eradication of the homeless problem by buying bus tickets to Los Angeles?
by bov
LA would then bus them back up here - eventually we'd run out of money to bus them places and LA has more than SF (I'm guessing), so we'd lose.
by argh
How about Iowa?
by but
the problem is that we'd be endlessly buying the tickets, Iowa, Nebraska, Alaska. Pretty soon they'd all get pissed off at CA and we'd get into trouble.

Better idea - ship Newsom off to Iowa . . . better still, Alaska, they're mostly libertarians up there , aren't they?
by ch@nce
SF's Dept. of Human Services already offers a one-shot free bus ticket out of town to homeless people applying for assistance.

Want a real eye opener? Just ask DHS how much it spends on overhead (caseworkers, "employment specialists," fraud investigation, etc.) versus the actual dollar amount of the benefits it pays out. That's the beauty of scams like Prop N -- it will likely increase the amount of necessary staffing at DHS, translating to more political patronage jobs.
by argh
i wonder why more homeless people don't just take the ticket? maybe because they have a better deal in San Francisco?
by bov
What would you do if someone offered you a free ticket to go live in Iowa?

That sort of question assumes that homeless have no community right where they are, their favorite places to go, their friends, their experiences, etc. Home is not only the check.

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