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Anti-Fascists Counter the National Alliance in DC: 30 arrests, nazi concert

by vic
I just came across this situation while following links . . .
Go DC/Baltimore!
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by Chief
Separatists Rebuke U.S. On Israel, Immigration
1 Person Arrested In Counter-Protest

By Justin Blum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 25, 2002; Page C10

Hundreds of neo-Nazis and white separatists marched on the U.S. Capitol yesterday to protest American support of Israel, chanting, "What do we want? Jews out! When do we want it? Now!" and trading hostile words with an equal number of counter-demonstrators.

A variety of white supremacist groups -- including skinheads from Pennsylvania and separatists from West Virginia -- carried giant Nazi flags and frequently pumped their arms in the air yelling, "Sieg Heil!" as they marched in hazy, humid weather from Union Station to the West Lawn of the Capitol. They complained about non-European immigration to the United States, shredded an Israeli flag and chanted slogans in support of Palestinian independence.

The counter-demonstrators included students who said they had come to preach peace; militants chanting, "Death, death, death to the Nazis!"; and anarchists dressed in black. They were joined by a variety of others, including Palestinians who said they had come to reject the white separatists' support for Palestinian independence.

As many as 1,000 people demonstrated on each side, said Chief Terrance W. Gainer of the U.S. Capitol Police. No injuries were reported.

Police said their tactic was to prevent the two groups from getting close enough to harm each other. They were separated by about 1,000 police officers, metal barriers and plastic fencing. Some officers marched in riot gear with batons drawn while others were on horseback and motorcycles. Police helicopters buzzed overhead.

Authorities said one man was arrested after he pried loose a large cobblestone from the sidewalk at Union Station and hurled it toward the white supremacists. The rock hit the pavement, missing the demonstrators. Felipe B. Findley, 23, of Chicago was charged with disorderly conduct/missile throwing and was released after paying a $50 fine, said Lt. Phil Beck of the U.S. Park Police.

The supremacists' chants were peppered with ethnic and racial slurs. Both sides shouted obscenities and at times tried to charge police lines to get closer to one another.

As hundreds of white supremacists marched by, Jeff Skinner, 32, of Arlington thrust his middle finger into the air and chanted, "Nazis out! Nazis out!"

"These [expletive] fascists! . . . I don't want that in Washington," he said.

The march from Union Station to the Capitol was led by Billy Roper, deputy membership coordinator of the National Alliance, which calls itself a "pro-white group." Roper, who had an American flag in the pocket of his black sport coat and carried a bullhorn, said he was protesting "the U.S. government's one-sided support for the terrorist government of Israel."

He added: "The Israelis think they have the right to their own state. White Americans should have the same right."

In May, Roper and other white supremacists rallied outside the Israeli Embassy in a similar protest of U.S. support of Israel. He described yesterday's rally as the largest gathering of "white nationalists" in Washington since World War II.

Hundreds of people followed Roper, many with tattoos, banners and T-shirts echoing their chants.

Paul Gellar, 42, of Lambertville, N.J., said he joined the protest because of concern about "the destiny of European Americans in the United States."

"I feel we're being displaced by a non-white immigration policy," he said. "And our allegiance with Israel is a little too strong."

Counter-demonstrators said they were disgusted by seeing the groups march to the Capitol.

Preston Toombs, 50, of Little Rock was in Washington yesterday for his job as a software engineer. When he heard about the demonstration, he stood in front of Union Station to show his opposition to the supremacists.

"I'm very angry and disappointed in these people," he said, motioning to the other side of a police line, where demonstrators filed past carrying a banner reading "White Power."

Lisa Gomez, 25, of Gaithersburg said she was saddened to hear both sides calling for violence against one another. She said she wanted to promote tolerance and oppose the neo-Nazis.

"As a person of color, I get pretty frightened," she said as the separatists rallied nearby. "For some reason, those people don't like me because of the way I was born."
by butler
silly little fascists.
by Socialist
IMC: Please remove the pornographic comment by "butler."

What does the red on black banner say? Red on black is always difficult to read and impossible on my computer.

I am glad to hear there was a pro-Palestinian protest of these Nazis. Since these are all young people, born in the 1970s and 1980s, I would like to know why they call themselves Nazis? What is it about being white that they like so much? What is it about murdering Jews that they like so much? Why are they so preoccupied with skin color and killing and not earning a living and getting a better education? What are the schools teaching that encourages 20-year-olds to call themselves Nazis? Do the schools teach what the Nazis did? How much detail of the Holocaust is taught?

I happen to be white. When I was in my 20s (in the 1970s), I was concerned about getting a college education and getting a decent paying job. When school was done, I took classes in the evening in subjects not related to my major, just to satisfy my curiosity. I also had hobbies related to the arts. Being preoccupied with skin color and killing people was not on my agenda.
by X2
Schools aren't teaching people to be Nazis. Well not most schools anyway though a few teachers have been found out as Holocaust deniers or whatever.
The problem is essentially what the schools are NOT teaching. The focus has shifted away from turning out well-rounded citizens and moved towards turning out productive consumers. History is one subject now seen as frivolous. What little they do teach about the Holocaust is distorted, portraying it all as Hitler's fault and the act of a madman and not examining the society that elected and cheered on and aided and abetted this madman. It fails to mention the Russians, dissidents, cripples, homosexuals and others who were also gassed in the camps. It certainly doesn't go into the sociology that allowed the Holocaust.
Another thing is that the climate of government has changed. I think alot of these kids feel alienated and they are angry because it doesn't look like they have much of a future. They are nihilistic and vengeful towards society and it manifests in the most utter rejection of social values that they can think of, which is Nazism. Society has changed too and I'm sure if you look at the homes of neo-Nazi youth you will find nothing too pleasant. Now I'm not meaning to say here that you will find drugs and alcohol, though you might; what I'm more referring to is probably homes where parents have let their kids be brought up by video games and televisions and haven't really taught them any skills or values.
Its also a point worth noting that, as much as they might wish to portray themselves otherwise, the neo-Nazi youth are a small, minor fringe.
You say when you were in your 20s in the 1970s you were concerned about getting into college and getting a decent paying job. My feeling is that these days this is a hell of alot more difficult for youth. They are afraid for the future and the neo-Nazi thing is sort of an escapist fantasy. I think these people have really bought into the media portrayal of left wingers as being the ones who end up unemployed and homeless, and they think that perhaps by distancing themselves as much as possible from that they can avoid such a fate.
by Chief

X2 your absurd thesis actually applies to the brain dead young people on your team.

ARA "anti-fascists" were arrested in Baltimore suburb prior to National Alliance demonstration against Israel. One "anti-fascist" was arrested at the demonstration (in which the anti-fascists at the capitol did exercise their rights to counter protest in a
reasonable and legal manner). Then there was one more classic nigger wilding ARA attack at the Baltimore Best Western.

NIce going ARA, now most of your Baltimore unit will have some nice felony arrests, and a few convictions to go in your pd jacket so the real fascists in government can hound and eventually imprison your ass in some military stockade in the future.

And just like the last National Alliance combination anti Israel - Jew hater demonstration, not a single arrest of any National Alliance or supporting Alliance group member was to be had.

Supremacists attacked at city hotel
3 suffer minor injuries in melee; 20-30 arrested

By Laura Vozzella
Sun Staff
Originally published August 25, 2002

About 200 white supremacists on their way to a Washington rally were attacked with gas grenades, tire irons, baseball bats and hockey sticks at a Southeast Baltimore hotel yesterday, police said.
Twenty to 30 people were arrested on assault and weapons charges in the melee, which erupted about 7:30 a.m. in the parking lot, lobby and hotel rooms of the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center in the 5600 block of O'Donnell St., police said. Officials said about 30 to 40 people participated in the attack.

Three of the white supremacists suffered minor injuries, and one of those was treated at an area hospital, police said.

Fifty to 60 police officers responding to the scene brought the fight under control within half an hour, Maj. Fred Bealefeld III said.

It was not immediately known whether the attackers were counter-demonstrators or members of a rival supremacist group, police said. Police identified the victims as white supremacists and skinheads based on their clothing and tattoos, which featured Nazi symbols.

Some members of the group said they belong to the National Alliance, an organization whose Web site promotes the creation of "an Aryan society." They said they were traveling to a Washington rally to protest government tax policies.

Some of the white supremacists had spent the night in the hotel and others arrived in the morning to join them on the trip to Washington, police said. A large number were from Pennsylvania, Bealefeld said.

The attackers used some sort of gas grenade -- either pepper spray or camouflaging smoke, said Officer Troy J. Harris, a police spokesman.

Most of the fighting occurred in the parking lot of the hotel, located in a travel plaza east of Interstates 95 and 895.

Assaults also occurred in the lobby and rooms on the eighth floor of the hotel, where many of the victims had rented three rooms, police said. Some damage to the rooms resulted, police said. Hotel officials declined to comment.
by X2
what 'team' are you referring to? I'm just a guy sitting at home until my disability is up.
I really can't see that you have said one single thing to refute my statements. The Nazis got attacked, yes. How does this change their fundamental nature? Not at all. This is like saying that the moment Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany, Hitler turned into a little white angel and started flying around on his gossamer wings. No. Whatever evils may be committed against you, do not change the facts about your nature.
The pictures you posted really don't speak too well for your side. The antifascists look a bit rough, but, well, basically like normal kids. The weird group of bald freaks marching around with swastikas, on the other hand, do not look like any people I've ever seen. They look pretty demented. From the looks of things, it looks as if they were basically asking to be attacked, with all the provocative imagery they were using.
by cheney&rumsfeldarethebiggestfascists
The person who posted the article abt the fight at the hotel, then called it "n--- wilding," obviously is stupid as well as racist. When you learn to read, freak, you'll notice that the police couldn't tell if the attackers were anti-fascist or rival white supremacists. If indeed the attackers were of the race you specify, the police would have known at least that they weren't white supremacists.
by chris gilles
"About 200 white supremacists on their way to a Washington rally were attacked with gas grenades, tire irons, baseball bats and hockey sticks at a Southeast Baltimore hotel yesterday"

why is that guy bragging that his people got their arse kicked by a bunch of scrawny looking kids? What kind of Nazis are these? Are they gong to drive over us with panzie tanks? Or maybe they will divebomb us with their poufftwaffe? Perhaps they will just launch a ditzkrieg. Run for the hills - its the attack of the whining fat bald kids!
by Skin
2.Play loud punk/ska/oi!
4.Drink and repeat
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