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Indybay Feature

who REALLY runs this country?

by theFixer (cheepskaight [at]
who REALLY runs this country?
When I get to thinking, it's not a good thing. I'm not saying I'm a deviant or anything...I simply mean, I tend to over think stuff. THIS, I don't believe I'm over thinking...

Bush Jr..."the antichrist." Is there a difference? I mean, I don't believe in the bible, or any type of organized religion for that matter, but DAMN! Everything predicted in the bible is damn near true...

  • 1) He will rise to power and be very popular. ---Correct me if I'm wrong, but he DID in fact become president under some VERY suspicious circumstances, no?

2) Bad shit will happen. ---Well? America got freggin blown up under his "command" persay. I dunno...I don't wanna go into TOO much detail...but WTF???

I didn't even vote this past election, but if I had, it obviously wouldn't have mattered anyways, no? I mean...POPULAR votes? What does that mean? ooooh, yeah... the state that likes him the most gets to choose...that's right.

Anyways...think about that next time you raise your petty american flag thinking people will like you more.

By the way, I was born in California. I'm as american as american can be, just without all the hippocrocy.


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