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Indybay Feature

Scotia lockdown images from 08/05/02

by save the old growth! (savethemattole [at]
On Monday, August 5th, at around 11:45am a car occupied by three environmental activists drove up to the front door of the Pacific Lumber Company (PL) headquarters in Scotia, Ca. Still inside the car, they locked themselves to each other and the vehicle using “lockboxes” made from metal pipes.
Also see the proposal to end the conflict in the Mattole at the following url on the SF site:
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by corporate link
Looks like Hurwitz is gonna get subpeona'd by the FDIC for his contributions in the Savings and Loan scandal.
by Mr. Peabody
Seizing all of PL's land and turning it into parklands might be fair compensation for Charlie's misdeeds. Citizens need fair compensation for his rip-offs. Is this a possibility?
by Ash Catcher
Oh yeah, you forgot to mention that the car was stolen; the VIN number erased, and the plates were from another car.
by Gail
The Humboldt County Sheriffs Department did a very good job in arresting those darn protestors on Aug.5,2002.They had no right in parking thiere car in front of PL's main office like they did.I mean what if there was a fire inside of that office and they couldn't of gotten out that front door because it was blocked.I am saying that this guy claiming to be against the protestors asked several of us PL People if there was any other entrances to the office i mean come on what does he think we are "stupid" i mean we would never tell you guys that.You came to Scotia ,my town and you stunk it up some but you know what"we won" and you guys got arrested.So go home and take showers if you have a home to go to,cut your hair.
by Gail
The Humboldt County Sheriffs Department did a very good job in arresting those darn protestors on Aug.5,2002.They had no right in parking thiere car in front of PL's main office like they did.I mean what if there was a fire inside of that office and they couldn't of gotten out that front door because it was blocked.I am saying that this guy claiming to be against the protestors asked several of us PL People if there was any other entrances to the office i mean come on what does he think we are "stupid" i mean we would never tell you guys that.You came to Scotia ,my town and you stunk it up some but you know what"we won" and you guys got arrested.So go home and take showers if you have a home to go to,cut your hair.
by Gail
The Humboldt County Sheriffs Department did a very good job in arresting those darn protestors on Aug.5,2002.They had no right in parking thiere car in front of PL's main office like they did.I mean what if there was a fire inside of that office and they couldn't of gotten out that front door because it was blocked.I am saying that this guy claiming to be against the protestors asked several of us PL People if there was any other entrances to the office i mean come on what does he think we are "stupid" i mean we would never tell you guys that.You came to Scotia ,my town and you stunk it up some but you know what"we won" and you guys got arrested.So go home and take showers if you have a home to go to,cut your hair.
by Elmer Fud
The green revolution -- the agricultural revolution that enabled farmers to triple yields in less than 50 years-- is over. Food production stabilized in the 80's and per capita food production is dropping as the population is increasing. There is virtually no more land to farm and we're losing top soil at an accelerated rate. People will be desperate in a few years right here in our backyard, willing to use any justification to survive, grabbing whatever scraps are left. Those who live far from the earth will suffer the most. After its all over the people who defended our natural heritage will be heroes because whatever's left will be the seeds for the next generation. Whatever is left is what we will go into the next few millenium with. Hopefully it will include forests, not just nuclear waste dumps and burned out cities. I hope that we can have the heart and compassion to include all other creatures in the 'arc' we're creating, to get us throught the coming flood of desperation.
by Rio
Instead of interfering with the workers we decided that we should take it to the management. PL's Robert Manne told us to address our concerns with him and when we tried he ignored us. Corporations shouldn't have citizenship rights under our constitution. They are supposed to be tools for us to use.
The front door wasn't blocked as is evidenced by people entering and leaving all day long. The dialogue with the workers was the best part and I hope that someday they understand just how badly the corporate pigs have used them. Don't blame other people for your woes. Stand up for yourselves or suffer the consequences.
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