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Indybay Feature


by ML
May 15th is zionazis "occupation Day." which began more than fifty
years ago and aggressively continues today.

. While the world will be expected to reverently bow our heads in
commemoration of this solemn
date I wonder if Sharon will take a break from his murderous
activities, or will heighten them in celebration of zionazis
"occupation." Whichever way Sharon lumbers, this year, finally, I
don't think the rest of the world will stand humbly by, heads bowed,
reverently reciting the zionazis line of "Never again."

The so-called peace negotiations between zionazis and the Palestinians
have deteriorated into classic Sharon terror and brutality, backed by
our client regime in Washington DC, ignored by our media and
applauded by The zionazis deranged supporters in the US and Europe.
But there is a dirty little secret that is bubbling to the surface
around the world, the secret that could pierce The zionazis underbelly
like a knife through warm butter. The zionazis has denied the most basic
rights to anyone who knows this dirty little secret. The zionazis has
made sure that those in the know are locked up in jails, their
families terrorized, their homes fire-bombed. The Bully issues death
threats, forces through legislation that forbids the truth in courts
of law - even murders those who would tell the world The zionazis
dirty little secret. But with all the terror tactics, censorship laws
and brute force, even The zionazis cannot prevent the truth from

What is this dirty little secret, you ask? I will tell you, but
first I must warn you to keep your eyes wide open and your hands away
from your ears. Don't get faint. The Palestinian people need us to
slice through that warm butter, to bring The zionazis down once and for
all, and it will take all of us using all of our might to do so.

Okay, take a deep breath now and be brave! Here's the dirty little secret.

If you can't stand the heat or can't face the truth, you'll have more
Palestinian blood on your hands and that nation of innocents could
perish from the earth. The Palestinians will never succumb to
slavery, so The zionazis will have to kill them all.

Palestinians. For more than half a century The zionazis have been
shooting babies in the face, shooting little boys who throw stones,
murdering women and children, butchering men on their way to work,
bulldozing houses while families sleep, carving trenches around
villages to cut them off from the rest of the world, bombing houses,
assassinating activists and silencing any critics.

It is time to denounce The zionazis lies with all of our moral fiber,
together. Our humanity, in the face of such terror and injustice,
demands it of us. Arm yourselves with the truth. The zionazis cannot,
any longer, silence us all. There are millions who know the dirty
little secret. It is up to us to expose it, to pierce The zionazis
underbelly with the Truth.

May 15th is zionazis Occupation Day. Spread the Truth and we can set
the Palestinians free. Only then will we be true to the phrase "Never


by ME!
You have no idea about what you're talking about. I bet you are muslim. Sharon used bruality only after the palestines did. An eye for an eye. The Jews have been through enough leave them alone. They are defending themselves and you say that's wrong? Isrealis only used bruitlity after the palestine peace agreements failed when the palestinian peopel decided to go bomb buses filled with CHILDREN! Muslims are the inhumane people. Go to Democratic party offically merges with the Republican party and look for my comment. There i have the whole history of this dispute. feel free to comment back. I'm done listening to bullshit like this and to people who refer to Jews as Zionists becuase they wanna sound all techinical and anti-semitic. Don't bash others unless you're prepared to be bashed. Also it'll help if you knew the history beyond the problem, which you obviously don't. get a life and a hobby.
by ME!
i didn't read the whoel article..i'm sorry i was rude...and now since i did. YOU'RE MORE OF A BULLSHITTER THEN I THOUGHT! shooting babies in the face? you gotta be kidding me, the Jewish people would never do that, becuase it is against their religion to kill any child and in general to commit murder unless you're under extreme threat. and those little innocent boys throwing stones?! THEY STONED JEWISH LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS TO DEATH. wow, you have no idea about the terror faced on the other side. you have a big ego thinking that your side is sooooooo innocent. i admit both sides had their wrongs but you can't balem everyone on one religion or people. seriously, read my other comments on the other article, you might gain some brains afterwards.
by re:
"Muslims are the inhumane people"
Isnt that racist?

Trying to argue if Sharon or the Palestinians used violence first seems like a pointless exercise since Sharon's military history goes way back... When Palestine was under British control did the Birtish or the Zionists use violence first? Those who went on the found Israel hijacked planes and blew things up but Britain had the army and engaged in "state terror"... does it really mater who hit who first?
by tell that to Zionist Israel
"Don't bash others unless you're prepared to be bashed."
by ME!
um...i said muslims are inhumane becuase you proclaim sharon inhumane. i'm just saying what you did, in my opinion. Britain controlled Palestine yes...BUT quite a LONG while ago. Britian made promises to both people and broke them both and once the two started fighting the british gave the land put to the UN! so britain doesn't control the lands no more. And the Un made peace offers, one that both sides ACCEPTED. however muslims broke that agreement and isreal got fed up and fought back.
get your history right.
read a book.
and don't quote me, you do not have my permission becuase you are an anti-semite and close minded.
by ME!
also me syaign muslims are inhumane is not being racist until i say "i want them dead those rodents" which i didn't say. I am stating an educated opinion based on the knowledge i have obtained through non-biased studies.
by Bunch of ranting, anti-Israel bullshit
The idiotic EXAGGERATED, DISHONEST bullshit used in the editorial atop this thread is laughable.

While it depresses me to know that there are so many crazies out there who are obsessed with demonizing Israel as much as humanly possible regardless of whether it's realistic or fair to do so, I take solace in the fact that the INTELLIGENT PEOPLE THAT MATTER do not fall for such rhetoric.

Also, I have a hard time believing that people who aren't antisemitic could lie in this manner. Whoever wrote that crap has a clear agenda, and they're sick in teh head.

by ME
finally a person with brains!
by ME!
the "finally a person with brains" comment was ment for the person above who called this editorial bullshit.
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