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Secret RAND Paper to Pentagon Says Saudi Arabia is

by Jack Shafer
Text of the well-received RAND Corp Presentation to the Pentagon declaring Saudi Arabia a "kernel of evil" that should be attacked and taken over.

Diplomatic china rattled in Washington and cracked in Riyadh yesterday when the Washington Post published a story about a briefing given to a Pentagon advisory group last month. The briefing declared Saudi Arabia an enemy of the United States and advocated that the United States invade the country, seize its oil fields, and confiscate its financial assets unless the Saudis stop supporting the anti-Western terror network.

The Page One story, by Thomas E. Ricks ("Briefing Depicted Saudis as Enemies: Ultimatum Urged To Pentagon Board," Aug. 6), described a 24-slide presentation given by Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec on July 10, 2002, to the Defense Policy Board, a committee of foreign policy wonks and former government officials that advises the Pentagon on defense issues. Murawiec's PowerPoint scenario, which is reproduced for the first time below, makes him sound like an aspiring Dr. Strangelove.
<see link for rest of article>

Taking Saudi Out of Arabia

Laurent Murawiec
Defense Policy Board
July 10, 2002


Taking Saudi out of Arabia:

The Arab Crisis

"Saudi" Arabia


The Arab Crisis


The systemic crisis of the Arab

The Arab world has been in a systemic crisis for the last 200 years
It missed out on the industrial revolution, it is missing out on the digital revolution
Lack of inner resources to cope with modern world


Shattered Arab self-esteem

Shattered self-esteem
Could God be wrong?
Turn the rage against those who contradict God: the West, object of hatred
A whole generation of violently anti-Western, anti-American, anti-modern shock-troops

What has the Arab world

Since independence, wars have been the principal output of the Arab world
Demographic and economic problems made intractable by failure to establish stable polities aiming at prosperity
All Arab states are either failing states or threatened to fail

The Crisis of the Arab world
reaches a climax

The tension between the Arab world and the modern world has reached a climax

The Arab world's home-made problems overwhelm its ability to cope

The crisis is consequently being exported to the rest of the world

How does change occur in the
Arab world?

There is no agora, no public space for debating ideas, interests, policies
The tribal group in power blocks all avenues of change, represses all advocates of change
Plot, riot, murder, coup are the only available means to bring about political change

The continuation of politics by other

In the Arab world, violence is not a continuation of politics by other means -- violence is politics, politics is violence
This culture of violence is the prime enabler of terrorism
Terror as an accepted, legitimate means of carrying out politics, has been incubated for 30 years ...

The crisis cannot be contained to the
Arab world alone

The crisis has irreversibly spilled out of the region
9/11 was a symptom of the "overflow"
The paroxysm is liable to last for several decades
U.S. response will decisively influence the duration and outcome

"Saudi" Arabia


The old partnership

Once upon a time, there was a partnership between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia

Partnerships, like alliances, are embodied in practices, ideas, policies, institutions, people -- which persist after the alliance has died


"Saudi" Arabia

An instable group: Since 1745, 58% of all rulers of the House of Saud have met a violent demise
Wahhabism loathes modernity, capitalism, human rights, religious freedom, democracy, republics, an open society -- and practices the very opposite
As long as enmity had no or little consequences outside the kingdom, the bargain between the House of Saud and the U.S. held

Means, motive, opportunity

1973: Saudi Arabia unleashes the Oil Shock, absorbs immense flows of resources -- means
1978: Khomeiny challenges the Saudis' Islamic credentials, provoking a radicalization and world-wide spread of Wahhabism in response -- motive
1979-1989: the anti-Soviet Jihad gives life and strength to the Wahhabi putsch within Sunni Islam -- opportunity. The Taliban are the result

The impact on Saudi policy

Wahhabism moves from Islam's lunatic fringe to center-stage -- its mission now extends world-wide
Saudis launch a putsch within Sunni Islam
Shift from pragmatic oil policy to promotion of radical Islam
Establish Saudi as "the indispensable State" -- treasurers of radical, fundamentalist, terrorist groups

Saudis see themselves

God placed the oil in the kingdom as a sign of divine approval
Spread Wahhabism everywhere, but keep the power of the al-Saud undiminished
Survive by creating a Wahhabi-friendly environment -- fundamentalist regimes -- throughout the Moslem world and beyond


The House of Saud today

Saudi Arabia is central to the self-destruction of the Arab world and the chief vector of the Arab crisis and its outwardly-directed aggression
The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader
Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies
A daily outpouring of virulent hatred against the U.S. from Saudi media, "educational" institutions, clerics, officials -- Saudis tell us one thing in private, do the contrary in reality



What is to be done?

During and after World War I, Britain's India Office backed the House of Saud; the Foreign Office backed the Hashemites. The India Office won
But the entire post-1917 Middle East settlement designed by the British to replace the Ottoman Empire is fraying
The role assigned to the House of Saud in that arrangement has become obsolete -- and nefarious

"Saudi Arabia" is not a God-
given entity

The House of Saud was given dominion over Arabia in 1922 by the British
It wrested the Guardianship of the Holy Places -- Mecca and Medina -- from the Hashemite dynasty
There is an "Arabia," but it needs not be "Saudi"

An ultimatum to the House of

Stop any funding and support for any fundamentalist madrasa, mosque, ulama, predicator anywhere in the world
Stop all anti-U.S., anti-Israeli, anti-Western predication, writings, etc., within Arabia
Dismantle, ban all the kingdom's "Islamic charities," confiscate their assets
Prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including in the Saudi intelligence services

Or else ...

What the House of Saud holds dear can be targeted:
—Oil: the old fields are defended by U.S. forces, and located in a mostly Shiite area
—Money: the Kingdom is in dire financial straits, its valuable assets invested in dollars, largely in the U.S.
—The Holy Places: let it be known that alternatives are being canvassed

Other Arabs?

The Saudis are hated throughout the Arab world: lazy, overbearing, dishonest, corrupt
If truly moderate regimes arise, the Wahhabi-Saudi nexus is pushed back into its extremist corner
The Hashemites have greater legitimacy as Guardians of Mecca and Medina

Grand strategy for the Middle

• Iraq is the tactical pivot

• Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot

• Egypt the prize

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Sat, Aug 10, 2002 4:18PM
Clean house Now
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