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Protest General Myers in SF 7/31!!!

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
General Myers will be speaking to the Commonwealth Club at the Fairmont Hotel, Wednesday, July 31st. Time to protest and educate the media and public about him and his supporting role in 9-11 and the subsequent spurt in military spending, implementation of military repression within the U.S.
Protest GENERAL RICHARD MYERS, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, WEDNESDAY JULY 31, 2002 at the Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason St., San Francisco (sponsored by the Commonwealth Club- 5:45 p.m., Registration | 6:30 p.m., Program | Gold Room-!!! Why???

Myers serves as the principal military advisor to the President, the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Council.

Myers shares top billing with Bush, and Rumsfeld in Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel’s damning article:


Cheryl Seal in her excellent editorial
Smoking Gun -
The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush

Writes of the general-

Richard B. Myers: Less than three weeks after Bush received the now- famous memo of August 6, Myers was named by Bush to the top post in the US military: Chairman of Joints Chief of Staff. This is what a non-American (and thus less spun) news source (Pravda) had to say about that appointment: "Gen. Myers was chosen for the job precisely because his views are shared by both of his bosses, President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. He is considered an active advocate of deploying the National Missile Defense program. He told a news conference that he would be working on the materialization of the idea "relentlessly" and "with his sleeves rolled up." Right after 9/11, Myers was caught in a lie when he claimed that no orders were given re: launching aircraft until AFTER the Pentagon was hit, "We did scramble fighter aircraft, AWACs, radar aircraft and tanker aircraft to begin to establish orbits in case other aircraft showed up in the FAA system that were hijacked. That order, to the best of my knowledge, was after the Pentagon was struck."

However, Marine Corps Maj. Mike Snyder of NORAD told a Boston Globe reporter that the command had been told about the hijacking 10 minutes before the first plane hit the first World Trade Center tower. Snyder said the fighters remained on the ground until after the Pentagon was hit, even though "fighters routinely intercept aircraft."…

From the first, the plan of the Bush administration has been to extend military power into space while creating a domestic police state in the name of "Homeland Security. In this scheme, the line between military and police would be blurred.
Elements of the CIA, which has traditionally worked more with the military, have now been folded into the FBI, while yet more restrictions on the power of the agencies over ordinary citizens have been removed. For a grim picture of where Bush et al were trying to take America as of August, 2001, see "The Next Battlefield," by Jack Hitt. Here's an excerpt from that article:

"The political attention devoted to national missile defense, which is an updated version of President Reagan's Strategic Defensive Initiative, has obscured its larger purpose. According to the Strategic Master Plan, N.M.D. is but one part of a triad of technologies -along with improved space surveillance and anti-satellite offensive weaponry- that, the Air Force hopes, will lead to total "space control." George Friedman, an intelligence consultant and the author of "The Future of War," calls the national missile defense plan a "Trojan horse" for the real issue: the coming weaponization of space. The cost of expanding our space assets is only now beginning to show itself.
Many of the specific systems for space have had their budgets increased in President (G.W.) Bush's first defense-spending."
The three major proponents of this "new military": Richard B. Myers, Ralph Eberhardt, and Donald Rumsfeld.

However, in the summer of 2001, the American public's support for the Bush administration's schemes, in general, was weak and waning fast. In August, 2001 Bush's approval rating had slumped to under 50%. However, within just a few weeks of 9/11, with virtually no opposition from Congress, Myers had been confirmed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. By Nov. 2001, Homeland Security had been established, and the Patriot Act been passed. By April 2002 - Rumsfeld, Myers and Eberhardt had announced the formation of NORTHCOM, the mega military complex that consolidated their power.

Here's an excerpt from an April 18, 2002 article in the Boston Globe:

"Air Force General Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was responsible for drafting the new command plan -and who calls the establishment of the new command the most significant structural change in his 37 years in uniform- said yesterday that the Northern Command (NORTHCOM) 'takes the various homeland security missions being performed by various combatant commanders and some agencies and puts them under one commander [to] bring unity and focus to the mission.' Air Force General Ralph E. Eberhardt is slated to head the new command, which will also include oversight of NORAD and the territorial defense missions of the JFCOM."

In short, 9/11 was used as a springboard for the pre-9/11 Bush scheme. The steps taken in the name of Homeland security that were done in the name of 9/11 were actually already planned well before that event. It was the event that made it possible to implement them. If you want to get an idea of where this merger between the military and law enforcement is headed, how about this statement made by Ralph Eberhardt at the Space Symposium held in Colorado Springs in early 2002: "Over time we can leverage our space assets to support homeland security and law enforcement. " So, for example, does this mean the use of military satellites to spy on citizens?

Now ponder this point: Since Bush took office, he has richly rewarded every single person who helped him substantially, usually with top posts or the legislation they wanted. After 9/11, we see Myers and Eberhardt moving up into top posts of incredible power. What were they being rewarded for? “

Who are the real terrorists? Who was responsible for the deaths of thousands in New York and DC? Who benefited from those attacks? Whose power increases at the expense of our freedoms? Who is threatening perpetual war and trying to paralyze people with fear?

All who value Life, Liberty, Justice, Peace, please come to say “No, not in our name.” We refuse to be terrorized into silence, while generals parade about championing WAR.
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