Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

USA Political Police: Bensouda's Upcoming Trial

by stop herr ashcroft
Information from Chicago about detained anarchist activist Ahmed Bensouda
Foreign National Ahmed Bensouda, arrested by the FBI and handed over to the INS on a visa violation, will have a hearing this Friday, June 21 at 1p.m. at the Immigration Courts located at 10 W. Jackson St. in downtown Chicago.

After 14 days of detainment, Bensouda first appeared in front of an INS judge Wednesday, June 12. His case was classified a "Special Case." At the State's request, the hearing was held "in camera," meaning observers were kicked out of the courtroom, and the proceedings would NOT be recorded. The state asked for a continuance, presumeably to gather "secret evidence" to deny Bensouda bond.

Clearly, the state has taken special interest in Bensouda's case. As an Arab-African Muslim involved in Palestinian Solidarity, organizing against nazis, and as an anarchist activist, the state has given us reason to beleive that Bensouda has been targeted on the basis of his political involvement. He now calls on your support for his political defense campaign.

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. Join us this Friday at noon in front of the Immigration courts at 10 W Jackson St. There will also be a press conference at 12:30pm. If you are interested in attending his hearing, please consider arriving early and proceeding to the basement of the building where his hearing will take place.

for more information, check out

Contact Aaron Love or Raana Ahmed at
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by stop herr ashcroft
Another fine example of Herr Asscruft protecting our freedoms ... certainly *not* taking them away. After all, the illegitimate military coup government has already stated that U.S. citizens can be detained, categorized as "enemy combatants," and held without trial for as long as they want! Great!
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