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Indybay Feature

Massacres of Muslims in INDIA

by try_4_justice (try_4_justice [at]
India more than 2000 people have been killed (mostly are burnt alive), women have been raped, and thousands of houses, shops and vehicles of Muslims have been burnt and The Indian government which claims to be secular is certainly supporting and ignoring the racist mobs and the terrorist Hindu organizations Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Rashtaria Sevak Singh (RSS), Bajrang Dal, and the Shev Sena (SS).
During the current massacres of Muslims in India more than 2000 people have been killed (mostly are burnt alive), women have been raped, and thousands of houses, shops and vehicles of Muslims have been burnt and The Indian government which claims to be secular is certainly supporting and ignoring the racist mobs and the terrorist Hindu organizations Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Rashtaria Sevak Singh (RSS), Bajrang Dal, and the Shev Sena (SS).
Indian government is undoubtedly committing massacre and genocide of Muslims in India, but the UN and the global community hasn't played its due role to save the Muslims in India.
This message is a plea to you to kindly take some action for the sake of Humanity and Human Rights, and ask UN to ban VHP, RSS and Shev Sena and declare them terrorist organizations.

And if you can't do any thing atleast you might contribute in helping the suffering Muslims of India by forwarding this mail.

(please see the attached file thatsindia.gif, and if you can't kindly visit this page
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by jane
Hey you! what the heck you think you are talking about? India is a democratic country... Are you just another democracy-hating muslim?

Well, I know the matter has no relationship to democracy but, so is the israeli agression toward palestinian civillians. but you know, palestinians and muslims do not hate israel because jews kill muslims and occupy their lands. Muslims hate jews because they hate democracy and freedom.

Well, it is not very clear to me when I try to explain but... But this is what our president says. so it should be true. Do you think we are fools? Do you think our president is a fool?
by Me
To: Jane
What do the Jews or Israel have to do with the killings in India?
by malik
this is organised crime supported by indian govt.But no one can kill the soul of Islam,these are signs of panic amongst disbelievers.
.Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole world,particularly in USA and Europe.Muslims need to unite.Victory belongs to Islam.

by S
Hmmm... everyone posting messages on this board (except for the racist guy) seems to have forgotten that this began this Muslims set fire to a train carrying Hindu's killing 500 of them. No culpability? Why aren't you outraged at their deaths? Muslims are creating as much violence as they are receiving.

India is a country that tries to protect the rights of the minorities- Muslims and Christians. Compare this with Pakitsan. Why are Muslim countries never called on for how they drive out every other religious group?
by S
Hmmm... everyone posting messages on this board (except for the racist guy) seems to have forgotten that this began this Muslims set fire to a train carrying Hindu's killing 500 of them. No culpability? Why aren't you outraged at their deaths? Muslims are creating as much violence as they are receiving.

India is a country that tries to protect the rights of the minorities- Muslims and Christians. Compare this with Pakitsan. Why are Muslim countries never called on for how they drive out every other religious group?
by S
Hmmm... everyone posting messages on this board (except for the racist guy) seems to have forgotten that this began this Muslims set fire to a train carrying Hindu's killing 500 of them. No culpability? Why aren't you outraged at their deaths? Muslims are creating as much violence as they are receiving.

India is a country that tries to protect the rights of the minorities- Muslims and Christians. Compare this with Pakitsan. Why are Muslim countries never called on for how they drive out every other religious group?
by An observer
58 people died, and apparently, the incident wasn't unprovoked (though it was still horrible, and the worst way to deal with the abuses).

But don't let me stop you from exaggerating grievances against Muslims for your coming pogrom, even when there's already one taking place in India.

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