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Indybay Feature

More Pictures of Federal Building Action

by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
On Tuesday May 7th activists took direct action occupying the Oakland Federal building with a lockdown and banner hang.

On Tuesday May 7th activists took direct action occupying the Oakland Federal building with a lockdown and banner hang.

The occupation lasted from late morning until early evening when the activists were cut out of their lockboxes, removed from their poles and were arrested.

The arresting officers used pain compliance holds while arresting the activists... this can be seen in pictures.

for more info contact palestineaction [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
§The Arrests
by Josh Warren-White (joshuaww [at]
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by Wish I Was There
Thanks, and keep up the struggle for human rights and dignity for all.
by Paddy Wagon Driver
Yeah, thanks for being so stupid. You make the rest of us look good.

Throw their dumb asses in the clink. Don't bend over for the soap.

Do you guys know how to toss a salad?
by Heywood Jablowme
These people are fucking pathetic! All of these anti-American scumbags should be rounded up and have their heads shaved like the Dutch women in WWII who consorted with the enemy.

Get jobs and contribute to society!

by Tagh
I think that it is ironic that these people are using non-violent protest to protect the interests of people who use suicide bombing as their voice of discontent.
I wonder how they would feel if a member of there family was killed by a suicide bombing or if they lived in New York and saw first hand what Arab terror means. These people are defending animals, they are anti-semites, unpatriotic and most of all stupid. If it was not for Israel in the middle east, Sadamm Hussien would have build a nuclear bomb by now and launched it against the United States. Israel is doing America's dirty work in the middle east and is constantly fighting the international war on terror.
by debate coach
>If it was not for Israel in the middle east, Sadamm Hussien would have build a nuclear bomb by now and launched it against the United States.

And the proof of this is?
by Jim Marques
I agree that these protesters have the right to stand up for what they believe in, and I support them 100% for going this far. However, I do disagree with their cause. I think Isreal (and the US) has offered many plans for peace, but the PLO hasn't shown that they are interested. Even if land is given to them for a Palestine State, and I believe it should be, there's no guarentee the violence will stop. Believe me, we are no angels either, but we did offer then a peaceful solution and they did not encouragingly respond.

While I agree that there is no hard proof that Sudam Hussein would bomb us if Isreal weren't there, he did attack Kuwait. So, I believe he will attack anyone he feels like it, no matter what, regardless of Isreal's existance. I do believe that because of Isreal's and our military presence has stopped him, and others (like the PLO) from further aggression.
by Jones
The protestors shouldnt take their right to protest for granted!!! They should remember that in many countries -middle eastern ones in particular- people dont have the freedom to speak out. Consequently they should concentrate their energies towards fighting the truly one-sided evils, such as the power-hungry Arab dictators who suppress their populations causing them to flee by the millions, seeking asylum in Britain, France, Italy, Australia, and other Western democracies.
by Jones
The protestors shouldnt take their right to protest for granted!!! They should remember that in many countries -middle eastern ones in particular- people dont have the freedom to speak out. Consequently they should concentrate their energies towards fighting the truly one-sided evils, such as the power-hungry Arab dictators who suppress their populations causing them to flee by the millions, seeking asylum in Britain, France, Italy, Australia, and other Western democracies.
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