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Free, Free Speech!! Free Palestine!! - actions coming up at UCB

by irlandeso (fwscucb [at]
Week of Actions at UCB
Free, Free Speech!! Free Palestine!!
Note: Get off the internet, destroy the right wing!!!

The concept of freedom of speech on the UC Berkeley campus has always been a joke, and the administration has basically always tryed to control the time, place, and manner...not to mention the content of your speech. The University as usual is choosing to try to stifle protests against its ongoing complicity in supporting Israeli terror against the people of Palestine. We have seen the UC Regents act this way before, during the anti-apartheid movement of the 80s, when even though they agreed to divest from the infrastructure of South African Apartheid...They never actually did, and thus always relied on that foggy notion of constructive engagement. This idea is used very often by the United States government in relations to it's foreign policy decisions: such as the recent attempt to "constructively" engage in Venezuelan politics, the "constructive" invasion of Vietnam, the ongoing "constructive" bombing exercises on the island of Vieques, the "constructive" engagement with Allende in Chile on September 11th 1973. How about the "constructive" engagement with military dictatorships and training of other militaries to terrorize their people and suppress true democracy like in the Phillipines now, or Central American countries throughout the 80s.

It is obvious that we must stop this cycle of violence, and that begins with stopping the funding for all acts of terrorism, and this does not exempt Israelis or people from the United States. We are all collectively responsible for what is going on right now in Palestine and many other parts of the world. Our silence in these matters equals complicity with the system of oppression and brainwashing that has us thinking that one of the few countries in the world that still has legalized slavery(for prisoners, read the 13th amendement), and incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. We must break the mental chains and speak out, even take action for what is right. UC divestment from Israeli terror and the companies which support the Israeli terrorist state.

And for those right wingers on campus who screamed so loudly in recent years. We can only wonder where you will stand now that a whole group of people's 1st Amendment Rights are really being violated. I don't doubt that you will be cheerleaders for the administration in this matter, and that you will be nowhere near the movement to free, free speech on this campus.

Free, Free Speech!! Free Palestine!!
Calender for April 29th-May 2

**Monday April 29th 11am to 2pm
Tabling: We Are All Students for Justice in Palestine

We urge everyone to stop by Upper Biko(Sproul)Plaza on Monday April 29th as various student groups will table on the campus with signs saying "WE ARE ALL STUDENTS FOR JUSTICE IN PALESTINE",

Community groups are encouraged to table in solidarity with the Palestinian issue and the call for UC to Divest, and for free speech on the UC Campus near the Soutside entrance to UC Berkeley at the end of Bancroft and Telegraph.

**Courtroom hearings on Tuesday April 30th at 2pm
Martin Luther King Dr and Center St
BART: take to Downtown Berkeley, walk west down Center St, it dead ends into the Courthouse

***Wednesday May 1st 12-2pm Oakland INS/Federal Building on Clay Street between 12th & 14th
BART: exit 12th Street BART and walk west
International Workers Day Solidarity Rally

General Amnesty for ALL!!

***Free, Free Speech!! Free Palestine!!
Rally on the UC Campus Thusday May 2nd, noon
more info to come

in solidarity - irlandeso
La Lucha Sique...Puerto Rico Libre!!

there is a larger coalition on the UC Campus and in the surrounding the community that stands for JUSTICE IN PALESTINE...We will not be stopped by the UCPDs heavy handed treatment or the University's hollow threats....

UC REGENTS...Do whats best?? DIVEST

The Coalition of Students and Student Groups and campus that will stand stand in solidarity with SJP next week, represent a broad range of people, probably even a majority opinion on campus, contrary to certain articles in the papers which seem to say that the International Socialist Organization and one of their members are the STUDENTS FOR JUSTICE IN PALESTINE on our campus. Come to campus next week and see the truth....See you on Biko Plaza

Note: Biko Plaza was formerly known as Sproul Plaza until students during the anti-aparthied movement renamed it in honor of Stephen Biko, a leader in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa who was once considered a terrorist for inspiring black people to have dignity and resist white settlers who were constantly settling on black land and pushed the black South African community into refugee camps and small reservation sized pockets of land that were isolated from each other in much the same way as the land that Israel offers the Palestinians today.

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by DaBoom
Ya Man, yo'a so-o-o smart, I ain't got no shit from what yo're talking 'bout, but yo're so fuc... right. We ain't gonna study, 'cause those fuckas they ain't got no justice and no fuc... peace in the filistine, or was it - palezine? ah, right - palezstine. Ya man, we are, uh, students, yeah. I mean, you know, like for justice, or what? Chill dude,

by anony
Its bullshit that UC suspended the SJP from campus but i can't help but think that some of these students that are whining about free-speech are hypocrites because some of them tried to shut down the Daily Cal because of a cartoon. Even if the cartoon was racist (which it wasn't) Free Speech is a principle the left should defend strongly.
by chp
You know, criticizing other people's speech is very different from censorship. Reading various newswire posts and comments, it is clear that many people disagree with this, or rhetorically pretend not to see the difference. I don't recall reading about people trying to shut the Daily Cal down. They were criticizing the cartoon, and wanted an apology. I'm familiar with the Cartoon's author too, and I know he isn't racist and had no racist or racial intention with it.
When you discuss the concept of free speech, this directly implies controversial speech, because no one would ever restrict the right to discuss the weather or plots of dumb TV shows. By definition, controversial speech involves controversy - other people who disagree. The notion that everyone else has to sit silently holding their tongue and not reacting to controversial speech is pretty dumb, and is easily picked apart, yet I see precisely this argument all the time. When right wingers keep screaming 'political correctness' (a term which was invented by the left in the 80s) when anyone dares say anything back to them, are a great example. I'm seeing a lot of histrionics and dramatics regarding the palestine issue too. Some frequent commenters on this newswire call the 'starofdavid = nazi' signs that have appeared at demos to be hate crime that should be illegal, and in the next paragraph start going into the routine where they pretend to be censored and oppressed by leftists.
by Mike
Your free speech is being obstructed? My bunghole!

This tentative decision by the university has done nothing to quiet the voice of SJP, nor did it intend to. This university has an educational purpose; it's insitutions and capital which are dedicated to educations ARE NOT fora for free speech. Sproul steps, bulletin kiosks, meeting places, this board, and many other places are such fora. Speaking anywhere else, however, requires much more consideration of others.

Protesting in ways that impinge on others' rights, such as by obstructing their mobility and education and commiting physical harm to officers (as SJP did) is downright unethical if not immoral. It is a PRIVILEGE to be a campus affiliated group, NOT A RIGHT. Don't like being held to rules of ethical behavior, find a more fitting forum!

As Henry David Thoreau explained when he offered the definitive discussion on civil disobedience, one is responsible to take the consequences of their actions. That is why Thoreau made a point to spend a night in jail for refusing to pay his taxes out of preotest for the Mexican War. If SJP lives up to the principles of civil disobedience, it will accept it's consequnces and not try to weasel out.
keep speaking truth to these goofballs.

by irlandeso
Hey have you guys ever watched Bob Roberts??

I used to be a right winger for a while, sort of, though it was more because I was brainwashed by the corporate media and by some shit that came through the pastor at my church. All the people I used to go to church with thought that people get brainwashed when they come to Berzerkeley(as they called it). Too bad that this is the case for so many who make it into higher education. Too often the "model" students in college just continue to go along with the system without questioning it. This ignorance, or false consciousness, allows white people and people of color to right off their individual roles in our larger society. To be silent is to be complicent with the status quo, which is nothing more than a continuation of slavery and colonialization with a smile on it.

Liberals suck and are just about as bad as the conservatives, but both are all too often not critical of what their roles are in what goes on around them.

The left, or radicals are not always too critical either, which often creates dynamics which push many students further right....How can this cycle be broken??

It's hard to say when everyone complains about their classes being disrupted a little bit because of the occupation of Wheeler Hall, not even stopping in their busy lives to think about what UC investments and our tax dollars have been doing to students in the West Bank and Gaza since the second intifada started...


ps - calling other people nazis in order to deflect your complicity with the ongoing plague of extreme nationalism and right wing idealogies which seek to dictate how the majority will live...You can not get away with lying to yourself and those around you for that much longer....WAKE UP
by Palestinian-Nazi connection
Why, here is Haj Amin al-Husseini haning with his good buddy Adolph. Haj spent WW2 in Berlin plotting with Hitler on how to kill Jews. Some things haven;t changed!
by pragmatic
Weapons of Mass Destruction Capabilities and Programs1
Nuclear2 Sophisticated nuclear weapons program with an estimated 100-200 weapons, which can be delivered by ballistic missiles or aircraft.
Nuclear arsenal may include thermonuclear weapons.
150MW heavy water reactor and plutonium reprocessing facility at Dimona, which are not under IAEA safeguards.
IRR-1 5MW research reactor at Soreq, under IAEA safeguards.
Not a signatory of the NPT; signed the CTBT on 9/25/96.

Chemical3 Active weapons program, but not believed to have deployed chemical warheads on ballistic missiles.
Production capability for mustard and nerve agents.
Signed the CWC on 1/13/93, currently debating its ratification.

Biological4 Production capability and extensive research reportedly conducted at the Biological Research Institute in Ness Ziona.
No publicly confirmed evidence of production.
Not a signatory of the BTWC.

Ballistic missiles5 Approximately 50 Jericho-2 missiles with 1,500km range and 1,000kg payload, nuclear warheads may be stored in close proximity.
Approximately 50 Jericho-1 missiles with 500km range and 500kg payload.
MGM-52 Lance missiles with 130km range and 450kg payload..
Shavit space launch vehicle (SLV) with 4,500km range and 150kg to 250kg payload.
Unconfirmed reports of Jericho-3 program under development using Shavit technologies, with a range up to 4,800km and 1000kg payload.
Developing Next (Shavit upgrade) SLV with unknown range and 300-500kg payload.

Cruise missiles6 Harpy lethal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with 500km range and unknown payload.
Delilah/STAR-1 UAV with 400km range and 50kg payload.
Gabriel-4 anti-ship cruise missile with 200km range and 500kg payload.
Harpoon anti-ship cruise missile with 120km range and 220kg payload.

Other delivery systems7 Fighter and ground-attack aircraft incllude: 2 F-15I, 6 F-15D, 18 F-15C, 2 F-15B, 36 F-15A, 54 F-16D, 76 F-16C, 8 F-16B, 67 F-16A, 50 F-4E-2000, 25 F-4E, 20 Kfir C7, and 50 A-4N.
Ground systems include artillery and rocket launchers. Also, Popeye-3 land-attack air-launched missile with 350km range and 360kg payload, and Popeye-1 land-attack air-launched missile with 100km range and 395kg payload.

This chart summarizes data available from public sources. Precise assessment of a state's capabilities is difficult because most weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs remain secret and cannot be verified independently.

Most public estimates range between 100-200 weapons (e.g., Amy Dockser Marcus, "Growing Dangers: U.S. Drive to Curb Doomsday Weapons In Mideast Is Faltering," Wall Street Journal, 9/6/96, p. A1), but one analyst concludes that "the Israeli nuclear arsenal contains as many as 400 deliverable nuclear and thermonuclear weapons." Harold Hough, "Could Israel's Nuclear Assets Survive A First Strike?" Jane's Intelligence Review, 9/97, p. 410. Israel's nuclear capability is by most accounts quite sophisticated, and may include "intercontinental-range, fractional-orbit-delivered thermonuclear weapons; thermonuclear or boosted nuclear-armed, two-stage, solid-fuel, intermediate-range ballistic missiles with a range of 3,000km; older, less accurate, nuclear-armed, theatre-range, solid-fuel ballistic missiles; air-deliverable, variable-yield, boosted nuclear bombs; artillery-delivered, enhanced-radiation, tactical weapons; and small nuclear demolition charges." Kenneth S. Brower, "A Propensity For Conflict: Potential Scenarios And Outcomes Of War In The Middle East," Jane's Intelligence Review Special Report No. 14, p. 15. See also: Anthony H. Cordesman, "Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: National Efforts, War Fighting Capabilities, Weapons Lethality, Terrorism, and Arms Control Implications" (Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2/98), p. 19. "Nuclear Forces Guide," Federation of American Scientists, 10/10/97, [Online] International Atomic Energy Agency, "Situation on 31 December 1996 with respect to the conclusion of safeguards agreements between the Agency and non-nuclear-weapon States in connection with the NPT," [Online] Nuclear Engineering International, 1998 World Nuclear Industry Handbook (Essex, UK: Wilmington Publishing Ltd, 1998), p. 114.

Dana Priest, "In U.S. Weapons Crusade, Allies Get Scant Mention," Washington Post, 4/14/98, p. 1. Cordesman p. 18-19. Steve Rodan, "Bitter Choices: Israel's Chemical Dilemma," Jerusalem Post, 8/18/97, [Online] David Makovsky, "Israel Must Ratify Chemical Treaty," Ha'aretz, 1/8/98, [Online]

Cordesman, p. 19. "Chemical and Biological Weapons Facilities," Federation of American Scientists, 10/10/97, [Online] P.R. Kumaraswamy, "Marcus Klingberg and Israel's ‘Biological Option,'" Middle East International, 8/16/96, pp. 21-22. Zafir Rinat, "Nerve Gas Antidote in Works," Ha'aretz, 12/12/97, [Online] Edna Homa Hunt, "Israel's Biological and Chemical Research and Development – Potential Menace at Home and Abroad," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 4/98, pp. 84, 93. Liat Collins, "Bio Institute to Come Under Close Inspection," Jerusalem Post, 2/19/97, [Online] P.R. Kumaraswamy, "Has Israel Kept its BW Options Open?" Jane's Intelligence Review, 3/98, p. 22.

"Missile and Space Launch Capabilities of Selected Countries," The Nonproliferation Review, forthcoming 1998. Duncan Lennox, ed., "Country Inventory – In Service," "In-Service Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles," "In Service Short-Range Ballistic Missiles," "Shavit," and "Offensive Weapons - Unclassified Projects, Israel," Jane's Strategic Weapons Systems Issue 24, 5/97. Cordesman, p.18. "Missile Master Table: Finland-Japan," Centre for Defence and International Security Studies, [Online] Directorate of Space Programs, US Air Force Acquisitions, "Shavit," [Online] Pierre Langereux, "Dassault Lifts the Lid on the Jericho Missile Story," Air & Cosmos/Aviation International, no. 1590, 12/6/96, p. 36. Shawn L. Twing, "Israel Seeks US Permission to Launch Rockets from NASA Facility in Virginia," Washington Report On Middle East Affairs, 4-5/97, pp. 29, 85. Tim Furniss, "Satellite Launcher Directory," Flight International, 12/10-16/97, pp. 28-34. Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Organization (SIBAT), Israel's Defense Sales Directory, 1997/98 (Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense, 1997), p. 84.

Lennox. Cordesman, p. 18. CDISS. Lennox, "Offensive Weapons - Unclassified Projects, Israel." SIBAT, pp. 53, 55, 57. Israel possesses all three versions of the US-made Harpoon cruise missile, which are designed for launch from ships (AGM 84A), submarines (RGM 84A), and aircraft (UGM 84A).

The Military Balance 1997/98 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1997), pp. 129-130. Arieh O'Sullivan, "New F-15I Warplanes Extend Israel's Reach," The Jerusalem Post [Online] Ze'ev Schiff, "F-15Is Are Not The Complete Answer To The Iran Threat," Ha'aretz, 1/20/98, [Online]

Prepared by Michael Barletta and Erik Jorgensen,
© Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies.
by anony
1) People should protest racism in the media.
2) The mob action into the newsroom against the Daily Cal crossed the line into bullying someone who you don't agree with. Not only is this authoritarian in principle its also tactically stupid as anti-war forces are the mostly like to face bullying tactics.
3) You admit the cartoon, in your opinion, wasn't racist. I know a ton of people both activist types and nonactivist regular people who thought it wasn't racist either. Yet did the left ever allow those voices to be heard? Internal dialogue is incredibly weak if not out and out suppressed by the left. Did you voice your opinion CHP, that the cartoon wasn't racist?
4) I agree with some of your points about whiny right-wingers but a lot of people we (the anti-war, pro-palestinian forces) want to win over see the hypocrisy in crying "Free Speech" when you only apply it to yourself.
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