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Calif Supr Court Violates 2nd Amendment - Says Gun Shows Can Be Banned on Public Property

by Spider Jerusalem
SAN FRANCISCO -- Counties and cities in California may ban gun shows on their fairgrounds and other government properties, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.
SAN FRANCISCO -- Counties and cities in California may ban gun shows on their fairgrounds and other government properties, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The 6-1 decision upholds the hotly contested banning of weapons at flea markets in Los Angeles and Alameda counties. The ordinances were passed there in 1999 among concerns that gun shows tarred the image of the counties and promoted violence.

The decision is expected to set off an avalanche of similar ordinances across the state. In briefs filed to the court, representatives from at least 20 cities and counties urged the justices to grant them such powers.

Hey all you civil rights activists - what part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand? A "well-regulated militia" is one thing - a "federalized national guard" is just a army-on-call. We in Kalifornia have the latter.

Before all you anti-gun nuts start celebrating, keep in mind that Israel also disarmed the Palestinians in the refugee camps. If the civilians of Jenin had decent weapons, Israel would have thought twice before attacking.

You claim that if everyone is disarmed then all are safe. Fine - disarm the FBI, the BATF, the INS, and all the state and local police while you're disarming me, and maybe I'll believe you really mean that.

armed but only dangerous if you don't leave me, my friends, and my family the hell alone
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