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Indybay Feature

Gerald Smith Calls for Abolition of the FBI

by special agent doyle, cofbipro
"Abolish the FBI" (quicktime audio, 7:48)
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Gerald Smith, bay area Copwatcher, former Black Panther and also of Tree Radio Berkeley fame, calls for the abolition of the FBI. Recording from the April 8 Judi Bari v. FBI rally at the Oakland Federal Building.
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by abolitionist
It's way past scram'th'secret-police'O'clock.
by Red Dogg
Just another Cherneyite misidentification as to someone's name and background? Surely the reference is to Gerald Saunders, not Smith. But all former Black Panthers look alike to Darryl Cherney. Cherney's even taken to wearing a black beret around Oakland while running his ECOFRAUD scam of a trial at the Oakland Federal building. It once was said that the clothes made the Man, but Darryl looks much more real - clean shaven in his sport coat and tie while he tries to defraud the govt. out of $20,000,000 large.
by C.Light
Flatland is a UFO zine which early in 1999 served as a conduit for a COINTELPRO style disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting Bari and Cherney's landmark lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland Police.

There's zero truth in Flatland's blatherings about the Bari case. They petitioned the Mendocino County DA to investigate their allegations two years ago. DA Norman Vroman dismissed their silly theory as "conjecture, innuendo, speculation, guesses." (KZYX radio, 5/24/99)

Flatland also hasn't updated its Bari v. FBI page in nearly 2 years, since Vroman turned them down. So if you want some stale, red herring disinformation to laugh at, by all means take Reddd Dogggg's advice and go there.

When you sue the FBI, you gotta expect weird shit to happen. The army calls it psychological warfare.
by sir arthur
Thank you dogg for your continuing bald-faced disinformation campaign, but that was in fact Gerald Smith, not Gerald Sanders (or, Saunders if u prefer).
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