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Indybay Feature

KPFA Carries 4/20 Peace March Live from DC&SF

by Peace March Shoes
KPFA, 94.1 FM, will carry the April 20, 2002 Peace March on Washington starting at 8 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. They will also be covering the San Francisco march which starts at noon at Dolores Park after an 11 a.m. rally. KPFA streaming radio is at:
KPFA, 94.1 FM, will carry the April 20, 2002 Peace March on Washington starting 8 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. They will also be covering the San Francisco march which starts at noon at Dolores Park after an 11 a.m. rally. KPFA streaming radio is at:

At the top of our list of demands is to Free Palestine and End the 54-Year Occupation to establish a secular state of Palestine. This will be a pro-Palestine march, making it a milestone in the American peace movement. For the young people who are anxious to carry on the protest tradition of the anti-Vietnam War peace movement, which in turn, was always in awe of the labor movement of the 1930s, this is certainly your march to lead and we hope to see tens of thousands of young people at this peace and social justice march.

Please bring your banners, signs, musical instruments, huge puppets, costumes, labor union regalia and the like for this festive "voting with our feet" that all marches are by definition. I can assure you the ruling class takes all of these marches very seriously as they know very well that all progressive movements by definition mobilize the workingclass and they know that it is labor that creates all wealth. A grassroots mobilization is by definition a threat to their profits and thus they have to listen to our demands.

Those of you who still have the strength to leaflet and poster, keep leafletting and postering. Those leaflets should be handed out at train and bus stops, commercial districts and shopping centers, and colleges and universities. The leaflets are very popular; we just have to hand them out, everywhere. For your organizing center that will have leaflets and posters, please see
In San Francisco, you can pick up leaflets and posters 7 days a week at 2489 Mission St, #24, San Francisco, CA 94110, tel: 415/821-6545.

We march to protest the real axis of evil: War, Racism and Poverty.
Our demands include:
Stop US/Israel Repression of the Palestinian People
Workers' Rights Yes, Corporate Giveaways No
No New War Against Iraq, End the Sanctions Now
US Troops out of the Philippines, Colombia, Korea, Yemen
Self-Determination; not US Domination
Defend Civil Rights, Civil Liberties and Immigrant Rights
End Racial Profiling
Stop Funding the Pentagon Budget
Money for Jobs, Schools, Housing, Healthcare and Social Programs
Defend Women's Right to Abortion
Equal Rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual People

5 days to go! On your mark, get set!
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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