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80 Arrested - UCB Israel Divestment Sit-in, Photos from inside Wheeler Hall

by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
UC Berkeley Palestinian Rights Demonstration, Rally, March, Sit-in, arrests.

14 photo compilation w/ text (may take several minutes to load - 256K file size)...
April 9, 2002
Students commemorate 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin,
demand divestment from Israel - Rally, March, Sit-in.

Demonstration was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP):

Rally & march.
Inside Wheeler Hall During Sit-in:
Protesters rushed past police into Wheeler Hall.
Sit-in! 80 people chose to sit, lock arms, and perform
civil disobedience when Police gave the Dispersal order.
Protesters on the outside watched with concern & pounded
on the doors as police used pain compliance to arrest
those sitting-in. Police responded with billy clubs
when one of the doors was forced open.
78-79 were arrested, cited for trespassing, and released.
One activist, who was charged with assaulting an officer,
was taken to Berkeley Jail. Close to 100 protesters
marched to the jail to demand his release - met by a
ridiculously large contingent of 60-70 riot cops.
Protesters kept vigil until he was released on bail.

Photos by: B. Marsh – subbrian3 [at]
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by What a bunch of fat cows
Arafat Supporters=NeoNAZIs
by x
We are condmning attacks on civilians just like you. Or don't you know the difference? That would make you like the terroritsts.
by Josh
"The cops show tremendous restraint with Nazi filth..."

--JoJo Gunn, 2002

"Leibowitz is right, we are Judeo-Nazis, and why not?"

--Ariel Sharon, 1982
by Josh
"Arafat is getting a free pass nowadays for his'"passion' for freedom. Why not Sharon?"

Oh, I laughed out loud.

"Why not Sharon?" whined little JoJo.

Keep it up, Invertebrate. Your mental ejaculations are mostly repulsive, but the sheer infantilism of your scatological gymnastics in the wake of Sharon's wholesale slaughter is highly amusing.
by Josh

That's *scary,* Invertebrate.

Yes, it is certainly obvious that you have refused to see the resurgance of the Nazi's again. They are carrying out "Operation Defensive Shield" against hundreds of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children as we write.

You know else isn't so funny, Invertebrate?

The torture of Palestinian children.

Now why not run along and sleep on that, Apologist for the Brutal.
by anon
Someone calling peace activists "Nazis" while disparaging an entire religious group as "Muslim dogs". If I said "Jewish dogs" because some Jews do despicable things, you'd call me anti-Semitic and, of course, a Nazi.
by anon
That's right, actually. I had totally forgotten, I had Osama bin Laden over for dinner last night. You know, one thing the Jews and Muslims can agree on, and that's NO PORK. Anyhoo, you know that dialysis machine was a real bitch to move up the stairs - I wonder how bin Laden's been able to haul his jaundiced ass and all that medical equipment from cave to cave.
by Sven Knuteson (sagy1jv [at]
dehuminization: dogs, invertabrates
baseless accusations: collaborator, nazi-this, nazi-that
weak sarcasm: obl over for dinner

1. Was France happy to lose control of Algeria?
2. Were South African whites willing to share power with the black majority?
3. Was Joseph Stalin willing to share power with the dissenters of Russia?
4. Were the Native peoples of North America able to stop the "Americans" from expropriating their land?

Some resistance movements have been successful, some partially sucessfull, some tragic.

I'm hoping for an outcome with some dignity for both sides. Both the side with the huge merciless army, and the side with the desperate, merciless suicide bombers. mass murderers both. of men and women, boys and girls, old and young.

by danny thomas
protest is beautiful. rallying for common beliefs is wonderful. expressing dissent is marvelous. impressionable immature emotional angry manipulated students taking over property is pathetic.

they deserve busted heads if they are warned and persist. fuck a bunch of fruitopian students telling anyone how to do anything. when the American public wants input from them, we'll squeeze there little heads. till then, dont try to take over as much as a closet and expect a grain of support or respect from americans.
by boaz

by zlo

Pretend the guy on the ground is a Palestinian. That makes Israelis happy.
by Nadia
I couldn't imagine to see and hear about those massive rallies and demonstrations all over the world countries, inspite of all the influence the zionists have over the world's media.

Wiping out a people, simply because they are not jews, seems to be very hard to be hidden from the public opinion.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that we are living in a jungle where the strong eats the weak.
Jews don't control the media. It is just as much of a bigoted myth and stereotype to say that they do as the one claiming that all Moslems are terrorists. Stop the anti-Semitic hate!
by DD
The definition of genocide is the premeditated systematic effort at extermination, rooting out and murder of a whole people. 6 million Jews being slaughtered by the Nazis, 2 million Armenians being killed by the Turkes, Milosevic against the Bosnian Moslems in Bosnia-Hercegovina and the Huttu-Tutsi Conflict in Rwanda were all genocides. The Palestinian casualty count is incomparably lower and many of the casualties are suicide bombers taking the lives of innocent civilians on the Israeli side. The Israelis are NOT systematically killing the Palestinians.

That isn't to say that some wrong things are being done by Israel that should be criticized, but just to say that to use the term genocide in this context is irresponsible.,1299,DRMN_86_1089802,00.html

Amos Oz, in April 2002: "I have never met or interviewed Sharon."

Nice try, JoJo.
by Socrates One
Actually, Sharon has a history of attacking innocent civilians.
by anarchist
I find it amusing that in a country which is supposedly the "free-est on earth," political protest is hardly tolerated. In other countries, an occupation of a student building is pretty subtle compared to the majority of protesting that goes on. Most right-wing Americans are ignorant about how police act in other countries, but in almost every industrialized country in the world, political protest is seen as an essential part of the democratic process. And, yes, that includes unpermitted protests which might break some laws.

Either way, the right-wing tendencies in the Bay Area will be increasingly tied to their historical counterparts -- namely, McCarthy, COINTELPRO, etc. Conservatives believe in "minimal government" except when it comes to suppression of their political enemies, which is generally seen on a linear scale of totalitarianism in any objective consideration of the matter.
by WeiBing
How do police act in other countries? Should I go through the trouble of listing them? How about shooting the students? Torturing them (and I dont' mean the simple restraints here, I mean eye gouging, electro shock torture.)? Having them disappear to labour camps? Blacklisting them from jobs? I could list the countries but you must be the only person on Indy who couldn't so it should do you some good to look them up. If you need more proof you can go to my school in Beijing and carry a banner for Tibetian Independence or try to start a christian prayer group at a school in Iran. How about a pro-gay demonstration at Zimbabwe Poly or a pro-Isreali demonstration in a Syrian Teacher's College?

Maybe you're thinking of the only places you've been to, a few white countries in Europe - where most of the students are professional students and don't seem to care about graduating.

Americans are damned tolerant of demonstrations. Once you march into a classroom I'm trying to study or lecture in, or prevent me from going to my class - in other words when you bascially force me to join a protest I don't want to, then you should be stopped. My right to study is equal to your right to protest, isn't it?
by follow the money
does not include the right to pay tuition that goes to finance IDF terrorism. We WILL put a stop to it.
by Janet
I find it interesting that these people are only protesting for the latest 'fashionable cause'. I'm sure Berkley invests in companies doing business in China, Pakistan, Egypt, etc. etc. But that's not radical chic today so we won't protest any of that. This way we get to wear a cute little scarf (who cares if its a symbol of oppression of women). Oh, and its pretty safe too. The worst that happens seems to be a ticket for trespassing. And some poor TA like WeiBing gets angry. Ooooh, how brave.

What a bunch of milktoast, hypocrites, egoists. No wonder Berkley is the laughing stock of North America.
by carlos
I find it hard to respect people who call me a Nazi just because I bypass them to go to class in that building instead.
by torture
"How do police act in other countries? Should I go through the trouble of listing them? How about shooting the students? Torturing them (and I dont' mean the simple restraints here, I mean eye gouging, electro shock torture.)? Having them disappear to labour camps? Blacklisting them from jobs? I could list the countries but you must be the only person on Indy who couldn't so it should do you some good to look them up. If you need more proof you can go to my school in Beijing and carry a banner for Tibetian Independence or try to start a christian prayer group at a school in Iran"

The United States certainly has marginably better human rights than many of its proxy governments throughout the world, this is true. However, within recent history in this country, people have been disappeared, framed or murdered by the government. Blacklisting of all kinds has occurred, and still does occur, also in the form of SLAPP lawsuits. Students have also been shot in this country, protesters have been tortured, and police brutality in NYC, LA, Atlanta, Oakland is world reknowned.

Look at the protests in South Korea. Or any of the European states. Or throughout South America. There are large protests all throughout Southeast Asia. All of those countries have a well-established left which in many areas are living out communist/anarchist societies and continue to gain power.

Anyway, I don't expect the right-wing trolls to understand. I just expect them to keep lock-stepping along ...
by Peter B Hard (estefanlambertus [at]
I was a Moslem once upon a time. We are taught to fuck young boys up the ass when we get horny. This is because there are no available women except possibly widows , see if you fuck a woman other than your wife , her relatives will have her stoned and you will get into trouble too. Therefore when you get horny, it is better to fuck young boys up the ass.

That is the gospel truth. I gave up Islam because I could not stand all the sodomite stuff. Too sickening.

That by the way is why Muslim and Arab restaurants always smell like shit. And the next time you go in one and you are thinking about ordering something better wonder where the cook's hands have been last. And if he is going to spit in your food. Muslims are also taught to spit in the food of Non Muslims. Ask Jesse Jackson if you think I am lying.

Your cook might have been rimming some young boy's asshole with his tongue while he was on his break. Then he goes and spits in your food. Pretty goddamn disgusting. That's why Muslims have all these godforsaken parasites and intestinal complaints.
by Peter B Hard (estefanlambertus [at]
I was a Moslem once upon a time. We are taught to fuck young boys up the ass when we get horny. This is because there are no available women except possibly widows , see if you fuck a woman other than your wife , her relatives will have her stoned and you will get into trouble too. Therefore when you get horny, it is better to fuck young boys up the ass.

That is the gospel truth. I gave up Islam because I could not stand all the sodomite stuff. Too sickening.

That by the way is why Muslim and Arab restaurants always smell like shit. And the next time you go in one and you are thinking about ordering something better wonder where the cook's hands have been last. And if he is going to spit in your food. Muslims are also taught to spit in the food of Non Muslims. Ask Jesse Jackson if you think I am lying.

Your cook might have been rimming some young boy's asshole with his tongue while he was on his break. Then he goes and spits in your food. Pretty goddamn disgusting. That's why Muslims have all these godforsaken parasites and intestinal complaints.
by Peter B Hard (estefanlambertus [at]
I was a Moslem once upon a time. We are taught to fuck young boys up the ass when we get horny. This is because there are no available women except possibly widows , see if you fuck a woman other than your wife , her relatives will have her stoned and you will get into trouble too. Therefore when you get horny, it is better to fuck young boys up the ass.

That is the gospel truth. I gave up Islam because I could not stand all the sodomite stuff. Too sickening.

That by the way is why Muslim and Arab restaurants always smell like shit. And the next time you go in one and you are thinking about ordering something better wonder where the cook's hands have been last. And if he is going to spit in your food. Muslims are also taught to spit in the food of Non Muslims. Ask Jesse Jackson if you think I am lying.

Your cook might have been rimming some young boy's asshole with his tongue while he was on his break. Then he goes and spits in your food. Pretty goddamn disgusting. That's why Muslims have all these godforsaken parasites and intestinal complaints.
by telhassy teezee (MuslimsRAssfuckers [at]
Muslims like to rim each other and pork young boys. They will fit right in the Castro with the other sodomites. You can all give each other aids.
by IDF
As demonstrated by the rioting and behaviour at Berkely University, Islamic radicalism and Communist fundamentalism is ripe and alive in the United States. However, fortunately, these people represent a small minority in the United States. These anti-semites/anti-zionists do not understand that the true enemy is not the free democratic state of Israel (who incidently have a number of Arab MKs), but rather those who want to destroy democracy and freedom. Name one Arab country which has Free, Fair, and Frequent elections? Your silence speaks for itself. These tyrant arab regimes: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, all harbour and aid terrorism. They supply weapons and funding for Palestinian Terrorists to blow Jewish teenagers up in nightclubs in Tel-Aviv, pizza parlours in Jerusalem, and young children in Schem and Judea. When this occurs, the IDF has no other option but to root out these terrorist cells in the Palestinian terroritories. Yes Palestianian children die from Israeli fire. However, they are not the target. Israel does everything in its capibilites to prevent this from happening. More often and not, when they blow up buildings, they warn the people inside to evacuate so they wont be killed. Is this not mercy?
The true enemy is not israel, but rather those that want to destry her.
by .........
The Palestinians have to be the only people in the history of the world made to be responsible for the safety, well-being and comfort of their occupiers.

Now, please explain to me why anyone in that conflict is my "enemy" seeing as I am a foreigner to the region.
by jay
Students that are protesting ,
Your understanding and knowledge of history is very suspect by your lack of ANY objectivity. Amid all your disjointed "arguments"...ive not seen any protests against the murder of israeli women and children by
palestinians. thus i have to believe that for you this is justified. If this is true, you have no business thinking of yourselves as peace loving humans. this position would make you cruel, cowardly in your safe campus,
and ignorant in regard to the many sides of mayhem committed by both sides in this conflict. CREDIBILITY is very important when one wants to persuade the populous to support your point. I was your age during the 60's- 70's......this is NOT a redux of the war in NAM.
It is not cool to protest without serious thought.......of course some of you GUYS still do it cause youll better get laid by the naive college girls...this has always happened and you know you are being patriarcal oppressors arent you?
when this sort of terror comes to this country in force, and your mom, dad, or little sister are shot out of the sky by a stinger missle, ......when your own kin and blood relatives are burned to death by a " warrior for his peoples liberation".......then you might have an opinion worth listening to.
Till then you all appear to be a crowd of undiciplined, ignorant , priveliged children.......making obvious your lack of world experience, lack of historical perspective,
and a sad , horrible lack of compassion.
Jay and jazz from Montana
by Supporting the Palestinians
All of the funds which foreign countries had donated to the
Palestinian Authority, a total of $5bn "have gone down the
drain, and we don't know to where."
Mohammad Dahlan, Former Palestinian Authority Interior Minister,
‘The Guardian’, Monday August 2, 2004,2763,1274051,00.html

Executive Summary
Since 1993, the European Union (EU) has contributed over €2 billion directly and
indirectly to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Member states have contributed a
further €2 billion over the past decade. Following the outbreak of the Intifada
against Israeli civilians in 2000 and the resulting military clampdown, direct
budgetary support to the Palestinians rose dramatically.
With the additional support received from international NGOs, as well as
massive donations from the World Bank, from the Arab League and from other
countries, total financial aid to the Palestinians becomes ‘...the highest per capita aid
transfer in the history of foreign aid anywhere,’ according to Nigel Roberts of the
World Bank.
In the summer of 2002, a dispute broke out between the respected German
newspaper Die Zeit and the European Union’s Secretariat for External Relations
regarding the effectiveness of EU aid to the Palestinians since 1993. Investigative
journalism revealed the startling indifference of European politicians and civil
servants as to how taxpayers’ money was being allocated and spent.
The Funding for Peace Coalition has studied the issue of European funding
extensively and has determined the following:
Where the funds come from:
• Over the years, from 25% to 60% of the PA budget has been supported by
overseas donations.
• The EU has become the largest single contributor of direct budgetary
assistance, giving €112 million between January 2003 and June 2004 alone.
Where the funds are going:
Fraud and Nepotism
• Despite assurances from the European Commission (often based on details
provided by Palestinians) that the PA’s payroll is monitored, evidence
discovered in 2004 shows that the payroll has been consistently bloated,
including at least 7,000 fictitious names – about 5% of the total.
• In the words of former PA Prime Minister Abu Mazen, there are too many ‘fat
cats’ who are living off the cream of the milk. Nepotism is rife and it begins
with Chairman Arafat’s family, who can be found in leading positions of the
security services and of wealthy NGOs. A cement scam is said to involve
many leading Palestinian politicians, including the Prime minister, Ahmed
Qurei (Abu Ala).
Support of Terrorist Organizations
• Although the EU outlawed the Al-Aksa Martyrs as a terrorist organisation, it
has been and remains part of the PA payroll.
Funding for Peace Coalition - 2 -
Managing European Taxpayers’ Money:
Supporting the Palestinian Arabs – A Study in Transparency
• There is documented evidence to show that other Palestinian paramilitary
groupings, such as ‘Force 17’ and the ‘Tanzim’, are also part of the PA and are
each headed by Chairman Arafat.
• Many members of these PA-funded militias have been involved in acts of
terror against civilians, including acts against Europeans. The most notable is
Marwan Barghouti, the leader of the Tanzim. He has been convicted on
charges of murder and yet, unbelievably, he is still drawing a salary from the
European-supported PA budget.
Promoting Violence and Hatred
• Despite consistent denials, the EU has funded inflammatory material found
in the Palestinian educational system – material that breaches UNESCO
Money Laundering
• Funds have been transferred to the Palestinian Authority through the PA’s
bank accounts, including The Arab Bank. This bank stands charged with
being a funding mechanism for terrorism.
• The EU argument that funds are deposited into a single account, ‘mingled’
with other monies, is a statement of money-laundering. No enforcement body
can accept this defence for funding either terrorism or corruption.
The transfer of EU funds to the Palestinian Authority is anything but transparent.
Claims that EU allocations are monitored have been proved inaccurate and
misleading. What is particularly disturbing is that there are few attempts by the
EC to show proper audit of the actual expenditures of the allocations. Elected
politicians and their civil servants, in Brussels and in other European capitals, are
failing to protect the interests of those who gave them a mandate.
The ability of the EU’s fraud squad, OLAF, to safeguard taxpayers’ money
remains unclear. It only launched an investigation of Direct Budgetary Assistance
for the period 2000 to 2002, once 169 MEPs called for an inquiry. After a further
18 months, it has yet to report. Despite declarations from Palestinians themselves
to the contrary, OLAF has issued an interim statement that there is no evidence of
EU funds being applied to terror. It has yet to comment on funding diverted to
corruption and waste. It has yet to confirm that the allocations were made
according to EU Parliamentary statutes. Furthermore, it is not addressing the
hundreds of millions of Euros in indirect aid.
No one can argue with the Palestinian population’s need for assistance. Aid must
be provided to assist this community – a community battered by violence,
corruption, and poverty. However, simply investing more money in the
Palestinian territories is not the solution to poverty, as the World Bank has
explained. In fact, since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, a staggering $10
billion is estimated to have been transferred to Palestinian causes. Recently, a
Palestinian human rights activist expressed the frustrations of many Palestinians:
‘The biggest problem the Palestinians are facing today is the fact that they have a
leadership that is continuing to steal their money.’
Funding for Peace Coalition - 3 -
Managing European Taxpayers’ Money:
Supporting the Palestinian Arabs – A Study in Transparency
Significant portions of the money donated have not reached the intended
recipients. If the aim of this investment was to support a Palestinian Authority
and new society that would work towards peace, the result has been very much
the opposite. It is up to the European community as a whole to determine where
their taxpayer funds have gone and how to ensure that future contributions do
not continue to be misdirected to corruption, to supporting terrorist activities,
and to promoting hatred through inflammatory materials.
Funding for Peace Coalition - 4 -
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