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Palestinian education cartoon...

by Cartoonooga
Palestinian education...
by Sick of the racist crap
Julius Streicher couldn't have drawn a better
propaganda "cartoon" himself.

The simple fact is that the Israeli government is
racist and reactionary and is engaging in the
brutal oppression of Palestinians.
by k abouaf
Palestinian TV May18/2001 - "The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Muslims make war against the jews and kill them." Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi
by victor
Taken from Palestinian Media Watch:

Throughout history religious wars have been fought in the name of different Gods. The premise and basis for discussion of the Oslo Accords was that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was not an irreconcilable religious war, but one over borders. However, the Palestinian religious leaders, all appointees of the PA political leadership, are publicly preaching that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is part of Islam's eternal religious war against the Jews(1). Jews are portrayed as the eternal enemies of Allah, and the killing of Jews as Allah's will. On the national level, Allah prohibits acceptance of Israel's existence and will destroy it.

The Palestinians have redefined the conflict from one over borders, in which compromise may be a solution, into a religious war for Allah's in which compromise is heretical. The implications for future peace are ominous.

This report is not brought as a critique of Islam's religious traditions nor does it claim to represent authentic Islam. Rather it demonstrates the way Palestinian Authority religious leaders are selecting, interpreting and teaching Islam. Although Islam has positive references and traditions regarding Jews, the PA religious leaders have chosen to cite only negative references in their religious teaching, using the traditional sources to justify and even to demand uncompromising hatred of Jews and Israel.

The religious ideology of the Palestinian Authority religious leaders as expressed in the Friday sermons and religious lessons can be summarized by eight essential principles, four regarding the Jews, and four regarding Israel:

Jews are the enemy of Allah.
Islam is fighting a continuous religious war against the Jews.
The killing of Jews is a religious obligation.
Palestinians are the vanguard in this war against the Jews, and all Islamic nations are obligated to assist in this war.
All of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea [which includes all of Israel] is a religious Waqf - an Islamic religious trust. Any Muslim who relinquishes any part to Israel is damned to Hell.
All agreements with Israel are inherently temporary in nature and are signed only because of Israel's temporary balance of power advantage.
Allah will replace Muslims who shirk their obligation to battle Israel.
The ultimate destruction of Israel is a certainty.
The Palestinians repeatedly use Islamic sources to defend this religious hatred, even demanding the killing of Jews as a current obligation and the will of Allah. At least four times in recent months Palestinian religious leaders have taught publicly that the following Hadith (Islamic traditions attributed to Mohammed) is an authoritative directive of Islam today, expressing Allah's will that obedient Muslims kill Jews. The Hadith itself states:

"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Muslims make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!(2)'"

Recently a preacher attacked the Arab-Muslim world leaders because they are avoiding attacking Israel with missiles and tanks, and threatened them that Allah is liable to "replace them with other men... that fight for Allah... to liberate the lands from the defilement of the Jews".(3)

It is to be stressed that these broadcasts by officially appointed religious leaders, presenting the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as an eternal religious conflict, have been preached long before the current violence began. This preaching it is not a reaction to the present violence, and possibly the opposite is true. The P.A.'s religious world-view, that sees agreements with Israel as inherently temporary and war against the Jews as an expression of Allah's will, has in all likelihood fueled the hatred that has lead to Palestinian terror and violence.

This report presents representative selections from sermons broadcast during recent years:

Part 1. The Eternal Islamic War against the Jews Led by the Palestinians; the Jews are enemies of Allah
"We the Palestinian nation, our fate from Allah is to be the vanguard in the war against the Jews until the resurrection of the dead, as the prophet Muhammad said: 'The resurrection of the dead will not arrive until you will fight the Jews and kill them... ' We the Palestinians are the vanguard in this undertaking and in this campaign, whether or not we want this..." (4)

"Blessed is he who fights Jihad in the name of Allah, blessed is he who [goes on] raids in the name of Allah, blessed is he who dons a vest of explosives on himself or on his children and goes in to the depth of the Jews and says: Allahu Akbar, Blessed be Allah. Like the collapse of the building upon the heads of the Jews in their sinful dance-hall, I ask of Allah that we see the Knesset collapsing on the heads of the Jews." (5)

"The battle with the Jews will surely come... the decisive Muslim victory is coming without a doubt, and the prophet spoke about in more than one Hadith and the Day of resurrection will not come without the victory of the believers [the Muslims] over the descendents of the monkeys and pigs [the Jews] and with their annihilation." (6)

"The Jews are the Jews. There never was among them a supporter of peace. They are all liars... the true criminals, the Jewish terrorists, that slaughtered our children, that turned our wives into widows and our children into orphans, and desecrated our holy places. They are terrorists. Therefore it is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah... it is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them anyplace that you find yourself. Any place that you encounter them - kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans that are like them... The Jews only understand might. Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere..." (7)

"...Allah decreed upon us in this lifetime to humiliate the Jews sooner or later..." (8)

"My dear brothers, so continues the struggle between the Muslims and the Jews from the past, both near and far, in the present and in the future. And in this matter the word of Allah will be fulfilled: (Koran, Sura 5,84) 'There will not be found [anyone] more hostile to the believers than the Jews and the idolaters." (9)

A repeated goal of PA religious teaching is to defame Jews and Jewish tradition:

"...The Jews are used to deceit...they fake the facts and changed the laws of Allah... the Torah was brought down with contained guidance towards the path of righteousness and light, just as every book which Allah brought down...[the Jews] switched the law of Allah and by this rebelled on His ruling and religion and way, and therefore they merit to be heretics and to be banished from the Allah's mercy... They faked the words of Allah and changed their religion and laws and they are the wicked. And whomever does not rule according to what Allah brought down, whomever rebelled against this... is in a rebellion against Allah, and is a descendant of Abelis [ghost], the descendant of the Satans, and worthy of receiving the punishment of the sinners ..." (10)

"...Their Bible [of the Jews] today, has no light and no teachings. Their Bible today, is just a bunch of notes that were written down by people who lie about God, his prophets and his Bible...those who do these kinds of things are the descendants of Abelis, meaning the descendants of the satans...they fabricated a Jewish history book full of promises to Abraham, Issac and Jacob that He will give them the land of Palestine...the entire Bible comes to claim ownership on the land for the Jews." (11)

Part 2. All of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is Holy Islamic Wakf (Muslim religious trust).
"The Islamic Land of Palestine is one and cannot be divided. There is no difference between Haifa and Nablus, between Lod and Ramallah, between Jerusalem and Nazareth. Dividing Palestine into cantons and giving recognition to the occupation is prohibited by Sharia (Islamic religious law), since Palestinian is Wakf [Islamic Trust] for all Muslims in the East and in the West. No one has the right to give it up or to forsake it. The liberation of Palestinian is mandatory obligation for all Muslims and not only for our Palestinian nation." (12) [Ed note: the cities: Haifa, Lod, Jerusalem, Nazareth are all Israeli cities.]

Almost the identical speech was made one year later, demonstrating the consistent ideology:
"Allah made it clear to us through the laws of the Sharia (Islamic religious law) and we say: The Islamic Land of Palestine is one and cannot be divided. There is no difference between Haifa and Nablus, Lod and Ramallah, Jerusalem and Nazareth or Gaza and Ashkelon. Palestinian is Wakf land that belongs to Muslims throughout the world and no one has the right to give it up or to forsake it. Whoever does this is a traitor to the trust and is nothing but a loathsome criminal whose end shall be in hell." (13) [Ed note: the cities: Haifa, Lod, Jerusalem, Nazareth Ashkelon are all Israeli cities.]

Sheikh Ikrima Sabri The Palestinian Authority appointed Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine: "We are discussing the current problems and when we speak about Jerusalem it doesn't mean that we have forgotten about Hebron or about Jaffa or about Acre....we are speaking about the curent problems that have priority at a certain time. It doesn't mean that we have given up... We have announced a number of times that from a religious point of view Palestine from the sea to the river is Islamic." (14) [Note: Jaffa and Acre are Israeli cities.]

"Even if agreements were signed [regarding] Gaza and the West Bank, we will not forget Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, the Galilee Triangle, and the Negev. It is only a question of time..." (15) [Ed note: All are Israeli cities or regions.]

"It is forbidden for anyone, Arab, Palestinian or Muslim to forgo one grain of soil of the land of Palestine, Jerusalem and Al Aksa ...whoever forgoes even one grain of soil his sin is upon him, and all the sins of the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Muslims, forever and ever..." (16)

"...The Jews gathered from all ends of the earth in our beloved Palestine, from Rosh HaNikra in the north to Eilat in the south...from sea to river, it was all a land of Muslims... Palestine's borders, the promised Palestine, is from the sea to the river..." (17)

"How is it Israel that became a state next to the cradle of Jesus and in the shadow of the Al Aksa Mosque. May Allah speedily return us..." (18)

3. The Oslo Agreements are Inherently Temporary - Future Generations will Complete the War
"All of the agreements entered into [with Israel] are temporary, until the decree comes from Allah and until the destiny from Allah is realized." (19)

"...Before long, Palestine will return to the bosom of Islam, we say this with certainty, in accordance with the religious texts... the glorious Islamic nation, to whom is promised victory by Allah..." (20)

"Who is responsible for the loss of Palestine... and [for] deceitfully labeling it Israel?... The Prophet [Muhammad] soothes us with many Hadiths that Palestine shall return to its former days.... [Later] "We must prepare a foothold, for the coming army of Allah, by divine predetermination. May it be Allah's will, this oppressing state shall pass, Israel shall pass. This oppressing state, America, shall pass, the oppressing state Britain, shall pass, [those] that brought this catastrophe [nakba] of this nation..." (21)

"How will Palestine return?... Allah will support whom He loves. 'Allah loves whoever battles for him' (Koran, Sura 61,4). Therefore, there is no escape from a Jihad [religious war] for the sake of Allah. As long as this nation shall neglect the commandment of the Jihad, Allah will humiliate her. When will Palestine return? When we impose the law of Allah... Palestine will return when we return to Allah... Palestine will return if we will know who is the enemy and who is the friend, and the games of world Jewry...
A Jewish Woman said: 'I cry for this. In our holy books [it is written] that when a state for the Jews is established in Palestine, it will not last more than 67 years'. In other words - the year 2022. And I beg Allah to bring an end to the country of the oppressor in America, and the country of the oppressor Israel in Palestine, by that date...Therefore, it is our hope that this oppressive country [Israel] will be terminated, as in the words of Allah..." (22)

"My brothers the believers, at this opportunity, while we are still speaking of the Jews, of the Jews' craftiness, of the Jews' meanness, and of their assiduousness to deflect you from your path, and to distance you from your rights... That Palestine, Jerusalem and Al Aksa, they are a holy debt of the Muslims, of the Arabs, and especially of ours, we the people of Palestine. And they belong to all the generations, and not just of a particular generation. The generation that is not able to regain these rights, is obligated to give the generations that follow it an opportunity, by cleaving to the right, by cleaving to the principle, and by not giving up on this right, until the future generations come, in order to realize what we failed to do today, against the enemies of Allah" (23)

Note: In an interview on Palestinian Television an Israeli Arab Knesset Member, Abd-Al Malek Dahamshe, defined the agreements with Israel as "Hudna" - a temporary cease fire. This definition was given in response to a viewer who called in to the studio and commented that, "Our problem with Israel is not a border problem, but an existential one". M.K. Dahamshe responded: "We exaggerate when we say 'peace'... what we are speaking about is 'Hudna'". (24)

This religious world view accepting "Hudna", temporary agreements until some future liquidation of Israel, has been expressed by the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization as well.
Sheikh Ahmad Yassin: "We are speaking of 'Hudna', [a cease fire] for a while, but not of the end of the conflict, in exchange for this [Hudna] should include a complete withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza..." (25)

It is important to note that the Islamic Education in even the newest Palestinian school books published in September 2000, teach this prohibition of leaving Islamic land in Israel's hands. While repeatedly and exclusively defining all of Israel as "Palestine" the following is taught:

"Patriotism in Islam: In Islam, it is not improper for a Muslim to love his homeland. To the contrary, Islam encourages this, and established its defense as an obligatory commandment for every Muslim if even a centimeter of his land is stolen. I, a Palestinian Muslim, love my country Palestine..." (26)
"People have many obligations toward the homeland, including:
1. Defending it in every possible way, as Islam determined defense of the homeland to be a religious obligation, and considers anyone who is killed in defending it as a martyr of the highest order..." (27)

In addition, like the preachers, the school book editors have chosen to incorporate negative traditions about Jews. The following are three examples of sections about Jews chosen for inclusion in the PA Islamic Education schoolbooks. The first describes the Jews being expelled by Allah from their homes because they violated a treaty with Muhammad, even though they had felt secure. The second compares the Jews carrying the Torah to a donkey carrying books. The third warns the Jews that because of their deeds, the death they fear will overtake them.

1. "Surat al-Hashar
"He [Allah] is the one who has caused those of the People of the Book [Jews] who disbelieved to leave their homes unto the first expulsion ... Allah reached them from a place where they did not expect, and cast terror in their hearts so that they destroyed their homes with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes!..."
"General information about the Sura...:
The Sura is focussing on the raid against [tribe] Bani Nadir, the Jews who violated the treaty with Allah's Messenger, and he exiled them from Medina. ..." (28)
2. "Surat al-Jum'a "...Those [Jews] who were charged with the Torah, but did not observe it, are like a donkey carrying books..." (29)
3. "Surat al-Jum'a (2)
"...Oh you who are Jews, if you think that you are favored of Allah, to the exclusion of (other) men. Then long for death if you are truthful. But they will never long for it because of the (deeds) their hands have sent before... as for the death from which you flee, that will surely overtake you ..." (30)

4. The Destruction of Israel is a Global Islamic Responsibility
"...The Muslims and Arabs must stand behind the Palestinian nation, which is the vanguard in the war against Allah's enemies. By the living Allah, the Jews are Islam's enemies in this life time..." (31)

"There are Hadiths (Islamic traditions attributed to the prophet Mohammed) regarding our struggle against the Jews. And it is given: "The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Muslims make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!' This Hadith clarifies to us the characteristics of the campaign between us and the Jews. The tree and the rock do not say 'Oh, Palestinian', 'Oh Arab', or 'Oh resident of the Middle East'. Rather they say: 'Oh, Moslem, Servant of Allah'" (32)

"The Arab rulers and the Moslems, and our people everywhere. If we don't support Allah, He will replace us with other men... The courageous over the infidels, make war for Allah and are not afraid... This is the depiction of the Army of Allah that will come at Allah's decree, from here or from there, to liberate these lands from the defilement of the Jews, for Allah was angry with them in his book and called them once 'monkeys', once 'swine', and once 'donkeys'." (33)

"Oh, our Arab brethren... Oh, our Moslem brethren... Don't leave the Palestinians alone in war against the Jews...even if it has been decreed upon us to be the vanguard... Jerusalem, Palestine and Al Aksa, the land that Allah blessed and its surrounding areas will remain at the center of the struggle between Truth and Falsehood, between the Jews and the non-Jews on this sacred land, regardless of how many agreements are signed, regardless of how many treaties and covenants are ratified. For the Truth is in the Koran, as verified by the words of the prophet Mohammed, that the decisive battle will be in Jerusalem and its environs: 'The resurrection of the dead will not occur until you make war on the Jews...'" (34)

"All the members of this nation must take part in this struggle against the enemies of Allah, so that through us the saying of Allah will be fulfilled: 'You will not find people more hostile than are the Jews'". (35)

"The Hadith's (Islamic traditions attributed to the prophet Mohammed) explain the nature of the battle between us and the Jews. Allah will impose you on the Jew. 'The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until you make war on the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or tree, and the rock or tree will say: Oh Moslem, servant of Allah, here is a Jew behind me, kill him!" (36)

"Moslem rulers! We turn to you and declare that you are the crowns of our heads, would you rule according to the law of Allah. We say: Where are your missiles? Where are your tanks? Where is your decisiveness. This is a shout filled with pain... why don't they come with their tanks and missiles." (37)

"Arab and Moslem rulers! The weaponry that will not be used against the enemies of Allah will rust and you will use them against one another, as happens periodically. Aim your arrows once and make war , as they war against you. Why this fear of the State [of Israel] that is surrounded by Arabs and Moslems? Why this fear? Because you do not fear Allah - whoever fears Allah, all else will fear him." (38)

"Palestine... causes the Jews to loose sleep, causes the enemies of Allah throughout the land to lose sleep... it is a bleeding wound, and it will continue to bleed forever and ever. ... Jerusalem is a symbol... to the Moslems and to their war of Jihad forever and ever." (39)

5. Prayers for the Destruction of the Jews
"The victory is coming, the victory is coming, the victory is coming! Allah show us your marvels against the Jews! Show them a black day, like the day of A'ad and Tha'mud! [tribes that were defeated and destroyed]. Because they boasted to us of their strength! Show us the prince against them, show them a black day! Allah, transform them into the Moslems' spoils of war! Allah, transform them into our spoils of war!" (40)

"Allah, strengthen us... show us your power on them... Allah, take the Jews..." (41)

"Allah, show us your wondrous capabilities on the Jews.
Allah, show us on the Jews a day like A'ad and Tha'mud! [tribes that were destroyed]
Allah, transform them into spoils of war for us and all Moslems!" (42)

This ideology is preached in sermons and religious lessons that are broadcast every Friday on official Palestinian television and radio, and from the religious lessons appearing in PA newspapers and television.
Sheikh Muhammed Abd al Hadi La'afi, Responsible for Religious Teaching and Instruction in the Office of the Wakf in the official P.A. newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, 18, May 2001 and 27 April 2001, Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi Palestinian Television in the main Friday sermons on 30 March 2001 and 13 April 2001.
Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi, Palestinian Television, 30 March 2001.
ibid., 28 July 2000
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Madi, Friday Sermon, Palestinian TV, June 8, 2001
Sheikh Muhammed Abd Al Hadi La'afi, Responsible for Religious Teaching and Instruction in the Office of the Wakf in the official P.A. newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, 18, May 2001
The preacher Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, a member of the Palestinian Sharianic (Islamic religious law) Rulings Council, and Rector of Advanced Studies, the Islamic University, Palestinian Television, 13 October 2000
Shiekh Yuosouf Abu Sneina, Palestinian Television, 8 September 2000
Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi, Palestinian Television., 13 April 2001
Palestinian Authority Television Religious Class, 17 December 98, and 16 February 99.
Religion class on Palestinian Television, 3 November 1998
Shiekh Yuosouf Abu Sneina, Official Preacher of the Al Aqsa Mosque, Palestinian Radio , 30 April 1999
Shiekh Yuosouf Abu Sneina, Palestinian Television, 8 September 2000
Palestinian Television, 11 January 2001.
Dr. Ahmed Abu Halabiah, Palestinian Television, 13 October 2000.
Shiekh Yuosouf Abu Sneina, Official Preacher of the Al Aqsa Mosque, Palestinian Television, 8 September 2000
Ahmad Abu Halabiya, Palestinian Television, 18 August 2000
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, Palestinian Television, 13 April 2001
Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi., Palestinian Television, 28 July 2000
ibid., 4 May 2001
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Maadi, Friday Sermon, Palestinian TV, June 8, 2001
ibid., 4 May 2001
Shiekh Yuosouf Abu Sneina,.Palestinian Television, 8 September 2000
Palestinian Television., 1 September 2000
Al Hayat-Al Jadida, 24 July 2000
Islamic Education, sixth grade, Part A, p. 68 cited in report of Center for monitoring the Impact of Peace
Islamic Education, sixth grade, Part A p. 67-68
Reading the Koran, sixth grade, p.78
Reading the Koran, sixth grade, p.20
Reading the Koran, sixth grade, p.23
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, Palestinian Television, 18 August 2000
Dr. Muhammed Madi, Palestinian Television, 30 March 2001
ibid., 30 March 2001
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, Palestinian Television, 11 August 2000
Dr. Muhammed Madi, Palestinian Television, 13 April 2001
ibid., 13 April 2001
ibid., 30 March 2001
ibid., 30 March 2001
ibid., 11 August 2000
Dr. Muhammed Madi, Palestinian Television, 13 April 2001
ibid., 30 March 2001
ibid., 4 May 2001
by anon
The US sent books to Afghanistan designed specifically to stir up hate and Islamic fundamentalism.

Article discussed is at
by Mikhail Bakunin
by hamas
I agree with Bakunin. We need to rid this site of the Jews and idolaters. We should use the Zionists' IP addresses to track them down.
by Get real
FACT: Israeli military reaction has been one of incomparable restraint. After the brutal lynching of two Israelis in Ramallah, Israel limited its response to bombing one floor of the headquarters of the negligent Ramallah police, the radio station that had been broadcasting incitement to violence, and two targets in Gaza. Israelis gave a 3-hour warning, to allow Palestinians to evacuate; indeed, no one was killed. Similarly, following the recent torching of an ancient synagogue in Jericho, Israel's only response was to bomb a military training school.

On the front lines of this "intifada," Israeli soldiers have orders not to shoot unless they are in direct danger. Israeli soldiers are told never shoot at an ambulance or at women. Unless the Palestinians begin shooting first with live bullets, Israeli soldiers are instructed never to shoot to kill, and then, to aim only at the source of the shooting, never randomly. No other army has such restrained orders.

As the world decries the 100 Palestinian deaths, no one stops to ask how many would be dead if Israeli forces were actually doing what they are accused of -- shooting indiscriminately into crowds with automatic weapons. If that were the case, many thousands of Palestinians would be dead.

But what about Palestinians youth who have been tragically killed in the fighting?

What kind of parent encourages children to go to the front lines to throw stones and firebombs at armed troops?! Palestinians know that Israelis are reluctant to shoot at children; and if a child does wind up getting killed, it makes for excellent anti-Israel propaganda.

Children are taught in school the heroics of dying as a martyr for the Palestinian cause. The Jerusalem Post reported that the Palestinian Authority is encouraging children to participate in clashes by offering their families $300 per injury and $2,000 for anyone killed. How tragic that Palestinians send their children at risk of death and then cynically use this against Israel in the court of world opinion.

But perhaps Israel should not be using force at all to stop the violence?

The BBC recently asked a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council if Arafat truly had the power to stop the mob violence. He replied that it probably could not be done without exerting fatal force on the rioters. Given that reality, how can the world possibly expect Israel to stop the violence without such force?

It is the duty of any government to protect its citizens from violence. Imagine what the response would be if this violence was occurring to any other country. When the British tried to control the last Palestinian intifada, the Arab revolt of 1936-1939, entire villages were burned and more than 3,000 Palestinians were killed.

During "Black September" when Palestinians rioted in Jordan in the 1970s, King Hussein massacred 2,500 Palestinians in 10 days. Likewise, Syrian President Assad slaughtered 20,000 of his own people during civil unrest in Hama, then paved over the dead -- a toll that the Israel intifada would need 100 years to match.

by Chris Drater

I think that it is very interesting how posters on this site, who claim it to be a bastion of free speech, will tell someone that their opinion is unwanted just because it differs from the majority of other posters. Is this really a place of unadultered free expression or of the furthering of leftist, anti-Jew/Isreal political propaganda? You decided!

By the way, in keeping with usual left-wing tactics, my comment will either be ignored or I will be attacked personally and my opinion not addressed. These are the tactics of the mediocre. Just thought I would let you all know.

Chris Drater

by Jesse Burns
The simple fact of the matter is, is that the US government supports these fundamentalist dictatorships by calling them "friends" and such. Then when they don't turn out to be such hot allies, they are suddenly evil and despot. Yeah, like Iraq wasn't already a brutal dictatorship during the 80s. Or Iran wasn't already under the grip of another US backed tyrant during the 70s.
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