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Indybay Feature

The Mideast Body Count

by rene
Since Sharon instigated the latest round of violence 1625 human beings have been killed
Since Ariel Sharon instigated the latest round of violence between Palestinians and Israelis 18 months ago, 1625 human being have been killed-- 1265 Palestinians and 360 Israelis. About 22,000 more have been injured and 20% of those will never walk again.

As in all modern wars, most of the victims who are targeted and killed on both sides are civilians. That is something war-lovers and war profiteers do not care about.

Last December, the U.S. was the only country on the UN Security Council to vote against the resolution that condemned both Israeli and Palestinian terrorism. That unfortunate vote has only encouraged Sharon and other warmongers to do more killings.

If Arafat, who has had most of his infrastructure destroyed by the brutal Israeli military and who is now a virtual prisoner is to be held responsible for all Palestinian terrorism, we should equally also hold Sharon responsible for all the Israeli terrorism. Certainly, Sharon is in a much stronger position to control the people on his side of the fence.

For the past 40 years, all American presidents have criticized the Israeli right-wing, illegal settlement policy. Despite this fact and despite the fact that Americans politicians has given over $100 billions of our tax dollars to the Israelis, they have continued to thumb their noses at us.

A more balanced and rational foreign aid policy in the Mideast would be welcomed by most of the world, and this would lead to a reduction in hate and terrorism against Americans.
by indy of indymedia
"A more balanced and rational foreign aid policy in the Mideast would be welcomed by most of the world, and this would lead to a reduction in hate and terrorism against Americans. "

This is the biggest lie about the current trouble that's being propogated. The attacks on the US were planned long before the current "intifada", despite the new-found fellowship bin Laden expressed in "Afghanistan's looniest home videos." It was a pretty hollow attempt at galvanizing support for the attacks. Guess it worked on you.
by karen
I have news for you. World history did not start with 911.

American bombs and sanctions have killed a million innocent civilians in Iraq. American military and CIA intervention throughout the world, for many decates, have left many enemies in its wake.

The U.S. is the cheapest of all industrial countries with foreign aid, while we are the most spendrift with military expenditure. That is sick, sick, sick!

by jenga
I agree!
What I don't understand is how the American masses have allowed themselves to become so brainwashed that they allow themselves to believe that what is being done under the name of "democracy" is right and justifiable. This stopped being a war against terrorism months ago, now it's just a war for's another genocide.
9/11 serves a two-fold purpose: To secure an oil pipeline from the last great oil reserve in the Caspian Sea region, through Afghanistan, to the Indian Ocean.

The second purpose: With knowledge that oil reserves have peaked, and oil is expected to run out in 50 years, don't you think our leaders have come up with a contingency plan to control America's masses when it all gets crazy around here? Do you think Americans are going to sit pretty when gas is $7, $8, $9, and then $10 dollars a barrel? Our leaders knew this, and created the perfect excuse to take away our freedoms, so that they can round up the people when it gets like cockroaches suffocating in a jar around here. Soylent Green, Baby!!! Bring out the bulldozers!!

the fact is simple: 9/11 was a GODSEND.


9/11 serves a two-fold purpose: To secure an oil pipeline from the last great oil reserve in the Caspian Sea region, through Afghanistan, to the Indian Ocean.

The second purpose: With knowledge that oil reserves have peaked, and oil is expected to run out in 50 years, don't you think our leaders have come up with a contingency plan to control America's masses when it all gets crazy around here? Do you think Americans are going to sit pretty when gas is $7, $8, $9, and then $10 dollars a barrel? Our leaders knew this, and created the perfect excuse to take away our freedoms, so that they can round up the people when it gets like cockroaches suffocating in a jar around here. Soylent Green, Baby!!! Bring out the bulldozers!!

the fact is simple: 9/11 was a GODSEND.


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