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Indybay Feature

International Stop Star Wars Conference to meet in Berkeley

by peacenik
For Immediate Release

Contact: Bruce Gagnon (352) 337-9274
Sally Light (510) 527-2057

The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (GN) has
announced that it will hold its 10th Anniversary Membership Conference and
Protest on May 10-12 in Berkeley, CA. at the University of California.

The GN is made up of 159 affiliate groups, on every continent, who are
working to prevent the nuclearization and weaponization of space.
Participants are expected to come from many countries, including England,
Germany, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Bulgaria, Sweden, Romania, India,
Ghana, Philippines, and throughout the U.S. Last year, a similar GN event
was held in Leeds, England with people attending from 20 nations.

Events will begin with a news conference at Noon on May 10 at Wesley Student
Center (2398 Bancroft Way at the corner of Dana) to be followed by a protest
rally at Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale from 2:30 - 5:30 pm. Lockheed Martin
is currently doing research and development on several key space weapons
technologies that the U.S. Space Command says they will use to "control and
dominate" space and the Earth below.

On Saturday, May 11 at the University of California (Valley Life Sciences
Bldg.), the GN will hold its day long conference featuring Rep. Dennis
Kucinich (D-OH) as the invited keynote speaker. Rep. Kucinich has
introduced into Congress a bill entitled "Space Preservation Act" (HR 3616)
that would ban all weapons in space.

According to GN Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, "People all over the world are now
organizing to prevent an expensive and destabilizing new arms race from
moving into the heavens. These events in California will bring together
many of the key leaders in the global movement to keep space for peace."

Radio for Peace International, based in Costa Rica, will be sending
reporters to the event and is expected to broadcast proceedings live to over
120 countries.

For more information about the conference or the GN visit:
by Brian Norvig
I thought this was in reference to Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Maybe the conference should change its name, considering it hasn't been called SDI or "Star Wars" for about 20 years now. HTH.
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