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The Dreadful Imposture

by thibord (yves.thibord [at]
The Dreadful Imposture The US Authorities have tried to make believe that the dammage caused to the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001 was caused by the crash of a hijacked Boeing airliner on the building

The Dreadful Imposture

The US Authorities have tried to make believe that the dammage caused to the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001 was caused by the crash of a hijacked Boeing airliner on the building. This lie was meant to hide the fact that a bombing attack was in fact carried out by a group of people who had authorized access to the Pentagon and that the target was not the Departement of Defense in general but the new Navy Command Center.

The US authorities have also lied in order to hide the existence of a secret CIA base within the World Trade Center and its illegal activities. But most of all they have put great efforts into concealing the negotiations carried out between George Bush and the conjurors on September 11, as well as the agreement that was reached on that day. With the help of their hired agent, Osama Bin Laden, they have channeled the sadness and the anger of the US public opinion towards foreign scapegoats.

In his book "L'Effroyable imposture" (The Dreadful Imposture), Thierry Meyssan reveals the secrets behind 9-11. He analyses the power shift within the US political establishment and the rocketing of the military expenses. He denounces the hidden agenda behind the war in Afghanistan and the secret aims of the "War on Terrorism". A must read if you want to understand where the US leadership is leading its country.

by rima bird (rima42 [at]
I dont have any comments at the moment but i would like to purchase the book (english if is available) could you please let me know where i can find it.
thank you
by No name
I was told about the book by a french friend of mine that he already read it. Can you please tell me where can I find a copy in english.

If the information written in the book is 50 % true that will be a disaster. US and Israel are doing what they want and killing innocent people left and right under the name " Terrorism". I think this book should be in all languages.
by jay
This writer is not the first nut to come along...stating a plane never hit the Pentagon. Doesn't anyone remember that CNN reporter Barbara Olsen died on that same plane that crash the Pentagon ????
Wake up !!
by Open Your Eyes
Based on some of the reports and summaries I have read about on this book (an English language edition of this book is not yet available) this appears to be firmly ensconced in wild eyed conspiracy theory territory. Frankly I think books such as this are excercises in diversion and serve only to obscure the real and tangible issues relating to US foreign policy and global economic justice.
by Robert (info [at]
Where can I get a copy of this book in English? Who is the publisher in France? Is there a book store in France that carries it in English.

by Eric
Hi, french publisher of Meyssan's book is 'Editions Carnot' .
have a look to URL joined, for a short version of english traduction.

Well, I'm not angry with american people but with american government lies.

by A Brit
Hundreds of witnesses saw a plane crash into the pentagon.It is a fact that the french are insanly jealous of England and America.They used to be big shots and now they blow up islands in the pacific to feel tough.
I'm not even going to bother debunking this becouse I don't have the time and it smells like rubbish a mile away.One word "Waterloo".
by Eric
Distressing critic of french people.
remember that Frenchies helped american people to be free... from english dictature...
Concerning atomic tries, it's over since several years and it was very deep in ground, while american tested in 60's atomic bombs in desert and on sea, with lot of american soldiers or marines close to explosion.
How many are dead from cancer, now ?
If you don't want to be european, well, it's your right, so, migrate to USA.
Just a little story on England creation : in far past, in celtic period, the Saxons tribes were called by a local celtic king to have mercenaries against scott tribes in the north. In change, saxons receive a big part of england .
After victory against scotts, the saxon chief in england invited 300 locals celtic chiefs for a big nosh-up with 300 other saxons.
On a saxon chief signal, all the 300 saxons killed the celtic man in front of him.
it is the story of england creation. Well, you think you are Brit, in fact you are german, mixed with normand people in 1066.

Still sure that you are not european ?
by hist
In 1066 the Normans - from Normandy - a region of France - invaded and overtook England. English are essentially part French. That's why the English language and the French language are so close.
Although, I have to admit, although I find alot of new evidence coming out about 9/11 pretty plausible, I think this thing about no plane crashing into the Pentagon is pretty much a load of bunk, probably a wild goose chase intended to discredit investigation into the events.
by Eric
Right ! Good history notions ! In fact Normandy (where american GIs landed the D day in WWII) is a land where Normans were living in the past. But 'Normans' come from english 'North man' , it mean in fact Vikings from scandinavia who invaded (more or less pacificaly ;>) this part of France. it is reason why the girls in this land are offen blond haired and blue eyed. ( top model Estelle Hallyday comes from Normandy). Those vikings became french by mixing their blood with 'local blood' , and then they decided to invade England, with 'Guillaume le conquerant' (Willem the conqueror), defeating saxons in Hastings Battle.
So, you're right when you say that English are most part french, but 'worst', english people are also most part scandinave !
by hist
I didn't want to get that specific, but yeah, thats essentially true. Vikings were given Normandy by the French as a sort of pay off so they would stop ravaging the land. They settled there and intermingled and eventually started speaking french. Its good to know that some people know their history :)
Actually the English are a totally mongrel breed. Its hard to even claim they were ever anything at all after the Romans invaded since England was the Roman equivalent of Australia, with thousands of slaves from around the Empire shipped there to work and build the colony. When the Romans withdrew many of these slaves were left behind. The English have blood from all over the Mediterranean before the Saxons even invade. I can't think of any other country in the world with such an odd mix of influences, which probably accounts for their eccentricity. I mean who would expect a country ruled by French Vikings to be normal??
by Eric
definitely ! So, I always not understand the hate that Brits have to French people and German people, relayed by all the stupid tabloïds they have ... For the language, you're right, the most part of latin root words are french words (liberty (liberté)), and the rest , saxon root words are ancient german words. (Hammer, sun (sohne), man (Männer) etc...). But it's far from the original subject !

If you look at a picture of the 'pentagon crash', it is evident that no boeing could have hit this building. FBI says they are rebuilding the plane, so, show the plane to everybody ! Nobody can imagine that a turbojet engine, made for high temperature ignition, can disappear in the fire !

First pictures show the pentagon with roofs not destroy, (they destroy those roofs, several days after...) and with a hole in the wall smaller than a boeing cockpit ... How explain that ? Why no traces of the wings in the impact ? official version is ridiculous.

It means that american governement wants to hide something. I don' know what and why... but we better not know it ...

I want to say, that me and the majory of french people like american people, but with our own way, dreaming that you become what Lafayette wanted for you : Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité .

by hist
I totally agree that the American government has something to hide. They shut down the investigation, they stopped planes from intercepting the hijacked planes, they trained the terrorists. They had everything to gain. But, I disagree that it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon. I just don't see it. Where did the plane go then? Why NOT just use another hijacked plane? I think some agents made up this story to discredit people who question the official story.
by Eric
In fact, it is not the problem.

But please, please, have a look the the URL joined (in english) :

It is a letter of an american member of congress.

I could not have done a better claim against Bush. The whole thing is in this text.

Thanks to read this page. And don't say it a french conspiration against you : i don't think that Miss McKinney is a treat !
by hist
I totally agree with everything there. Like I said earlier, I think Sept. 11 was done by Bush. I just think that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon.
by hist
there are some much better claims against bush:
and probably hundreds of others
by Eric
fantastic synthesis work ! (especially second URL).

But are you conscient of consequencies of what you say by 'I think Sept. 11 was done by Bush.' ?

you are not scared by discovering this ?
What about american victims ?
Will they be not avenged ?
by hassan assali (terrorist [at]
i have not yet aquired nor read this publication, but intend to do so. i have operated for many years in the theatre of counter-intelligence so am well versed in plausible deniability defences. i await its english release.

the jackal
by hassan assali (terrorist [at]
i have not yet aquired nor read this publication, but intend to do so. i have operated for many years in the theatre of counter-intelligence so am well versed in plausible deniability defences. i await its english release.

the jackal
by Hassan Mhamood (Hassan_mhamood [at]
I am a 17 year old student trying to land a copy of this book. Can someone please tell me when or if a copy will be published in english.

by Hassan Mhamood (Hassan_mhamood [at]
I am a 17 year old student trying to land a copy of this book. Can someone please tell me when or if a copy will be published in english.

by X2
"But are you conscient of consequencies of what you say by 'I think Sept. 11 was done by Bush.' ?

you are not scared by discovering this ?
What about american victims ?
Will they be not avenged ?"

Well, yes of course. You seem to think that merely because I believe that what crashed into the Pentagon was a plane, that I don't take the possibilities seriously. Well I do. I am very scared. I hope to see the American victims avenged and so much more. I hope to see the mafia-like political organization in Washington rooted out and brought to light and held accountable and judicially executed, all of them, Bush, Wolfowitz, every one of them. And more I hope that for many many decades to come the insane policies they embrace are discredited and the American people experience a moral awakening such as occured in Germany after the war.
by Grant Alexander Giliomee (giliom_g2 [at]

This is my world too
a place called home
Somewhere to sleep, to be alone
There are missiles in the sky
and diseases in the air
and yet I belong neither here nor there
Children sleep outside & beg for a meal
others have to steal
The religions quarrel, they hate and despise
within their leaders evil lies.
There's love & compassion in times of need,
the saddest loss is ours indeed
The fundamentalists miss the point entirely.
With select teams for own protection
the honest, wanton and naïve face rejection.
Apparently there's safety in communion?
and in amongst this folly
In a world of kindness bared
and children's smiles in adult's care
there's hope for us still.

Copyright ©2002 Grant Alexander Giliomee

I would include Voltaires poem in which the last paragraph reads but space is an issue here: Is it not possible that these changes in his poem are becoming a reality.

A Huguenot lover will be able to marry
The attractive sister of an important cleric;
We will see poverty clothed and nourished
With the treasures of the Loretto, amassed for Mary;
The children of Sarah, whom we treat like dogs,
Will eat ham that has been cured by Christians.
The Turk, without asking whether the imam will pardon him,
Will go drink with the abbé Tamponet at the Sorbonne. [3]
My nephews will dine gaily and with no ill will
With the descendants of the Pompignan brothers;
They will be able to pardon this harsh La Blétrie [4]
For having cut short the course of my life.
We will see a reunion of the finest minds:
But who will ever be able to bear dining with Fréron?

by me-or is it
It's the fault of the Democrats, not the Republicans. Clinton signed the order giving total accuracy of the GPS system. Those newer planes had the ability to have their targets dialed in. It's the fault of the LEFT!
by truthteller
The DemonRATS sold us out on May 1 2000

by where is X2
Where are you, X2? Why are all of you conspiracy freaks silent now?
by where is X2
Where are you, X2? Why are all of you conspiracy freaks silent now? It sounds just as plausable that Clinton is guilty, right?
by Red One
"The US Authorities have tried to make believe that the dammage caused to the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001 was caused by the crash of a hijacked Boeing airliner on the building. "

What a non-issue. Why are people even concerned with this when we are just a few steps from catching the Anthrax murderers, who are Americans in the defense establishment?
by Eric
The real reason of stopping low quality GPS is not given in this URL.
The main reason is that Europe will offer soon an equivalent system of global positioning, cheaper, more precise than actual civil GPS.

It's just a bit of Marketing to keep a maximum of customers, in fact.

What you are calling demons or rats kept USA in good health, business speaking, while clinton was president.

What about Enron ? Worldcom ? Remember me the links between Enron and Bush ... speak loader, I can't ear you ...

Clinton risked impeachment for a blowjob (well, I know it's for a lie in fact, but...)
So, what is Mr Bush risking ?

Bush wants war in Irak, without UNO permission, well, do you think that China will ask permission to invade Taïwan, in such case ?

Read french president Chirac interview for New-York times.

USA can't be the lone policeman in the world, (neither France, China, Russia and so on...)

A minimum of concertation between nations is necessary, if not, what a mess !

just one other thing : Guantanamo base should have been given back to cuba since several years, according to UNO rules.
This place is actually not an american territory, so prisonners can't have any rights, like anyone.

They are not even "war prisonners" !
Is it normal for a country known for citizen rights and liberty ?

by Jon
The US doen't need to seek the UN's approval. They already have. IRAQ is in violation of an earlier UN resolution (from the Gulf War in the 90's) that permits the use of force if IRAQ breaks it. IRAQ has ignored this resolution for the past few years and will continue to push the boundries to see how far the International community will let them go.

You would think the French people would be the first to notice. That is exactly what the Natzis did during WWII.

When will the French people (mainly the politicians) wake up and get some balls of their own!!!

Also, the UN would be nothing and nobody would take them seriously WITHOUT the support of the US.

As for Enron and WorldCom...
do you honestly think that those accounting practices and the currption started overnight in the Bush administration?!?! WAKE UP!!!!!! One might wonder if companies like those are the reason the Clinton economy seemed to be doing so well, when in fact companies are falsely reporting profits.
by Charles Deane
by Charles Deane
For those misguided people who believe the standard government line of "It was the foreign terrorists", they need to remove their blinders to the truth and learn the truth for themselves. A good starting point is the following web site. If they are honest, they will learn the truth and discover it WAS NOT foreign terrorists that caused the problems of 9-11.
by Eric
The main reason why USA has been attacked is in fact that USA don't care of UNO and other countries... Continue ! You gonna have lot of friends in the world. Why Bush wants to attack Irak ? remember that Irak is not a 'terrorist' country like you think... Oh yeah, Hussein is a dictator, people in Irak are starving (because of US embargo, in part), they wants powerful weapons, and so on... But no links with islamics terrorists : Hussein fight them against IRAN several years ago ! his bodyguards are christians, because christians are in minority in Irak, and it is the only way for them to survive : support saddham.
Hussein should go yes, but USA want that for bad reason : oil.
Isn't strange that Afghanistan and Irak are link with petroleum interests ?
Why do not US Army go in Soudan ?. why no critics against Saudi arabia ?

Oh, for memory, USA didn't respect UNO resolution for Guatanamo.
Concerning WWII, Nazi organisation received funds from US industry, while rest of europe tried to avoid war...

last thing : 3000 deads in WTC attack is awfull, really awfull, but be reasonable : 6000 children EACH DAY die in africa mainly because of AIDS...
by truthteller
The liberals know it. They don't care. On the contrary, they encourage it.

I vote for liberal genocide.
by truthteller
Perhaps that intellectually dishonest bastard can admit to the Clinton administraion helpping Worldcom and Enron, etc, along? What kind of atmosphere did the Clintonistas embrace? Can you begin with Clinton's shaking his finger, and saying his historic lie? His pardons for cash?

No, I don't approve of Enron and the like. But the Demonrats helped the culture of dishonest dealings. Terry McAuliffe is the poster boy of the moment for that. I'm sure you'll address the DNC chairman/thief, that, you fucking "intellectual".
by truthteller
Perhaps that intellectually dishonest bastard can admit to the Clinton administraion helpping Worldcom and Enron, etc, along? What kind of atmosphere did the Clintonistas embrace? Can you begin with Clinton's shaking his finger, and saying his historic lie? His pardons for cash?

No, I don't approve of Enron and the like. But the Demonrats helped the culture of dishonest dealings. Terry McAuliffe is the poster boy of the moment for that. I'm sure you'll address the DNC chairman/thief, you fucking "intellectual".
by graymatter
what's Clinton got to do with whether or not the thing that hit the Pentagon was a plane or not? Not that, like all ruling elite, Democrat or Republican, he wasn't a shitbag, but I really can't see the connection with the article of this thread. Are you on medication?
by Sheepdog
We've grown accustomed to "truthteller"s ranting
as a comparison marker like a light house near
dangerous waterways. Nice to know where they are but
foolish to approach.
by this thing here
clinton helped the terrorists guide the planes into the towers. haven't you heard?
by Eric
Is still UNO not in the game, now ?
What a good play of saddham ! it was evident ! now Bush is a fool.
Bush never read 'the prince' of Machiavel.

What can do Bush now ? go to war alone ?

by jon
The US doesn't need the UN. Of course the US can go to war alone...we don't NEED any nation for help, but it's a courtesy and we are trying to be polite when we go to the UN about going to war.

We are the most powerful nation in the entire world and that and the fact that we are a democracy and allow people to have freedoms and right is why people hate us and are out to get us and tear the US down!

Just wait and see...if we go to war with Iraq, after the other week nations see that we are winning they will want to jump on board and try and get involved...but only after there is clearly no risk involved to them.
by Sheepdog
Where to begin?
Hell, it's no use lets just say that courtesy has nothing
to do with a rampaging elephant in must. Lets just
remember that Germany also thought they could rape the
world at gun point and ended up picking through the
rubble, looking for shelter and food. No one has the
right to do what we have done, then blame the victims
no matter how powerful we think we are.




by laptop
If they wanted to attack a democracy they wouldn't attack the US. The US is not nor has it ever been a democracy. It's a republic. Get it straight. In fact the Repugly's are busy right smearing this fact in our face with H. Con Res 443, reaffirming that we are not a democracy.

by Victoria (
All's I can say is

by Sheepdog
Is that with or without butter, my dear?
by laptop
Have a look. Its an official House Resolution.
by Eric
Well done, laptop... Republic yes, like roman empire : invade countries and allow to survivors to be citizen.

But like all empire, it gonna be destroy sooner as you think !
(In france we had our dictator : Napoleon Bonaparte !)

In france we are in a republic AND a democraty because president (either deputies and mayors) is elected by all citizen and not by 'great electors (?)'.
Oh, I don't say we are the best (I leave it to USA :>) !!!) we are only good : listen to the difference !

Fact : 1 billion dollar (!!!!!!!!!) a day for defense (with result we know !!!). So, USA need ennemy , whatever it is. Today Irak, tomorrow Iran, and China. And then ? Europe ?

When USA will have no ennemy to struggle, USA gonna implode in a civil war, it's logical.

Change foreign politic ! Use dollars for education and health you gonna be better than ever !
by laptop
don't look at me, I don't support it. Just pointing it out for all those people who think Bush is "defending democracy" cuz Bush is actually passing resolutions to make sure its NOT a democracy
by Eric
I know you don't support it, I don't look at you ! My english is not as precise than your, sorry !
by Sheepdog
But you are correct!
Is this the begining of a dark age Orwell wrote
about? Just reviewed the old movie Cabaret.

We can't let these bastards take over again, our
children are worth anything we can do to stop them.
by genocide of liberals
A truly civilized society would sterilize liberals. It's a goddam hate crime against the planet allowing cockroaches to breed.

Please, sheepshit, please tell us you didn't reproduce. Humanity itself hinges on your answer.
by Dale
"You can make more friends in 2 months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in 2 years by trying to get people interested in you."
-Dale Carnegie
by chip
The purpose, my dear chimp, is not to win any hugs and kisses. I'm out to skullfuck traitors. Can you understand that? Tell you what, I'll give you two months to figure it out.
by ......
To write what you have on the internet rather than face to face shows how very pusillanimous you must be.
by .....
Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.
by .....
oh your lever thing is getting a bit old. Does it still work for you? That's special.
by Sheepdog
I have many children, Loser
My breeding program is in full
gear to ballance the lack of
intelligence obvious in the photo
probally due to over exposure of
radiation from your TV and micro-
wave. Hint: try stay back even if you
can't see the meat cook.

my GOD you look stupid!
by .......
The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.
by trollbait
I can't help myself. I MUST respond to the troll. I refuse to listen to my komrades. I have no self control. I simply MUST pull that lever. I'm a chimp, and I admit it. I will lose my mind if I don't respond to the troll.

Help me! Somebody stop me, please!!! Here I go again....
by ......
hey you said it not me, troll guy.
by pinoy
stupid talking to another stupid thinks their stories make sense
by Skip Baker (skipbaker [at]
One person asked doesn't anyone recall the woman who was killed in the crash, Owens I think, but can't he see that it they lie about WHAT hit the Pentagon, they could be lying about the entire thing? Let's ask him to wake up. Just look at the photos himself and SEE that there are NO airplane parts on the grass or in the building AT ALL! No engine, no wheels, no nothing from a plane and a tiny hole that only a missile could have made. Only 12 feet wide when the wingspan of the planes made a wide hole in the World Trade Center.

Can't Americans even THINK anymore? Or is the truth just too horrific for people to deal with? If they thought Clinton did stuff for which to be impeached, they've seen nothing yet. But my thoughts are that THIS world event is so horrific that perhaps the end of all things is at hand! We are being held hostage by the Jewish Media that I feel is protecting the Mossad who may have been the unit that pulled off 911. Many think that the Administration knew well in advance what they were going to do, and saw a chance to blame the whole thing on the innocent Arabs. They are famous for doing just this kind of False Flag operation, so we should demand that they stop operating in this country and take their terrorism back to Israel.

One Congressman from Virginia had to apologize for saying the truth yesterday. He said that if Israel didn?t want this war so bad, we wouldn?t be going after it. And even though that?s the TRUTH, he felt he had to apologize. Why do that for telling the truth? We?ve lost our way in this country and don?t have the courage to stand up for what we believe.

by earthwatch
Only a simpleton could accept the U.S. government's bogus explanation (basically, a defense of incompetence) for what transpired on 9/11. Having read many of the comments here, it seems clear that the recent study which showed the tendency of conservatives to see things over-simply (good/evil, black/white) is true.

NO WAY could "Osama bin Laden" and "al Queda" have gotten the U.S. Air Force and NORAD to Stand Down as they did on 9/11. If it was mere (monumental) incompetence, how come there have been no reprimands, no demotions, no trials for dereliction of duty, no trials for treason, though there have been some promotions?

The energy released in the collapse of the towers exceeded the known energy sources by about 100 times. And that was before the fires in the rubble burned for 3 months!!?! Of course, simpletons are not very good at arithmetic, and conservatives (sic) only like science when it suits their purpose.

The same Bushistic simpletons who were 'fooled' by the incrediibly obvious Niger uranium document forgeries expected us to be fooled by the equally obvious forged images supposedly taken from the Pentagon CCTV security video frames. (Since when do shadows come with their own outlines, to mention one of many many amateurish mistakes in the forgeries?) Darth Rumsfeld and flaccid Dick Cheney learn Photshop?

Simpletons also have no problem with the multi-mile debris field left when a supposedly-intact Flight 93 hit the ground in Pennsylvania.

But, to me, these anomalies are the earmarks of an all-American cover-up.

No matter where you start investigating, it quickly unravels. No wonder Fearless Leader opposes/blocks investigations. No wonder he tried to get H.Kissinger to do the deed (but Hank quickly realized that even he couldn't pull this one off; there is way too much obvious evidence out there already!).

Wake up, America! You've been lied to and attacked, and now you're attacking others without having any idea who attacked you.
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