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Zen - a 24 ft diameter redwood

by Duff (duff [at]
This redwood is scheduled to be cut by the Pacific Lumber company, luckily it is being occupied by members of "The Natural Guard" in a platform 220 feet up. But they need help to keep it standing!
by Lymantria dispar
If that tree is 24 feet in diameter, the man standing next to it would have to be 12 feet tall.
Did you mismeasure the diameter, or are you growing some sort of superhumans?
by lysander
The diameter is a straight line across the circumference of a circle through its center.
It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but it could be a shot from the short side (redwood trees, particularly old ones, don't always grow perfectly circular).
Whether it's a case of bad photography, bad math, or the previous commenters bad spatial sense, someone needs to re-measure the darn thing. If you mean a 24-foot circumference (distance around a circle, measured on trees four feet from the ground), then say so.

by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
Actually, the tree-sitter in Zen is not a member of The Natural Guard. The sitter is a person who came to Humboldt Co. and found North Coast Earth First! and the Humboldt Forest Defense. The Natural Guard is another group of wonderful folks, who are helping to save the last of these Ancient trees.
Just a correction, for the sake of Truth.
We still have a base camp, so give us a call, come to Humboldt Co., and help defend the last remaining Old Growth left on the Earth:)
by psyrx (psyrx_420 [at]
zen is actually aprox. 15 ft in diameter . and over 260 ft tall and would be taller except that the top broke off it is aprox 3 ft in diameter where it it broken...
many thanks to the Natural Guard and North Coast Earth First, for all the hard work put in to saving the last of the ancient forests ... much love to all who suport this cause .....
by tadpole
the size is not the issue, its hard to tell the size of a tree when you look at from video, i think what they ment was 24 around, thats normally what people look at, but who cares its one of many amazing trees that are going to get killed and turned in to hot tubs and deco siding.....they should be here for the future, if you cant come to humboldt to help, go back to the front page and follow the links to sign the prop that going to go on the ballard, or write a letter to your local paper saying your fellings about the cutting of the last of the last old growth in nothen CA...this it folks
kets not waste time on tiny stupid little details....they are meaningless.....please do some dont have to sit in a tree to help..there are many levels....
for the frogs
by Falling tree
Zen is not the last of the "old growth" in Northern California. Get away from your computer and the false proproganda and take a hike in one of the many National/state parks in Northern California and you will see entire groves of "old growth" not just isolated trees among second growth timber. For you that don't know, second growth refers to trees that have grown back after areas were initially cut. Meaning that logging does not cause deforestation as many people seem to believe. Deforestation occurs when tree cannot grow back such as in building houses, farming, or road construction which I am certain all of us use or benefit from. This leads me to believe that all of us take part in deforestation in one way or another. So instead of protesting lands where trees will be grown back why not spend your energy and time on something more productive such as planting trees or restoration work. Or is it just easier to complain and protest than it is to do something productive?

Has anyone ever considered the fact that sitting in the trees to protect the wildlife may actually scare the wildlife away or attract predators. Just food for thought.
by Mr. Normal
When I walk through the forests, I am reminded of their complexity and my own. Forests do not consist merely of trees, just as I do not consist merely of bones. Yet remove trees/bones and what are you left with?

This photo was taken deep inside Mt. Hood National Forest, in Oregon. The area is adjacent to an Old Growth preserve.

Notice the person standing in the foreground?

by *
by Rev. Kobutsu Malone (kobutsu [at]
I am an American Rinzai Zen Buddhist priest. I was surprised to learn of the tree named "Zen".... I am deeply moved by the dedication of the people who are fighting to save these trees.

I would like to come and see this tree and conduct an ordination ceremony for "Zen" - This might draw some attention to this treasure particularly in Japan.
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