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Students call for divestment, end of Israeli apartheid

by sling
Feb. 18: Students convened at a national conference in Berkeley called on their colleges and universities to divest from Israel all financial holdings until Israel ends its system of occupation and apartheid in Palestine.
National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement</h1>
<h2>Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</h2>

<ol><li>POINTS OF UNITY</li>
<ol><li>Organization of an Observer Force to Palestine</li>
<li>Divestment Resolution</li>
<li>Website Resolution</li></ol>
<ol><li>Solidarity Resolution</li>
<li>Statement of Solidarity with National Anti-War Conference</li>
<li>Divestment Statement</li></ol>

<p>Conference organized by Students For Justice In Palestine<br />
Berkeley, CA 94704<br /></p>

<p>Conference co-sponsors (alphabetical order): Al-Awda, the Palestine Right of Return Coalition, San Francisco Chapter, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San Francisco, American Muslims for Jerusalem, Americans for Justice for Palestinians, Arab Student Union, UC Berkeley, Arab Women's Solidarity Association, Berkeley Women in Black, Boalt Hall Arab Student Association, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Friends of Sabeel-North America, General Union of Palestinian Students, If Americans Knew, International Socialist Organization, Jews for a Free Palestine, Left Turn, Middle East Childrens Alliance, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Muslim Students Association, Solidarity Design, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People</p>


<li>The National Student Conference of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement (hereafter the Conference) is a diverse group of students, activists, and community members, organized to promote justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian people.</li>


<li>The Conference is committed to a core set of principles.</li>

<li>The Conference believes that the Palestinian people must ultimately be able to decide their future in Palestine. Certain key principles, grounded in, but not limited to, international law, human rights, and basic standards of justice, will be fundamental to a just resolution to the plight of the Palestinians. These include: <ol>
<li>the full decolonization of all Palestinian land, including settlements, which are illegal under international law;</li>
<li>the end of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem and all Arab lands;</li>
<li>the recognition and implementation of the right of return and repatriation for all Palestinian refugees to their original homes and properties; and</li>
<li>an end to the Israeli system of Apartheid and discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian population.</li>

<li>Just as the Conference condemns the racism and discrimination inherent in Zionism underlying the policies and laws of the state of Israel, the Conference rejects any form of hatred or discrimination against any group based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.</li>

<li>The Conference’s strength is in the great diversity of its membership. The Conference welcomes individuals of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to join in solidarity with the struggle for justice in Palestine. </li>

<li>As a solidarity movement, it is not our place to dictate the strategies or tactics adopted by the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.</li>


<li>The Conference seeks to promote the following campaigns: <ol>
<li>divestment from Israel</li>
<li>ending U.S. aid to Israel</li>
<li>Right of Return;</li></ol>
Using tactics which may include:<ol>
<li>public demonstrations and rallies</li>
<li>civil disobedience or direct action</li>
<li>The Conference does not endorse activities that contradict the guiding principles as stated above. </li>
<li>Individuals or groups acting as members, representatives, or sponsors of the Conference agree to abide by the code of conduct and promote its guiding principles. </li>
<li>In the interest of building a more unified and expanding solidarity movement for justice and human rights in Palestine, individuals or groups may endorse and sign on the the above guiding principles. </li>
<li>Conference members and future endorsers will organize and coordinate future assemblies as needed. </li>


<h3>Organization of an Observer Force to Palestine</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement <br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</p>

<p>We, as students in of the National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement, will send a large delegation of students and international community members to go to Palestine this summer with two main objectives:</p>

We will fundraise and gather much needed material items, food, medicines, and money to deliver directly to the Palestinian people.</li>
<li>We will then spend a month (or longer, depending on the availability of individuals) acting as an observer and protector force for the Palestinians living under the illegal Israeli occupation.</li></ol>

<h3>Divestment Resolution</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement <br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</p>

<p>We, the national student movement for solidarity with Palestine,</p>
<li>endorse an April 9, 2002 National Day of Action to commemorate the Deir Yassin massacre and call for university divestment. </li>
<li>will hold regional conferences to demand university divestment on the weekend of September 28–29, 2002 (dates recommended), to commemorate the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Intifada.</li>
<li>will create a resource center to serve as a source of information, educational resources, and activist skills for divestment work.</li></ol>

<h3>Website Resolution</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement <br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</p>

<p>A website dedicated to serving activists by facilitating their access to resources, as well as a platform to communicate, is invaluable and long due. The National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement endorses Solidarity Design’s initiative to design site for this purpose, at</p>

<p>The website structure will consist of the following:</p>
<li>Home: A brief explanation of what the site is about, and a small announcement window</li>
<li>Activism: An introduction to the most effective website</li>
<li>Films: Information about documentaries and how to obtain them</li>
<li>Speakers: Listing, specialty, and contact information</li>
<li>Publications: Listing of pamphlets / leaflets, and how to obtain them (some could be downloadable)</li>
<li>Media: Pointers on effective ways of dealing with the media, and relevant contacts</li>
<li>Online: How the power of the Internet can be harnessed to effectively support our objectives</li>
<li>Fundraising: Pointers on raising funds for your organization</li>
<li>Newsletter: Listing of useful newsletters to subscribe to</li>
<li>Announcements: Details of relevant events, and a form to add your own</li>
<li>Contacts: Listing of activists in various geographic areas</li>
<li>Listserve: to which all conference attendees will be invited</li></ul>

<p>Other sections may be added, including contacting government officials, divestment campaign, and more. Conference attendees are invited to support the project with content.</p>


<h3>Solidarity Resolution</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement <br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February, 2002</p>

<p>We, the national student movement for solidarity with Palestine, declare our solidarity with the popular Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, colonization, and apartheid, just as we unequivocally support the right of all people, wherever they may be, to resist oppression. </p>

<p>Popular resistance is a legitimate strategy that has been and will continue to be adopted by people under similar inhuman conditions. </p>

<p>In the spirit of movements for self-determination throughout history, we call upon all people opposed to injustice and oppression to support the Palestinian struggle. </p>

<p>As a solidarity movement, it is not our place to dictate the strategies or tactics adopted by the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.</p>

<h3>Statement of Solidarity with National Anti-War Conference</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement <br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</p>

<p>The National Student Conference of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement extends our support to the National Anti-War Conference attendees gathered in NYC the weekend of February 22–24. The liberation of Palestine is inextricably linked to the larger struggle for global justice and an end to the U.S. “war on terror” and U.S. imperialism. We urge you to take this opportunity to show your solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice, dignity, and self-determination. </p>

<h3>Divestment Statement</h3>

<p>National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement<br />
Berkeley, California<br />
February 2002</p>

<p>In recognition of the more than 1000 Palestinians who have been killed since the start of the al-Aqsa Intifada on September 29, 2000, we, the undersigned, convened for the National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement in February, 2002 at the University of California, Berkeley, call upon our colleges and universities to divest all financial and institutional holdings from Israel until:</p>

<li>the end of the Israeli occupation and settlement of the Gaza Strip, West Bank including East Jerusalem, and all Arab lands;</li>
<li>the recognition and implementation of the right of return and repatriation for all Palestinian refugees to their original homes and properties;</li>
<li>and an end to the Israeli system of Apartheid and discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian population. </li></ol>

<p>We also call upon our governments to end all diplomatic, political, and economic aid to Israel. We promote the aforementioned campaign in the interests of justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian people. </p>

<h4>Signed February 17, 2002 by the National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement, as represented by students from the following institutions:</h4>

<p>Antioch College (Yellow Springs, Ohio)<br />
City College of San Francisco<br />
City University of New York<br />
Columbia University<br />
Concordia University (Montreal)<br />
Depaul University (Chicago)<br />
Georgetown University<br />
Long Island University<br />
McGill University (Montreal)<br />
Merced College<br />
Ohio State University<br />
University of California, Berkeley<br />
University of California, Davis<br />
University of California, Los Angeles<br />
University of California, Santa Cruz<br />
University of Illinois, Chicago<br />
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign<br />
University of Massachusetts<br />
University of Michigan<br />
University of Minnesota<br />
University of Washington<br />
Vista College (Berkeley)</p>
by Hank Jackson
Good to see the young terrorist protoges are gonna head over to Zionist occupied territory. After proving their bravery by staging an intifada on the Berkeley campus, these battle tested warriors will leave the zionsit entity shaking in its boots.

My favorite part is the divestment stuff. Anyone notice that the governor just appointed an Israeli, Chaim Saban, to the board of the UC Regents?? hehehe.......

yours in struggle and solidarity (but what the hell we gonna do if we actually get a state?!?)

by Jack Ass
Sorry Nessie. Israel is not South Africa. While many Palestinians may be fighting for independence and a solution that sees two states living peacefully next door to one another, these students and indeed many here are fighting to destroy Israel itself.

But Israel isn;t South Africa, and 5 million Jews living there don;t have anywhere else to go. Everyone here acts surprised and shocked that when the Palestinians declare intifada and start blowing up pizza restaurants and buses, the Israeli sfight back like savages. Having your back against the wall does that, as we are seeing on both sides.

If you (anyone reading this) advocates the destruction of Israel, then it is time to stop your whining and join the fight. Because Israelis have every right to defend their state, to the death if need be, against those whose goal is to destroy it.

Deal with it.
by samson
Jack Ass, I think you have things backwards. South African whites (at least the boers) had no where to go. I think that is a factor leading to their throwing in the towel and facing reality. Many, many Isreali's have a way out - a very large percentage hold dual citizenship. I suspect the fall of Isreal will/would lead to a large migration to the US similiar to that of the Cubans and Vietnamese.

Good or bad? I won't even touch that question!
by Leftist Avenger
The answer is a binational secular state, with strict separation of church and state and U.N. monitored elections for an indefinite period.

Any movement to bring justice to the Middle East must take an unequivocal stand against both anti-Arab hatred and anti-Semitism of all kinds, and call on both Palestinians and dissident Israelis to engage in massive non-violent civil disobedience to bring about peace and justice.

A divestment movement against the militaristic Israeli state is an excellent idea.

Hamas must be condemned along with the Mossad. Both Sharon and Arafat must go.

The Leftist Avenger has spoken. Heed my words!
by the burningman
What is so great about Israel that it shouldn't be destroyed? They have a racist legal system and openly admit, with no small pride, that their state is for Jews only. The fact that arabs and Jews are about equal numerically in all of historic Palestine apparently doesn't phase them. Because they are racists.

And that's why the Israeli state must fall.

The fact that Arafat is willing to sell out his own people to ensure his domination of a few bantustans on the West Bank says nothing about the right and wrongs of the Palestinian national struggle.

Israel invades and occupies, Arabs resist that occupation. Any moral equivelancy is morally bankrupt.

Palestine will win.
by mike
Shut up, you anti-Semitic Maoist dirtbag. Have a Cultural Revolution in your cubicle and blow yourself up! You make me sick, you Stalinist piece of dirt! You and the Little Red Book you rode in on. Begone, you humourless twit and take your anti-Semitism with you! And a big rasberry for you! Ptttttthhhhh! You make me hurl chunks!
by mike
a message from burningman:

I'm a Maoist moron! That's what I am! I'm anti-Semitic and I'm a sectarian jerk. I admit it! Take me to the looney bin and hook me up with jumper cables! I'm stupid! Duuuuuhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even read the Little Red Book because i went to the 2nd grade and quit! It was too hard so I became a Maoist! I'm stuuuuuuuupppppppiiiiiiiiiiddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the burningman
Don't let your mouth overload your ass.

What is it about the internet that makes people flame? Can't people talk without excess punctuation?

If another Zionist asshole calls me anti-Semetic I think I may "hurl." I've spent my entire life fighting racial prejudice, no matter which way it goes.

It was funny when I was in school. My college paper ran an obituary of Rabin when one of the settlers killed him which basically called him out for the murderer he was. It included many quotes from his own autobiography about war crimes he had participated in and was totally unapologetic about. The campus Hillel group took up a petition claiming the paper was "anti-Semetic" and the writer a jew hater. Of course the writer was married to a Jew and editor in chief of the paper was a Jew. And the week before the paper was embroiled in a different controversy because it had thoughtfully exposed the anti-Semetism of Louis Farrakhan during the Million Man March. But it was still "anti-Semetic" because the paper opposed war crimes against an occupied people.

I'll tell you, hating Nazism has nothing to do with hating Germans. Only fascists can't see the difference.

by Rene
A recent letter sent to President Bush should be of interest to above Middle East experts.

Dear Mr. President:

Since Ariel Sharon instigated the latest round of violence between Palestinian and Israelis, 1109 human being have been killed-- 821 Palestinian and 248 Israelis. Many thousands more have been injured and about 20% of those will never walk again.

On December 15, the U.S. was the only country on the UN Security Council to vote against the resolution condeming both Israeli and Palestinian terrorism. I believe, that has only encouraged more killing from both sides.

Many Americans do not buy into the Israeli and American TV fabrication that Israel, the sides doing most of the killing is the innocent side.

If Arafat, who has had most of his infrastructure destroyed by the Israeli military, and who is now a hostage surrounded by tanks is to be held responsible for all Palestinian terrorism, we should equally hold Sharon responsible for all the Israeli terrorism. Certainly he is in a much stronger position to control the terrorism from his own people.

For the past 40 years, all American presidents have criticized the Israeli right-wing, illegal settlement policy. Despite this fact. and despite the fact that Americans politicians has given over $100 billions of honest taxpayer money to the Israelis, they have continued to thumb their noses at us.

A more balanced aid policy in that part of the world would be welcomed by most of the world, and this would lead to a reduction in hate and terrorism against Americans. History would reward anyone brave enough to take such a brave stand for peace.

by Jack Ass
Ariel Sharon did not *instigate* the latest round of violence. The Palis declared an intifada. Check out the comments of the PA communications minister, who has stated publicly that the PA planned on resorting to violence upon the failure of Camp David.

And perhaps with the olympics going on, one of the fanatical Sharon haters here could explain why Arafat, who ordered the 1972 Munich olympics massacre, is not regarded as equally evil as Sharon?

Is it because you feel that Sharon has scored more death points? Inquiring minds want to know.
by Rene
Wow you really know your history Jack, going all the way back to 1972. I can’t promise to enlighten you, but I can probably bring you up to date a bit.

Let’s skip forward to 1982, I guess you have not heard about Sabra and Chatila where 2,000 Palestinian women, children and elderly were butchered by paid Israeli thugs with the blessing os Sharon. That massacre alone makes the Olympic terrorism looks like small potatoes.

Maybe we can go forward a bit more to 1997, the massacre at Qana by the IDF artillery, were 800 civilians were delilberately targeted and the Israelis were were caught lying about it. The evidence was such that the entire UN General Assembly voted to punish Israel for these murders. Only one country voted was not convinced. I’ll let you guess who that was.

So you say, the current violence was planned by the Palestinian going back to Camp David. This is a free country, and you can write your own version of history if it makes you happy.

by Rene
American Jews have pressured the American media to quit publishing the total body counts of victims in the Isreli-Palestinian conflict, as was formerly done at the end of news stories.

The up-to-date count is 885 Palestinians and 275 Israelis killed. Jack, you are one of those who will claim that these lives are not comparable, and that the side doing most of the killing is the innocent side.

That simply is not credible, and it is also racist.

by Rene
American Jews have pressured the American media to quit publishing the total body counts of victims in the Isreli-Palestinian conflict, as was formerly done at the end of news stories.

The up-to-date count is 885 Palestinians and 275 Israelis killed. Jack, you are one of those who will claim that these lives are not comparable, and that the side doing most of the killing is the innocent side.

That simply is not credible, and it is also racist.

by Jack Ass
American Jews have pressured the American media to quit publishing the total body counts of victims in the Isreli-Palestinian conflict, as was formerly done at the end of news stories.

===> I'd like you to name the American Jews who are doing the pressuring. I'd then like to see your content analysis study that you have done or that you quote from to back up your claims.

The up-to-date count is 885 Palestinians and 275 Israelis killed.

===> Does that mean the Palestinians win? I mean, you quote that as if it the score of a football game.

Jack, you are one of those who will claim that these lives are not comparable, and that the side doing most of the killing is the innocent side.

===> You don;t know me, nor do you know what I think other than from what I have posted. I am amazed that folks like you really belive this is a sporting match, and that the death count means a damn thing. Are you one of those progressives who wears the Palestinian flag t-shirts, or the Palestine necklaces like Baraba Lubin from MECA? Unbeliveable. The Germans lost more dead than the US in WW 2. Does that mean that they were the side who was *right*?

That simply is not credible, and it is also racist.

===. And your straw man argument, building up a fictional image of me and then calling that racist is luaghable. At least Nessie is trying to make a factual argument. Yours is just ridiculous. Palestine should be proud to have you as an advocate.

by Lois
In my Opinion the Intifada is an antisemitic solidarity with the palestinian antisemitics!!! Solidarity with the israelic and palestinian peace movement!!!!!
by the burningman
Lois says in her opinon the Intifada is an "anti-semetic" war. Intifada means "shaking off" in Arabic. It is an entire people united against 30 years of brutal military occupation. If that's anti-Semitism, I weep for what Jews have become. But, luckily, it's not.

Aside from the obvious fact that Arabs are Semites, the content of the current intifada is only a demand for the evacuation of settlers and the Israeli military from '67 territories. This is demanded not just by teenagers on the streets of Palestinian refugee camps, but the United Fucking Nations. By EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD except the United States and Israel.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. Doesn't make it true. I read the statements from the PA, from the left and Islamic movements. They don't attack Jews at all. Only Zionism. And that's morally impressive to me.

On the other hand, I watched Zionists yesterday chanting by Union Square in New York "No Arabs, No terror." This is an open call to genocide. Palestinians and Jews on the other side of the barricades were demanding things like "democracy" the "right of return for Palestinian refugees," and "end the occupation." No demands for Jewish blood. No anti-Semetic comments.

If you can't see the difference, you are blind.
by BurningMan's Mom
Honey, did you remember to take your meds? I think you are having an episode again, the nice people at indymedia called and said you were having fits. Don;t forget to go to and click on their links to holocaust denial pages. Of course sweety, they are not anti-jewish, they are only anti-zionist! Nobody really hates Jews, it's all a fabrication of the Holocaust industry. Are you eating enough? You look so thin. Ans when are you gonna settle down with a nice girl. I am gonna introduce you to Esther Schwartz's daughter, she is such a ncie girl! And call your mother some time, it won;t kill you! I worry!

by the burningman • Friday March 08, 2002 at 10:11 AM

Lois says in her opinon the Intifada is an "anti-semetic" war. Intifada means "shaking off" in Arabic. It is an entire people united against 30 years of brutal military occupation. If that's anti-Semitism, I weep for what Jews have become. But, luckily, it's not.

Aside from the obvious fact that Arabs are Semites, the content of the current intifada is only a demand for the evacuation of settlers and the Israeli military from '67 territories. This is demanded not just by teenagers on the streets of Palestinian refugee camps, but the United Fucking Nations. By EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD except the United States and Israel.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. Doesn't make it true. I read the statements from the PA, from the left and Islamic movements. They don't attack Jews at all. Only Zionism. And that's morally impressive to me.

On the other hand, I watched Zionists yesterday chanting by Union Square in New York "No Arabs, No terror." This is an open call to genocide. Palestinians and Jews on the other side of the barricades were demanding things like "democracy" the "right of return for Palestinian refugees," and "end the occupation." No demands for Jewish blood. No anti-Semetic comments.

If you can't see the difference, you are blind.
by BurningMan's Mom
Honey, did you remember to take your meds? I think you are having an episode again, the nice people at indymedia called and said you were having fits. Don;t forget to go to and click on their links to holocaust denial pages. Of course sweety, they are not anti-jewish, they are only anti-zionist! Nobody really hates Jews, it's all a fabrication of the Holocaust industry. Are you eating enough? You look so thin. Ans when are you gonna settle down with a nice girl. I am gonna introduce you to Esther Schwartz's daughter, she is such a ncie girl! And call your mother some time, it won;t kill you! I worry!

by the burningman • Friday March 08, 2002 at 10:11 AM

Lois says in her opinon the Intifada is an "anti-semetic" war. Intifada means "shaking off" in Arabic. It is an entire people united against 30 years of brutal military occupation. If that's anti-Semitism, I weep for what Jews have become. But, luckily, it's not.

Aside from the obvious fact that Arabs are Semites, the content of the current intifada is only a demand for the evacuation of settlers and the Israeli military from '67 territories. This is demanded not just by teenagers on the streets of Palestinian refugee camps, but the United Fucking Nations. By EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD except the United States and Israel.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. Doesn't make it true. I read the statements from the PA, from the left and Islamic movements. They don't attack Jews at all. Only Zionism. And that's morally impressive to me.

On the other hand, I watched Zionists yesterday chanting by Union Square in New York "No Arabs, No terror." This is an open call to genocide. Palestinians and Jews on the other side of the barricades were demanding things like "democracy" the "right of return for Palestinian refugees," and "end the occupation." No demands for Jewish blood. No anti-Semetic comments.

If you can't see the difference, you are blind.
by b
Your Mom is right, burningeverybodyupman. You really should get some rest, take some nice chicken soup and basically, chill out. I also suggest reading a few books or renting a few movies on the Holocaust to keep things in perspective. The Holocaust doesn't justify Israeli brutality, but neither does Israeli brutality justify anti-Jewish, "Holocaust denial" stuff.
by mike
The above was written by mike, not b. Got things backwards there.
by Jewish Voices Against the Occupation Jewish Voices Against the Occupation The extensive opposition within the Jewish community to Israel's 34-year long occupation of Palestine needs to be voiced boldly and loudly. We are, therefore, planning to publish an ad in the New York Times calling for: an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem a complete evacuation of all the settlements a return to the pre-1967 borders. Given the urgency of the situation, we also call for: the immediate deployment of an international peace-keeping force in the occupied territories the suspension of military aid to Israel until the end of occupation. This ad will also support the lobbying efforts of Jewish advocates for peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Click here for the text of the proposed ad Click here to sign the ad See which Israeli peace groups endorse this ad As of February 25, 2002, 528 people have signed the ad and contributed $31,179. 435 of them sent us consent forms, agreeing that their name appear on this web site. 52 have pledged additional $2,100. Amount needed for publishing the ad in the New York Time: $37,750.
by Norma Harrison (normaha [at]
There were a 'few good Germans, too..." re The guys who run Israel are not nice people, and never have been. The people who live in Israel are another matter. Like all Peoples, they're a mixed bag. Some good people, some are bad people and some are a little of both.

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