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Indybay Feature

G8 Regional Mobilization!

by another collective
This is a proposal for mass demonstrations to be organized, in a southwestern American city, against the G8 meetings in Alberta this June.
Greetings, this is an unaffiliated and unofficial proposal.

As many people know, the G8 is meeting in Canada, on June 26-27. The mobilization against the G8 is already underway in the northeast, and is likely to focus on Canada's capital city, Ottawa. After riots in Genoa last summer, the G8 has decided to retreat to a remote rocky mountain hideaway of Kananaskis, Alberta.

Practically and logistically, the G8 retreat to a fortified hideaway in remote Alberta will probably prevent the numbers of demonstrators from swelling like they did in Quebec City or Genoa. Consequently, activists in the northeast have decided, actual decision pending a regional Consulta, to converge in Ottawa, with mass street demonstrations for the meeting dates of June 26-27.

This year, the G8 has required us to focus our attention away from the actual meeting site- which has remained the focal point of street demonstrations since Seattle- and into areas of capitalism influence but with more practical proximity.

Feedback on this proposal is encouraged:

A mass mobilization against the G8, this June 26-27, in a choice city in the American southwest (to be decided on by networked discussions and proposals), to concur with mass mobilization that will be taking place in the northeast and possibly elsewhere in Canada. The purpose of bringing a mass mobilization to the American southwest would be: to allow people, whose inaccessbile locations would otherwise prevent them from participating, to hit the streets against the G8; to show the world that people throughout North America resist the capitalist influence the G8 thrusts upon the world; to elevate the our expectations of solidarity demonstrations; and to inspire everybody involved in the struggle with the show of several, massive demonstrations taking place against the G8 in distant locations. The key to realizing this possibility will be effective and active organizing, as soon as possible, operating in the same urgency with which activists in Canada are beginning to mobilize.

If this proposal were to be accepted and pursued, networks could be established between different mobilizations to aid each other in bringing about the greatest and most dynamic turnout in the streets.

When they run away, we no longer need to chase. We're everywhere.
by Gisela Jensen (GJensen@deq,
My suggestion is to plan this event in Salt Lake City. This city is a bastion of both antiquated 'Republican Values' and a church that dictates its members to always be dutyful to the government dictates. Inspite-or because of- the Olympics, this State is about as oppressed as they come. Our esteemed Senator Hatch, has never seen a civil liberty he didn't want to suppress. This city needs to wake up!

I'm trying to get enough people together to schedule one of Jim Hightower's "Rolling Thunder Democracy Tours"(see and it would be just great to combine the two events.

As an alternate, I suggest Tucson for its sheer beauty and many enlightened minds. Thanks for letting me sound off.
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