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Islamic Afghan Pilgrims kill Tranportaion Minister over delayed flights

by Reuters
This is what a pilgrimage to Mecca is all about. Afghan pilgrims kill transport minister-TV over delayed flights to Saudi Arabia.

Allah is Great!!
DUBAI (Reuters) - Afghan Muslim pilgrims, angry over plane delays, have attacked and killed Afghanistan's interim transport minister at Kabul airport, Arabic-language al-Jazeera television has reported.

It quoted its reporter in the Afghan capital as saying Air Transport and Tourism Minister Abdul Rahman had gone to the airport to leave on a trip abroad when he was attacked on Thursday by a large number of disgruntled pilgrims awaiting flights to Saudi Arabia.

There was no immediate confirmation of the report by Afghan officials. Foreign journalists were unable to go to the airport to check on reports of a disturbance there because of a curfew.

More than 5,000 Afghans planning to leave for the annual haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia have been told that foreign aircraft are being leased for the trip as Afghanistan's Ariana airline has only one functioning plane, Afghan-based reporters said.

Saudi officials have said pilgrims coming from abroad must arrive by Sunday to be able to perform haj, one of Islam's five pillars.

by stop
why does the newswire have to have this shit? is indymedia a distribution service or something? can't there be some other place for these?
by Ken
So, what's wrong with this one?

I mean, no one EVER complains when there is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera, or CNN post that somehow confirms a radical, conspiracy-minded, liberal rant on this board.

All of a sudden, a Reuters report out of Afghanistan is "innapropriate" for you to read...interesting!!!


by I've Got Yr Mecca Right Here For You, Pal
by Panizzi
Had you simply reposted the Reuters article it would have qualified as news reporting.

Your little introduction, though, makes it painfully clear that your intention is to use an incident in Afghanistan to smear all Muslims as irrational, violent subhumans.

You remind me vey much of "jj", from, who uses much the same technique, garnering news stories about the ill conduct of individual Jews and posting them in an attempt to convince the reader that all Jews are terrible people.

In case you didn't know, this particular logical fallacy is called Hasty Generalization, or the a particulari ad generale argument.

Indulging in it reveals either an unfamiliarity with critical thinking or a fundamental dishonesty, depending on your particular state of knowledge.

No matter what "side" they happen to be on, Indymedia's hate posters are all birds of a feather. Perhaps the site needs a "Hater's Corner" where the lot of you can all flock together.

Incidentally, this is the second IMC site I've seen your diatribe on. As I continue on my daily tour of the IMC network, it will be interesting to count the number of sites you've spammed.
by Rene
It's simple. This is a bigoted anti-Moslim racist comment.

I don't know about you assholes, but if a Catholic nut should kill someone, does that make all Catholics who might plan a trip to St. Peters raving idiots and murderers. Maybe yours brains are too tiny to see that.

Indemedia is available to all nuts and many racist right-wing nuts take a free ride on this newswire.
by Ken
What if 600 devout Catholics were on their way to St. Peters, and their flight was delayed...and they beat and lynched the transportation minister?

Would that change your opinion of the Catholic faith just the tiniest bit?

We're not talking about an isolated "nut" here.... OPEN YOUR FREAKING EYES!
by Agence France Presse
Afghan minister lynched by pilgrims in Kabul:

Afghanistan's minister for aviation and tourism Abdul Rahman died after he was beaten by an angry mob of pilgrims who had been delayed for two days at Kabul airport, sources in the interim government told AFP.

Abdul Rahman "is dead, killed by furious hajj pilgrims," said General Khalil Omed, the deputy commander for Kabul security.

"The pilgrims were furious because the planes were not arriving. At the same moment the minister was leaving for Delhi. They attacked him in their hundreds. They beat him. Police tried to save him but were unable to," added defence ministry secretary Habeel (EDS: one name).

He said the interim minister "was taken to hospital", but was unable to say where the victim died, adding that the interim cabinet held a meeting after the bloody incident.

The incident took place at around 6:00pm (1330 GMT), he said.

Airport sources said two planes carrying 890 pilgrims later left for Mecca.

Afghanistan's Defence Minister, General Mohammad Qasim Fahim cut short his visit to Moscow by a day to race back to Kabul on hearing about the attack. Troops had been deployed along the road leading to the airport.

The frustration of Afghans trying to reach Mecca had been growing after several days of visa and plane delays.

According to Arab satellite television Al-Jazeera, the pilgrims became incensed after hearing rumours that one of their planes to Saudi Arabia had been seconded to take Rahman and his family to India.

Earlier Thursday hundreds crowded the airport in freezing temperatures, some clad only in light white hajj robes, anxious that they might not make it in time for hajj which starts next week.

Some had been waiting at the airport for more than 24 hours for the chance to take part in the pilgrimage.

The pilgrims had been told to arrive Wednesday morning for a flight chartered by the interim Afghan authority from a company in the United Arab Emirates. But more than a day later, no plane had arrived.

It was yet another disappointment for the 15,000 Afghans planning to visit Mecca this year who had first faced complications in receiving visas because the Saudi embassy in Kabul had been closed since the Taliban fled in November.

Riyadh, which was one of three governments to recognize the Taliban before the September 11 attacks in the United States, had on Monday sent a six-person team to Afghanistan to issue hajj visas.

Saudi Arabia was also to send four flights to Kabul on Wednesday to take 1,800 pilgrims, but the planes could not land due to technical problems at the airport, officials said.

"I've been waiting for two days and I don't know what will happen," said Marzia, a 50-year-old pilgrim waiting at the airport.

"It's very cold," she added.

by weibing
The headline as listed is a true statement. They WERE islamic Afgan Pilgrims. If they were one thousand Catholic pilgrims going to Lourdes I would argue for a similiar headline.

Rene, don't you see the key point to this article is the irony of people going on a reigious trip and rioting and killing over a late plane? Its far different from disgruntled business passengers doing the same.

Readers inclined to racism will read racism into the article is it simply said 'Afgan'. Only by completely neutering the article could you stop people (who are so inclined) from making conclusions you may deem racist.

Of course this brings it back to 'stops' question of why is it in IndyMedia.
by Light of the Lord (sarcasm [at]
In light of this incident, it becomes painfully obvious that Islam is Satanic, and those who practice it are doing the Devil's work and/or are possessed by his demons. Christians should band together to kill all Muslims who refuse to convert to Christianity. Those who convert will be saved. The remainder who refuse to accept salvation and are put to death, were bound for Hell anyway.

Thy Will be done....On Earth, as it is in Heaven. Amen.

by staley
Apparently interim Air Transport and Tourism Minister Abdul Rahman's flight wasn’t delayed. Talk about bad timing.

Nice peaceful religion, isn’t it?
by corporate media report
High-ranking officials in Afghanistan's interim government told CNN on Friday that Minister of Civil Aviation and Tourism Abdul Rahman was stabbed to death in a deliberate attack, and not beaten in a spontaneous outburst by frustrated Hajj pilgrims as was originally reported.

A very high ranking official in the Defense Ministry called Rahman's death "an assassination," while another official said Rahman died in a planned, deliberate attack.

Four independent government sources confirmed that Rahman was stabbed with a large knife, and a hospital source said the minister received two deep chest wounds and a third to the leg.

Original reports said that Muslim pilgrims, frustrated at having waited as long as two days to get a flight from Kabul airport to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, stormed a plane carrying Rahman Thursday and beat him to death.
by cmedia
......a bunch of warlords jumped on the minister's plane and hacked him to death with knives. Yeah, that's a lot more civilized.

...and these are the guys who chased out the crew that would knock walls down ontop of gays.
by remedia
>"Yeah, that's a lot more civilized."

The point of starting this thread seemed to be, that this incident highlights a negative characteristic of Islam that can be broadly attributed to all Muslims.

And, who claimed that "that's a lot more civilized"?

And, just what do you expect?

In economic terms, it's the third poorest country in the world. Add to that the fact that Afghanistan has been in a state of 'civil' war to varying degrees for decades, mostly because of the outside pressure and machinations of various forces, and it's no wonder it's a mess over there. Tensions might be running a little high after the recent bombings, too. And there's still some of that action going on, isn't there?

There was a period of time when things were relatively stable in Afghanistan (prior to the Cold War), from what I understand.

People have been assassinated (do you believe Oswald was the lone gunmen?) because of power games in this country, too. And witnesses murdered, etc.

I won't hesitate to admit to be glad I' m here rather then there, but, before anybody points fingers at the "uncivilized nation of barbarians" --

Hey, America . . .

What Time Is It?

Every 3 seconds

a property crime

Every 4 seconds

a larceny-theft

Every 13 seconds

a burglary

Every 19 seconds

a violent crime

Every 23 seconds

a vehicle is stolen

Every 28 seconds

an aggravated assault

Every 60 seconds

a robbery

Every 5 minutes

a rape

Every 29 minutes

a murder

Every 30 minutes

news, sports and weather

[Sources: F.B.I. Uniform Crime Report, DP]

by blah
This is fucking hilariously ironic. People are stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid. Pass the bong, dude!
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