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Libertarian Wins in Costa Rica

by fred freedom
In a victory for libertarianism in Central America, Costa Rica's Movimiento Libertario has apparently elected at least four congressmen -- and may win two additional seats after all the votes are counted.
In the February 3 national election, Movimiento Libertario candidates polled about 10% of the vote, according to news reports.

Under the country's complex proportional representation system, at least four Libertarian candidates will win seats in the 57-member national Legislative Assembly -- up from the one seat Movimiento Libertario controlled before the election.

Libertarians have confirmed victories in San Jose province (two), Heredia province, and Cartago province.

Votes are still being counted to determine whether Movimiento Libertario will win additional seats in Alajuela province and Puntarenas province.

The strong showing by Movimiento Libertario in the congressional race will set the stage for more victories in the future, said ML member Juan Carlos Hidalgo.

"Costa Rican pundits are very excited, and predict that if the Movimiento Libertario plays its cards right, they could [help] form the next government in 2004, and [top ML congressman] Otto Guevara could be president of Costa Rica within a decade," he said.

This election, however, Guevara apparently finished fourth in the presidential race, with about 1.68% of the vote.

Guevara helped found Movimiento Libertario in 1996, and was elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1998. He was named the country's "best congressman" in three national surveys of journalists, and in six polls of Costa Rican voters.

In the presidential race, neither of the two largest party's candidates won a majority of the vote. A run-off election between the Social Christian Unity Party and the National Liberation Party candidates will be held in April. reported that Movimiento Libertario "made great strides in the election" and has become a force "to be reckoned with."

Movimiento Libertario's election triumphs also drew praise from the International Society for Individual Liberty.

"Our congratulations to everyone in the Movimiento Libertario for the success gained from their dedication and hard work," said Jim Elwood, ISIL vice president.

Located between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America, Costa Rica has a population of about 4 million.


The Movimiento Libertario

We libertarians think that Costa Rica has been stagnating for years in an economic and moral crisis. Traditional politicians drive up the cost of living, dig us deeper into debt, impose taxes without our consent, and cause the poverty, unemployment, privileges and corruption that choke us. They reward the lazy, the inept, and those who steal, and punish the capable and honest worker. The traditional political parties DO NOT have the moral authority to lead this country.

The libertarian philosophy is based on a deep respect for each human being and her/his rights. We believe that this orientation, focused on freedom with responsibility, is the only way to bring about peace and prosperity, both material as well as spiritual. Ours is a true moral revolution.

by Wendy Sanchez
I wonder if.... Libertarians can separate the earned from the natually given.. as most pre-European contacted societies knew, nature provides a bounty.. European conquerors raped and pillaged.. the natural bounty has been claimed and privatized.. there is no more access to water, and wild food, and free land.. everything is owned by one corporation or another.. the philosophy of Libertarianism is great when there is limitless opportunity, and ongoing expansion of territory.. but when the newly born fall into debt at birth? where does ownership of land, resources fall? Isn't the most best thought, that the earth is owned "tenants in common" by the inhabitants? that we all have a birthright to the earth, and the right to walk upon and explore and inhabit our own planet?
by aaron
Libertarians claim to hate government, viewing it as an unnecessary intrusion on freedom. So, if the libertarians win we should expect the state to:

-- not break strikes or clear a path for scabs
-- not quash landless movements when they arise
-- not evict tenants who fail to pay rent
-- not protect the property of the rich

Go Libertarians!
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