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Disturbing events in the last few days compel the
Ecumenical Bishops Forum to join the various sectors
of society in denouncing the entry of interventionist
US troops through the RP-US Balikatan Exercise 02-1.
Statement on the RP-US Balikatan Exercise
February 4, 2002

Disturbing events in the last few days compel the
Ecumenical Bishops Forum to join the various sectors
of society in denouncing the entry of interventionist
US troops through the RP-US Balikatan Exercise 02-1.

The Macapagal-Arroyo government is courting war. By
welcoming hundreds of US troops with their live
ammunitions and high-tech weaponry, it has totally
disregarded the people’s rejection of US military
presence. It has not learned the lessons of history as
it continues to play deaf to the anguished cry of
those who abhor the social ills and abuses brought by
foreign military occupation of the country. We are
greatly saddened by this betrayal.

The government is not heeding the spirit of People
Power II. Instead, it goes about its divisive ways,
pitting the people of this country against each other
by forsaking the dignity and sovereignty of our nation
in the guise of anti-terrorism. We strongly advise the
Manila government to address the collusion among local
government and military officials with the Abu Sayyaf
bandits and other local terrorist groups rather than
depend on the US troops to solve our internal

Balikatan 02-01 clearly violates the Constitution. It
reflects the lack of the government’s political will
and trust in the capacity of the Philippine Army and
Police to defend and secure the country. The
government’s enthusiastic approval and blatant all-out
campaign to advocate it in public is repugnant. It is
a sure sign of subservience.

We dread the violations on human rights that will
escalate in the long term as a result of this
dangerous experiment. At stake is the peace and
justice that all of us yearn for. We fear that
whatever gains we have towards achieving peace will go
to naught. Above all, we are deeply concerned by
signals coming from the United States that this is a
portent of graver things to come. With a draft Mutual
Logistics Support Arrangement (MLSA) that is full of
loopholes and in the absence of clear Terms of
Reference (TOR), the presence of US armed forces in
our country is a clear imposition to protect U.S.
interests here and elsewhere in the world. This we
believe is the ultimate goal. Not the elimination of
the Abu Sayyaf, not the new lessons of war U.S.
soldiers can teach Filipino soldiers, not the war
against terrorism.

We therefore urge our people to be steadfast in
denouncing this mockery of our nationhood. Our
dignity and integrity as a nation is neither for sale
nor are they abstract. They are as real as proven by
the great men and women who shed blood and tears to
ensure that we in our time shall enjoy the blessings
of such heritage.

Even as we commit you and this country to God’s mercy
and protection, we urge you to remain vigilant. Be
discerning and not be carried by emotions. It has
been said, “Do not just look at one tree, look at the
whole forest”. Be constant in prayer and remember;
“Christ has set us free; stand, and do not submit
again to the yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5.1)

Spokesperson, EBF
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