Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Multimedia Protest and/or Police Brutality archive

by webslave (rottweiler [at]
I have been trying to keep track of the most revealing photos of what's really happening to us at protests to convince the avg. joe that yes, Virginia, the United States is a police state. I have linx to some of the best video on Seattle, etc.
I have found some very interesting photos. These photos can be printed and pasted around town. Being a veteran of having my fliers torn down, I suggest not only wheat flour paste, but you can epoxy broken glass to the paper, to make removal from phone poles impossible. Varnish makes a good weather proofing agent. Get to know where local bulletin boards are, too. Laundromats sometimes have them. The DC WTO protests have undoubtedly, some of the best shots. Words can be discounted, but photos can't be. Time to fight back against the corporate media's abuse of the technology at their disposal. Do you think that after a concerted campaign calling environmentalists tree-hugging nuts, that we can just TELL what happened and be supported. A picture is worth a thousand words. This is the corporate media's advantage. Pictures and sound. Time to reveal ourselves as the heros we are. Courage is does move people. Sometimes, anyway.
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