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U.S.murders it's own citizens for profits

by Trillie (trillie [at]
The attack on the Twin Towers was
organized by the U.S. government.
War is Economics

By Trillie

When I heard about the disaster in New York, I was not at all surprised. My first reactive thought was that this terrorist event was orchestrated by the American government it's self. It's difficult for me to believe that bin Laden has anything to do with this. First, there is no motive for murdering thousands of innocent people, even if a government of a country is being oppressive. Second, the whole world knows well the ruthlessness of the American military, so why would these people give their lives in protest of American political/economical influence, only to provoke an indiscriminate attack from the "most powerful" military in the world on the innocent, the women and the children of their homeland? While there is an admission from bin Laden of this terrorism, it is more believable that he has strategic and ulterior motives (I can think of several) for his admission than to believe that he is capable of an attack of this magnitude.
As an American, I am fully aware of, not only the improper acquisition of presidential power by the Bush family, but also of the intentions of warfare that the republican party has had well before the most recent election. With the election this past June of Italy's newest president Berlusconi who also happens to be Italy's media kingpin and known closet fascist, there has been a reintroduction of a fairly well accepted fascism. In fact, after the election, groups of police officers have been heard singing old fascist songs and statues of fascist leaders have been resurrected. It is sure that his election and the appointment of the equally evil Fini by Berlusconi himself are responsible for the brutality in Genova. With fascism, there is always extermination. Extermination means war. War provides the government with more control over economics and the possibilities of world domination. But, in order to make a successful war, a government needs the general consent of it's people. In America, war is largely unpopular with the general public as it has proven with the protests of both the Gulf war of the 80's and the Vietnam war in the 70's. If the government of the U.S. wants to start a war, it must provide a good excuse for it. There is no doubt that the mass murder of 25,000 innocent people is a good enough excuse for most. To those who have so much to gain from war (that kills thousands upon thousands of people), it is hardly a sacrifice. Plus, every American knows there is a generally accepted racism toward middle eastern people in The States, so it would not be difficult for the government to manipulate the country into having emotions of hate for and fear of these people, which is what is necessary for a socially accepted and "successful war". It would also be fairly simple for the government of the U.S. to accomplish this catastrophe, and to do so without leaving any evidence to allow the indictment of those responsible.
I do not believe that it is a coincidence that the main targets of destruction, the Twin Towers, were, in fact, the same structures of organization that dictated the economical trade system of the The States with the world at the same time that the U.S. government is conspiring with the other governments of the world to restructure the very same trade system. The demolition of that system would be an added bonus since it would leave the option to create a new one. Although damage to the Pentagon does not create such possibilities, it has it's purposes as well. First, like the deaths of citizens, it would be considered an intolerable offence to the patriots of the country. Furthermore, since there was far less damage and far fewer casualties, it is not impossible to believe that this event was used as a diversion to distract those who might have suspicion about the true intentions behind the destruction of, not just one tower (which would have sufficed as an act of resistance against America), but both of the Twin Tower buildings. In reality, an attack only on the Pentagon would have been quite enough to make a point. We are to believe that these "terrorists" felt it to be necessary to sacrifice their lives to both of the Twin Towers as well for an added effect?
It is clear who the real terrorists are, and who have the motives for this horrific event.

The only reason I can smile today knowing about all this is that I believe that by being so blatantly volatile, those responsible for all the world's most recent assaults are "shooting themselves in the feet" and in the end, will be forced to relinquish their power and release the politically economic stranglehold they have had on the people of every nation. The people today are no longer willing to blindly trust in their governments. We are becoming too intelligent to be distracted by consumerism, television, fashion and other types of egoism used to keep the people mindless and apathetic, from what is really important...the freedom to live well.
On a personal level, I was interested to discover a game within the medias of the U.S. and of Italy. As I listened to Bush and other Americans on Italian radio downplaying the situation of the "terrorist attack" in overly unconcerned tones of voice on the radio, I noticed several misquotes in the ecstatic voices of the Italian "translators". It seems the American media was trying to avoid causing nationwide panic, while the Italian media was trying to create enough excitement in the Italian people to provide material to sell this story for months to come. We must not let ourselves be manipulated by the media, or else we would unwittingly be helping the governments and the corporations to rule the world and our lives. I also noticed a big difference in the Italian caption and the English "translation" of the caption under the Twin Towers photo on the Indymedia websight. For example, The Italian paragraph mentioned 25,000 people dead. The English version said that no casualties had been reported and that the Pentagon was merely being evacuated. There was nothing said about the third plane that crashed into the building killing people inside. Now try to imagine what I would have discoverd if I could actually speak or read Italian.
I have several different reasons to suspect that the Indymedia organization is sometimes, in some ways influenced and regulated by the government(s), or at least the bigger political parties. But instead of trying to convince anyone of what may be considered paranoid delusions, I will simply say it would be fairly easy and extremely beneficial for the governments of the world to use an organization, in disguise of it's opponents, to aquire specific information about the identities and intentions of it’s members as well as controlling what kind and how much of the "priviledged" information the majority will see. I believe that it is a extremely beneficial network and that most of the affiliates can probably be trusted. But, for example, what I saw on the Indymedia website about the unbelievable attrocities that I know happened in Genova (July 2001 G8 protest) was like the mole hill being made from the mountain! Enough said, judge for yourself, but anyone who has an e-mail account that is affiliated with Indy Media Center should consider the possibility. Of course I don't want to believe this could be the case, but I also would prefer not to believe that the President of my home land is trying to start a third world war. If I at least consider the possibility of this, I can be better prepared in my mind and everyday actions for what I must do.
It is very important to realize the necessity of being prepared. The people in Genova were not prepared for the violence and immorality of the police, and this is the only way 300,000 people essentially lost a battle against 10,000 attackers. If the American people are prepared to accept the possibility that their government planned an attack on it's own citizens to start a war in the name of greed, they can protest and condemn that war, and those responsible. This will take away the credibility and power needed to accomplish the plans to control the world and the lives of everyone in it. If the rest of the world is prepared to give up the “exciting” notion that the Twin Towers attack was a revolutionary response from a country oppressed by the American government and see the truth, they can also contribute to the expropriation of power by demanding that their political leaders also condemn the war. In effect, the governments of the world will not be able to lend as much power to each other, especially if each individual country prohibits their government from hosting foreign corporations of, and import/export trade with The U.S. or any other country who's government dares to assault it's own citizens or the other innocent peoples of the world. Very few things sold in the U.S. are actually made in the U.S., so imagine the effect a worldwide embargo would have on the American people and the up rise against the government and whatever else stood between the consumers and their option to consume.

So, for all of those anti-Americans out there who don't like that the U.S. has so much control over the world, the first thing that is necessary, is to boycott all American products and businesses ( and those in your country that affiliate with them ), and demand that your government not associate with the U.S. in matters of war or economics.
Throughout history, the institution of supply and demand has proven to be an extremely powerful force. In Italy, there is a proverb that says something like "don't let the farmer know how good is the cheese and pear together". The governments, and corporations who feed the governments their power, need the consumer (anyone who buys things) in order to obtain power through money. They do not want the consumer to realize that s/he is the one who holds the real power, the power of purchase. When the option to chose what you buy no longer exists, you no longer have the power of purchase. And, the power you once held in your hand to determine how you live, what your choices are and how your country is governed will then become what truly oppresses you. Once the corporations have acquired a consumerist monopoly of all desired and needed products, they can serve death on a stick and the people will buy it because then there are no other options. Then, they will have bought for themselves more work, more prisons, more sickness and more governmental control in all areas of life.
My personal suggestion is to stop buying and start making. When you must buy things, you should always consider the company of the product and where you purchase it from. If it cost a little more to support an independent company who sells natural products with a moral business conduct, then it’s worth the extra cost. Consider it insurance against fascist slavery. Also, second hand shops are very popular in America these days. They not only reduce the product sales (empowerment) of the evil corporations who fund the oppression of all the people of the world by bribing the governments to protect their monetary interests, these thrift stores provide opportunities for basically anyone to work independently, turning would-be trash into utilities for people who might not otherwise be able to afford them. It's not always protests, pamphlets and other directly political things that have great effects on the world. It's important to be strategic and not to get lost in doing things just to be doing something or because that's the way it's always been done. It's obvious that the governments of the world are using strong and effective strategies to accomplish their goals and are preparing themselves for whatever may come. We must do the same if we are to survive the variety of manipulative attacks on the minds and lives of us all.
Have caution, not paranoia-Keep your solidarity and throw away your fucking money!
by Gordon Gecko
If you are going to throw away your money, can you tell me where you are so I can pick it up?
by Slacker65
Your article states what I also believed from the beginning of all this: 9/11 was an inside job. It is sad that more Americans are uanble to question their government, especially in light of the U.S. govt's criminal past. Can you say, 'Iran-Contra'? Oh, you're an American? Nevermind, it's not a new product for you to conspicuously consume. Just go back to watching sports, porno or the shopping channel. The gov't will handle EVERYTHING else.
by FRISONA (frisona [at]
I was in genova and have seen the police-terrorisme and I am convinced that the police had got liberty to do what they wanted to put bad light on the demonstrators.
ev'ry goverment has no scruples to get where they want to go or to get.
I don't know who made the attack of september 11 .
but I think american people should start to think that are they are not the navel of the world and learn that there are other peoples with the same rights all over the world even if they have other traditions and culture.
It has gegun with the occupation of the european states of other coutries in africa, asia and indonesia many centutries ago. why the white man always believe to be better than other cultures? why other people should live like we do? is our way of life the best one? why psycologist have so many patiens? because our way of life is the best?
there is much to say and to think about
what happened in genova was clearly allowed from the governement even if they say the contrary.
for me it is not easy to eypress my self in english but I hope you understand what I mean.
at last I want to ask ypu if there is a possibility to give more information, espacially to europe but not only, about the american protests agianst this so called war what is going on, because we hear a very little about it
cari saluti dal ticino, ciao
by Scott
You people are so unbelievably fucked up. I knew that the so-called anti-globalization movement hosted a bunch of complete nut jobs but your views are so whacked that I can't figure out if you're kidding or serious. I feel sorry for you. It must be difficult waking up every morning with so much hatred and paranoia inside. I bet you pass ordinary people on the street and just seeth at their seemingly whimsical attitude in the face of what you regard as an all out war. It must be particularly difficult considering the outpouring of patriotism and brotherhood following the terrorist attacks. You thrive on dissention, hate, anger and division but that has all gone in the last six weeks. You now have nothing to hold on to. You are just pissing in the wind. It's over. Give up your pathetic excuse for a cause and get a life.
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