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Earth First! Denounces Bush's War

by Shunka (Shunka_1999 [at]
As a non-violent social movement, we oppose all forms of violence, including the Bush administration's "retaliation" war
Earth First!

For immediate release Tuesday, September 25, 2001
Contact:Shunka @ North Coast Earth First! (707)825-6598

As a non-violent social movement, we oppose all forms of violence, including the Bush administration's "retaliation" war

In response to the current world situation, we feel it necessary to express the need for peace in our time. As a non-violent social movement, based on Ghandian principles, we oppose all forms of violence, and, therefore, oppose the Bush administration's plans to attack Afghanistan. "Two wrongs don't make a right." These are the words of your Mother, and dropping bombs on and/or sending ground troops into the Middle East will not bring the deceased back to life, nor will it make anything "right."

Instead, we should look at why 9-1-1 happened in the first place, and change the way we relate to the world, to prevent this from happening again. Beginning with the attempted genocide of the indigenous people of this land, followed by the enslavement of the people of Africa, and continuing, to this day, in the form of bombing campaigns, nuclear technology and nuclear waste dumping, sweat shops, child labor, and sanctions, the U.S. government has built up very bad Karma. Unless we change our ways, and start really helping people, worldwide, people are going to get more and more desperate, and more violence is inevitable. As a non-violent social movement, we wish to see all violence ended, worldwide, so that we can be truly free from the pains inflicted from violence, physically and verbally.

The Bush administration is trying to rally the American people around "punishing the people behind the attack." The people who carried out the 9-1-1 attack died with the plane, and there is no reason to believe that Osama Bin Laden, or anyone else, was "behind" what happened. It is typical of the leader-follower mentality to assume that someone still living "sent" them on their suicide mission; it is possible that those who carried out the 9-1-1 incident took it on themselves, out of pain and desperation, possibly from seeing their families killed, and did what they did of their own free will…it's a possibility. With that in mind, the U.S. government should reconsider their manhunt, and get serious about real global peace. We should start air-dropping organic food, medicines, seeds, and humus, and relieve the debts of all "Third and Fourth World" countries , and start helping people, globally.
by Reese
"The people who carried out the 9-1-1 attack died with the plane, and there is no reason to believe that Osama Bin Laden, or anyone else, was "behind" what happened."

Yeah, okay right. Look, what does protecting ecology have to do with terrorism? If you're going to going to post some asinine theory about how a few dudes got together on their own and decided to blow up New York, at least have the intelligence not to declare this as an Earth First! manifesto. The hijackers obviously had pretty serious funding behind them, and arrests of their cohorts are happening daily. Stick to what you know (seals, whales and trees, etc), because you're clueless on this issue. Sorry to be so rude, but goddamn.
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