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EMERGENCY ACTION 9/12 7pm Snow Park,Oakland

by This evening!
Wednesday, September 12 at 7pm
at Snow Park, Oakland
(19th and Harrison, by downtown)
[Please forward and spread the word]

in opposition to racism and war hysteria

Wednesday, September 12 at 7pm
at Snow Park, Oakland
(19th and Harrison, by downtown)

An ad-hoc coalition of activist groups and concerned individuals in the bay
area are convening an emergency action today (wednesday). This action is
in clear opposition to the racism and war-hysteria that is being promoted
and fostered as a result of the events in New York, Washington and

This gathering is being called to oppose Arabophobia and war mongering, and
with the goal of organizing a concerted response by bay area individuals.

Please join us to help collectively plan a local response.
by Judy
Listen to ALEX JONES at http://WWW.INFOWARS.COM for the truth. He's a watchdog of the STATE - not a lackeye like the rest of the media.
by Bob Alben (BAlben [at]
You're right -- we shouldn't overreact. We should be gentle and meek. But we should send a strongly-worded letter of condemnation to the sponsors and financiers of terrorism -- delivered by cruise missile.

by a white girl
I was at the rally tonight at 19th and Harrison. I came because I wanted to be with people, because I wanted my voice to be heard with those who are calling for an end to violence and to show my support for the arab americans who are now living in fear.

While I agreed with much of what was said, I also DISAGREED with much of what was much was made of SOLIDARITY and yet the people of "color" took much pains to leave white people out of the equasion. What kind of solidarity is that? why is racism in one direction wrong and ok in another? I come as a friend and was considered an enemy. Because of the color of my skin.

just my feelings on the situations. We should be coming together. not drawing lines to separate ourselves.

a white girl.
by Proud Citizen
This is not the time for political correctness. Your focus is disrespectful of those who have lost their lives. We are in a state of war and "making sure feelings do not get hurt" is not a priority. Have a rally raising funds for the people and the families who have lost their lives in New York, Washington, and on all the hijacked airplanes. Your comments about "war mongering" are again disrespectful and unrealistic - this is a war. If both of the trade centers had been full (i.e. all who worked their had been in the building) of the time of implosion we would have lost more people in that single act than in the entire vietnam war.

May God bless all the souls of the people who have lost their lives on September 11th, and may God bless America.

-A Proud Citizen
by fishfucker. (none [at]
i think, for some of us, the focus is in preserving freedom for the billions of us that remain living. this is ALWAYS more important than acts of retribution or blind jingoism. and i can't imagine any proud citizen of this country telling someone else NOT to stand up against racism or wars.

by Proud Citizen
"preserving freedom for the billions of us that remain living" - quoted from above.

I agree that this is the absolute priority. I also know that this is ONLY achieved if we take the complete and fierce action required to eliminate those who choose to take the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and those who support them. I remind you that the only way you are free and able to make your statements today have been through wars. I am not condoning "racism". I am condemming the time and subject of this rally, in the wake of what has happend.
by Deborah (deborah [at]
This rally was called by people of color in solidarity and support of Arab, Arab-American, and Muslim peoples.It's VERY important at this time, when Arab and Arab-American people are experiencing a massive increase in discrimination, hate crimes, death threats, and even physical attacks,that white people understand the dynamics of racism in the United States. If you come truly as a friend and don't want to be treated as an enemy, it's a good idea to start with a meditation on the systematic discrimination experienced by peoples of color every day in the US, and the real emotional and political needs that people who are discriminated against need to heal and strengthen themselves from state-sanctioned violent prejudice, and focus on that. If you're feeling marginalized, it might be because it was one of the first times in our lives as white people where we were not the center of attention, and that's a very challenging experience for a white person. If we want to show solidarity with people of color, we need to learn how to do it in ways that support them, and not have the process focus on OUR feelings and OUR needs. Now more than ever we are going to see mass escalation of racism against Arabs and Arab Americans, and we are all going to be called on to take an active role in putting a stop to it and creating an atmosphere of respect and love for all people.
by Bastard Bush
This "Alex Jones" and his is complete bullshit. Typical Right-wing conspiracy mongering about "Black Heliocopters" and their "New World Order"--not to mention a healthy dose of American chaunvinistic crap, just like "Proud Citizen."
by New Yorker (isetta1 [at]
Companies from 28 countries were represented in the WTC, and there were at least 2 non-Americans aboard the hijacked planes. This is not about America vs. the Army of Darkness, as many of the angry posts and rhetoric would have us believe. If there is a war, it is the old one between reason and irrationality, free discourse and bigoted zealotry.

All the flag-wavers, mosque-burners and muddleheaded 'patriots', take note: you are acting more like the perpetrators of this horror than the defenders of civilization that you should be. Shut up for a second, mourn for the victims and think long and hard about why someone hated the U.S. so much that they would do this ( While no amount of suffering endured by a human being would justify his causing the devastation he did, we owe it to the dead and the dying to preserve what these acts of terror sought to destroy: our humanity, our capacity to accept differences, our wilingness to show and share our grief.

And help us. Help the people here in New York, in Washington, in the fields of Pennsylvania. Help the rescue workers, firefighter, policemen and hospitals. Help our families. There is so much you can do right now. Turn off the TV, stop debating, stop placing blame, help make sure as many survivors as possible make it out of the rubble alive, out of the hospital alive. People talk about how they will remember for the rest of their lives where they were when they saw it happen, or heard about it. What's more important is where we were in the days following.
by Ranger
What a bunch of whiny wingnuts! I spit on your cowardice - just like I spit on those among my countrymen who are attacking their own citizens. Violence against Arab-Americans is stupid and merely divides our strength. But this "hold hands and maybe everything will get better" attitude betrays all that we stand for. Keep chanting for peace at your ralleys, it will free up the rest of us to make the world a safer place.
by michael halligan (michael [at]
You didn't like what I said, so you didn't post my comment.

When people don't believe in your false sense of peace, love, drugs, pj
kumbayah crap, you just censor them.

Down with

Down with the mideast and all the monsters it creates now,
or will in the future.
by Michael Halligan (michael [at]
I have no sympathy or compassion for those who would have me dead.

I think the total annihilation of the mideast, the ENTIRE mideast is in order.

For thousands of years they have been murdering each other for fun, for sport, and for their own idea of justice. Israelis want to build new condos, murder a few thousand palestines. Palestinians get angry at jews, murder a few thousand jews. Pakistanis and Indians finally receive freedom
from the british, murder each other en masse.

We need to correct this. total economic sanctions and embargos on all of the mideast. India, palestine, afghanistan (the taliban), kuwait, they have no economy but the money sent back from americans or temporary visa workers. Israel produces nothing but a tourism industry. Murder is their way of life. They should either be closed off from the world entirely until they learn to live like humans, or they should be turned into trinitrite. They are not humans, They are animals. I will not live in fear.
by New Yorker (isetta1 [at]
You clearly didn't read my post too well if you thought I was advocating 'holding hands' in rallies. Want to sit around and do nothing but criticize everybody else? Try taking in a bunch of people who are stranded in the city and give them places to sleep in your studio apartment. or distributing masks that the local hardware stores are donating. Or taking down food and water to the rescue workers that morning. That's what we're doing out here while you sit on your ass and type useless comments. Now that the task of rescue and recovery is more organized, it takes hard cash and resources. That's why I ventured into this forum, and all I see are vague comments about decimating countries (some of which aren't even in the Middle East, for Christ's sake) and nothing resembling a willingness to put your money or labor where your mouth is. If you're still interested in helping rather than blabbing, the links are in my original post. But you don't get to talk shit unless you're doing something -- anything to lend a hand.
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