Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Genoa. StarHawk's eyewitness report of midnight raids of Italy Indymedia - GSF.

by Free Press.
Yet another great eyewitness report.

Day Two. StarHawk\'s eyewitness report of midnight raids of Italy Independent Media Center and Genoa Social Forum. July 21 is the correct date in North America for the time the raids occured. But in Genoa the raids went from around midnight to 2 AM July 22, 2001 according to the reports.


Genoa 7/21

By Starhawk

I think I
by Russ
You kids should all go home. Maybe if you had a real cause, people might listen. You're a bunch of crybabies. Go home!
by Steve
I wonder how many minutes I would have to beat Russ with a club before he starts to cry?
by Jeremy
Democracy means majority rules. There are a lot of people who believe you spoiled rotten kids should be dealt with harshly. I agree with them.
by Russ
Less than one minute before Russ takes the club from you and sticks it up your ass!
by anonymous
dear cops, get the fuck off of our website. when you all configure out how to add and read maybe you can put up your own website. otherwise go back to the fucking rock you crawled out from under
by eat my ass
kids?! starhawk is in her 50s and is a world famous author. who the fuck are you? get a life. there is a cause here - justice, democracy, freedom, ecology ...
You sound like a macho punk with mental problems. It appears youare externalizing your inner self hatred.

If you hate us so much, why bother wasting you're time here?
by Sunyata
A man died the other day in Genoa, blood pouring from his head onto the cold indifferent pavement where he had stood moments before. That is the price this man paid, struggling in the face of a relentless foe to see the ideals of democracy, freedom, and equality realized. This man was 23 years old. So let's ask ourselves now - was it worth it, after all?
by Your prison guard.
Well, Jeremy, then according to your logic, when we are the majority (which may alraeady be the case) then we should beat you unconscious and then put you in prison. Have a nice Berlusconi day.
by Ida, Erik, Anna
Dear Starhawk,
We are writing to show our concern about what's happening in Genua (and all over the world), and to tell you and everybody else who's down there that we are thinking of you, we're thinking of you all the time, and we really hope that you can hang in there!! Don't give up the fight, don't let them be right.
We are fighting for you as much as we can, and remember: You are not alone.
El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!
by Sarah
right. right.
Hope someone will shoot your kid in a head soon.
Twice , so we are sure , no more Russe's like you
appear on the surface of the earth.
If any bitch would let you make her pregnant at all...
Is this maybee a language you understand ?


Learn some history , and if you realy think democracy is a
matter of majority rules then Germany in 1940's with
DEATH-CAMPS and belief in superrior race was a
Democracy , you would say... ?
They were majority in their country at the time.
Their rules. Or not ?
Think a bit before you farth out of that hole in your head!

Democracy includes all minoritys , no matter how small they are , respect for they rights and opinions...

by Your mama
What a bunch of misguided, juvenile outcasts. You assholes have had it too good in life. What you need is a little struggle.

Threaten a cop with a gun, you get shot. Period.

They should line up with machine guns and mow you down.

Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
by Unadea
You are an inspiration to many, and your reports from the front lines of anti-globalization are incredible. Healing, love, protection and lots of blessings are being sent your way from your home state. You are one of the strongest, passionate, and courageous women I have had priveledge to meet. Your magick will prevail.
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