Global Justice
Global Justice
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Indybay Feature

Kid Activist with Sign: Enron Has Robbed Us Blind

by Brian Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
6/21/01 Kid Activist with sign protesting Enron CEO/Thief Jeffrey Skilling. Outside the Commonwealth Club on Market St. SF where he was speaking.
by Justin Awe
Tht kid sure is smart! I suspect that an adult may have given him that sign though. I'm pretty sure that if you gave him a blank placard, he'd probably hold that too. Not that the lad isn't up on the issues or anything. I think it's great that 4 year olds are getting involved because they need to be heard too.
by Robbie
What's next? I say we clobber a few power plants, break them down. That'll show those arrogants bastards not to produce energy in THIS state!

Better still, why not throw away all your electrical appliances, and NEVER use electricity again? Now, we can really stick it to Enron.
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