Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Young man dies, shot 20 times by 8 cops

by Leroy Moore and Lisa Gray-Garcia, POOR News N (editor [at]
A week ago, just before midnight on Tuesday, June 12, a young African American man with a history of mental illness was gunned down and killed by eight cops. Twenty shots were fired at Idris Stelley, a 23-year-old college student, in an otherwise empty theater at the Sony Metreon in downtown San Francisco as the movie "Swordfish" played on the screen.
San Francisco - A week ago, just before midnight on Tuesday, June 12, a young African American man with a history of mental illness was gunned down and killed by eight cops. Twenty shots were fired at Idris Stelley, a 23-year-old college student, in an otherwise empty theater at the Sony Metreon in downtown San Francisco as the movie \"Swordfish\" played on the screen.
Three days later, on Friday, June 15, I sat in my chair at the Mayor
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by Spider Jerusalem
On the one hand, I agree that 8 armored cops shouldnt need to fire a single shot to take down one guy with a mere pocket knife on a chain, and so they probably just murdered him with the old "I feared for my life" excuse.

Oh the other hand, why was the theater empty? How is his "mental illness" at all relevant?

I wonder if the guy wasn't a bit psycho, had threatened other moviegoers, created a scene, the theater was evacuated by the manager, and the cops responded to the theater's call for help.

I suspect there are gaping holes in this story, left empty because the author wouldn't otherwise receive the supportive response he desires. Deceit by ommission, they call that.

by Chad (a [at]
I totally agree with the above comments...there are huge gaping hole in this story that make it hard for me to feel compassion. Don't get me wrong this could be a great injustice but without the proper and FULL story about this then this news has actually hindered what compassion I might have felt.

Just goes to show what bad press does for a good cause.
by Paul Hays (soyboy_ [at]
Let's celebrate our sorrow our tears our hunger

our chains are not killing us

but the task-master does from time to time.

The killing floor is so clean.
by Paul Hays (soyboy_ [at]
Let's celebrate our sorrow our tears our hunger

our chains are not killing us

but the task-master does from time to time.

The killing floor is so clean.
by ACE
why not tranquilizers?they have this and other
technologies readily available paid for
by the poor guys mother and the rest of us.......
gapping holes come from illegitamte authority
and its gestopos that "cant feel compasion"
youll feel it some day......
by mart (martin.hendrickx [at]
Changes are needed...

Good cops - 8 cops! - who don't shoot at Idris are necessary...

I'm against policebrutality... and against the misabuse of people who're getting mad 'caus of poverty, social exlcusion, this is POLITICS (even a nice, tender girllover couldn't help Idris).

R.I.P. Idris

You're my broter and
I wish I knew you

Condolence for his family

Martin, Belgium

by anonymous
attention those of you who criticized this article. i read this article and the 3-4 others which have been posted to this site about the killing. i believe like i have the whole story. i wonder why you do not. the theater was empty because metreon security and the victim's girlfriend both called the police. the theatre was emptied. the girlfriend told the police that the victim needed to go to the hospital.

your comments reveal a lot, i think. sorry if this article didn't prove to you that yet another black man has been murdered by over-aggressive kkkops. personally, i feel that cops shouldnt use their guns unless they feel like all other options are expended. with 8 cops present vs. a relatively unarmed man, i wonder how these cops are being trained, where my money is going to pay and train them, etc.
by Justice
Stop calling the police. They are not trained to help anyone and are incapable of helping anyone as they are not social workers. They are the armed thugs of the capitalist class. Not only are they not social workers, they cannot possibly fight crime as crime is not caused by lack of police. Street crime is caused by capitalism, in particular, the profit motive, which produces the poverty that leads to street crime. Increasing the number of police only worsens the problem since it deprives the social services section of the government budgets of needed funds to cope with poverty. As the economic crisis worsens, the thuggery of the police increases. We should also note that this incident at the Metreon occurred with a black mayor and a Chinese-American police chief who was hired by the mayor and can be fired by the mayor at any time. This is not the first incident of police brutality and murder under this same mayor and police chief. The mayor does what the Chamber of Commerce, the mouthpiece of the ruling class composed of Democrats & Republicans, the twin parties of capitalism, tell him to do. Stop calling the police. Stop voting for the Democrat-Republicans.
by Spider Jerusalem

Poverty doesn't cause crime (we're talking real crime here, not bullshit victimless crimes or other activities that should never have been criminalized.)

Greed, dishonesty, and a lack of respect for the rights of others, causes crime. I don't care how poor someone is - they break into my house or my car, or try to take my wallet, and they'll rightly deserve at least 90% of what I do to them.

You want charity, ask for it. ASK, as in "please", and if the answer is no then live with it. Dont go smashing windows in some war against "capitalism" just because you aren't able to provide for yourself - go back to mommy and daddy, if you're not ready to make it on your own.

Police funding should be reduced, yes - but that money should be left in the hands of those to whom it belongs, the over-taxed public. Not merely redirected from the hands of well-armed thugs (cops) into the hands of poorly-armed ones (like yourself, apparently.)

by xyz (a [at]
According to the mainstream media, the victim was asked not to smoke in the theater. When he refused, the cops were called, and when someone pointed out he had a knife, the theater was emptied.
by martin (martin.hendrickx [at]
To spider J.,

Poverty isn't a conditia sine qua non for crime - but still poverty-crime, e.g. people who commit crime 'caus of their poverty, is a fact... In the light of my eyes, people who're hungry and who commit a crime to eat are right! Hell yes they are!!!

Furthermore, I think the war against 'capitalism' (WTO, IMF, etcetera) needs to be intensified - by all non-violent means necessary...

Spider, I guess you're settled and are surely not poor... I guess you're one of the guys or girls who was raised in a family that was settled - with money by the day of your birth - and with a network that was helping you to get a proper education, a job, etcetera. So as a matter of fact: you're the one who did receive charity - without asking for it though!!! Not the poor do receive charity - even if they're asking for it!!!
The myth of the American from the lower class who becomes a upper-higher class 'new rich' is just a myth fabricated by the media-establishment to satisfy such ego's like yours and let them dwell in ignorance.

F#@k policebrutality!

Smash and crack and hack the capitalists who abuse and misabuse the poor!

Greetings, Martin-Gent-BELGIUM
by Peter
Because the theater was not empty. Swordfish was packed and this guy said, he wanted to die. This dumb idiot was smoking a cigarette and refused to put it out after various attempts from security telling him to put it out or leave. The movie was then interrupted and eveyone evacated. Why dont you dummys present the full story??
by anon
so what if the man was smoking in the theatre, is that a reason to kill him?! so, what if he pulled a tiny little knife on 8 cops, is that a reason to kill him? it doesn't make sense. somebody explain why 8 fully armed police were not able to subdue one person without taking their life. it is a sickening episode of excessive force.
by martin (martin.hendrickx [at]
Jenny Holzer, Truisms '77-'79
by ___________________ (___________________________)
Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! Fuck the police!!! !!!!!Forever!!!!!!
by Mesha (idrissonelove [at]
I understand that you could not formulate an opinion and wish to give you some background. According to my son's girlfriend, Idriss stood up and addressed himself to the audience: "If you have family or loved ones, you should leaave at once, something bad might happen". Everybody scrams out, so does Summer, his girlfriend, who goes to the bathroom. She comes back to him, to an empty theater, and he kisses her, and prompts her to leave "go to your family, baby, I don't want you to get hurt". She went outside and called me on her cell phone "He is in trouble, he is not feeling well, what should we do" I told her to call the police and ask for a "5150" (Crisis intervention for the police to take him to Psych Emergency). Basically I called for an intervention that got him killed within 5 minutes of my suggestion. I want you to know that my son was not a violent man; yes, he was a civil activist and a community volunteer, and fought his depression by helping others. For more info, check his website, or call Bay Area police Watch, Samantha Liapes, (415) 951-4844 Ext 24. I still appreciate that you took interest. Mesha (Idriss's mom).
by Mesha (idrissonelove [at]
I can understand how puzzling my son's case has been, I wish to give you additional background. There has been no omissions from the family to gain public compassion. You may check on my son's background my communicating directly with me, or through Ella Baker Center, Van Jones or Samantha Liapes, (415) 951-4844 Ext 24. We never occulted the fact that my idriss had a longstanding history of depression. However, he was a pacifist, well known and respected by our community, never committed acts of violence. He tried to transcend his depression through many civic and humanitarian endeavors. Feel free to check on his website: click on articles for more background. I made the call for a 5150 (psychiatric intervention) that got him killed within 5 minutes. 24 officers out of 2000 on the police force took 5150 training, which is NOT a mandatory training. As a Director of shelters for domestic violence services in the Bay Area, I have trained law inforcement officers on numerous occasions for the past 21 years in dealing with people in distress and proper levels of intervention... We are not trying to exonerate my son's memory, his life, academic and volunteer achievements speak for themselves. We are trying to impact the use of excessive force at county and state level so that he will not have died in vain. I still thank you for paying attention and responding. Mesha, Idriss's mom.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Spider, I can appreciate that you might feel puzzled... I am quite willing to shed some light, please feel free to E-mail me at above adress. FYI, besides being a horror-sticken grieving mother who lost her only son, I happen to be a professional in human services for the past 26 years in this country, who has consistently trained SFPD in crisis intervention...You may call me at my work, shelter Director for ESP (2 domestic violence & a homeless shelter in Hayward at (510) 786-1246, Mesha Monge-Irizarry).
I am cogniscent and appreciative of the fact that you exersize your freedom of speech, and I would love to provide you with the missing elements. I include you in my prayers as someone who uses discriminating judgement in finding out the truth, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Chad,
Please check my response to "Spider" through "add your comments" on
I appreciate your interest in my son's case, and your concern to exercize discriminating judgment before you form an opinion. Please feel free to E-mail me.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom" (idrissonelove [at]
Interesting rationalisation, salute to your intellectual capacity. Please check my response to "Spider" and "Chad" on Feel free to E-Mail me, I would love to contribute to your insights. Mesha.
by Mesha, the "dumb idiot" mother (idrissonelove [at]
I still include you in my prayers: in the Chinese tradition, crisis equivals to danger but also opportunity for personal changes. In that spirit, I encourage you to log on and check my responses to "Spider" and "Chad". We are still all redeemable, I trust in your ability to let go of your biases & hate, and seek the truth, Mesha. (without comments about your thoughful tribute to the grieving family, moarning their "dumb idiot"'.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Mart, Thank you on behalf of Idriss's surviving girlfriend and myself...Your compassion and understanding of the bigger picture warm our heats. Feel free to E-Mail us, we will respond. Much love, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Paul,

Thank you, in the face of all spiteful, hateful comments, you warm our hearts and give us the strength to go on. We are having a candlelight vigil on 9-13-01, 3d anniversary of my baby's death, 6pm, in front of the Metreon. See you there? I would love to talk to you some more via E-Mail. Much love, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom" (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Ace,

Right on. Shall we see you at my baby's candlelight vigil on 9-13-01 (3rd anniversary of his murder) 6pm in front of the Metreon on 4th & Mission? Talk to me via E-Mail if you wish, I would love to hear from you, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Martin,

Hearing you, my baby would have felt you too... Would you come to the candlelight vigil on 9-13-01 6pm in front of the Metreon on 4th & Mission? E-Mail me, I would love to talk to you, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove@multimania,com)
Dear Anonynous,

Thank you for the clarification! It warms our hearts to know that your spirit is in the right place, in the face of all spiteful, racist comments that we got through the corporate press and righteous supporters of the mainstream establishment. It warms my heart, as a horror stricken, grieving mother... E-Mail me, I will be more than happy to respond, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Dear Justice...

Sorry I didn't read your response in Indymedia until today, I thank you with all my heart. Will you come to my baby's vigil on 9-13-01, 6pm, in front of the Metreon Theater, 4th and Mission? If you do, please identify yourself to me, I would love to know you, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
Hey thanks...
I guess "Spider" deserves his name... I hope that he will soon change it and opt for a more friendly bug, may God help him on that path. Have you heard about my baby's candlelight vigil on 9-13-01, 6pm, in front of the Metreon Theater on 4th & Mission, I hope to see you there, if you do, please identify yourself to me, I carry a heartfelt need to thank you IN PERSON. Much love, Mesha.
by Mesha (Idriss's mom) (
Dear Pter,
I carry the belief that we, as ancestral carrier of a SOUL, are essentially redeemable. Do yourself the minimal favor to log on Indymedia, or my son's website, or if you dare E-mail me, I will give the benefit of the doubt to the knight in shining armor against the "dumb idiots", no thanks to your compassion to the grieving family.
by Mesha, idriss's mom (idrissonelove [at]
Hey anon, thanks, are you "Anonymous" who previously entered a response? At any case, do you know about my baby's candlelight vigil on 9-13-01, 6pm, in front of the Metreon on 4th & Mission? Hope to see you there, if you come, please identify yourself to me, I appreciate your opinion and your courage, Mesha.
by Mesha (idriss's mom) (idrissonelove [at]
What did you mean???
by Mesha, Idriss's mom (idrissonelove [at]
Hey, buddy, I fully empathize with the sentiment. I have dealt with police brutality during the 1968 French Student Revolution more than my share, and never made it public, because no one would have beleived the extent of what I endured... Yet, I took upon myself to transcend it and give it a fair chance, by participating in training SFPD in crisis intervention in the face of Domestic violence, Sustance Use & Mental Health for the past 21 years, in spite of my basic terror of law enforcement response because of what happened to me as a come to this. My only baby, 23 yr old, gunned down like a pig. Will you come to his candlelight vigil on 9-13-01, 6pm, in front of the Metreon on 4th & Mission, please identify yourself to me if you do, I am with you, Mesha. Let's give it a fair chance for these fine specimen of humanity to straighten up their act, or who will protect us from the protectors?.
by sjisstupid (sjisstupid [at]
i think that sj is an idiot. What do you mean with: why is his mental ill revelant?
by margaret corrie Australian (corrievlae [at]
I believe that the officers put on a uniform and believe that they are not just law enforcers as they should be identify as but truly believe that are they are law makers which is left to each state and city to recognise that they really do have a problem a man (single) is cut down by eight police and no genuine reason is given, a gangland execution of the same comparison is at least explainable to the parents and family.
And the law officers wonder why there is no respect given to them, Australia has the same problem but at least here our police are held to answer for thier injustices.
by Jr munoz (nutin2waste [at]
If a man comes at you with a knife, as a cop you do whatever is necessary to stop the threat. You want to go home at the end of your shift and make sure everyone you are working with goes home too. Tell me this. you put on a bullet proof vest which wont stop a stab from a knife by the way and let me come at you. What would you do. you'd shoot me in a second. If the man was mentally ill that just made him more dangerous. And about the twenty shots. You shoot to stop the threat. It might of took twenty bullets, espically if the guy was crazy. Good shoot guys. And Im sure the family is upset, but, no one likes to take a life, its the last resort. LAST>
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