Global Justice
Global Justice
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Indybay Feature

Police Remove Cardboard Shanties from street

by Joe Guzman (joe [at]
Police throwing cardboard shanties into dumpster
Police had to clear the streets of the left behind shanties in front of landlors John Wai's home so that traffic could resume after protesters left.

John Wai, shameful San Francisco landlord is evicting low income tenants from his buildings by using the Ellis act and then renting units at higher prices. The Ellis act has been instrumental in wide scale evictions of tenats whose rents were controlled. The Ellis act provides a loophole to evict these tenants and in the overheated San Francisco rental market the Ellis Act has been used repeatedly.
by Earnst Miesner
So, when the KKK burns a cross on someones lawn do the police come by the next day with a sod truck to make the whole thing better again?
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