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Indybay Feature

Nader Super Rally Oakland Tonight

by patris (patris1234 [at]
Super Rally for Ralph Nader 6:30 tonight in Oakland
At Henry Kaiser auditorium on Laney College campus. $15 admission. Speakers include Jello Biafra, Medea Benjamin, and more. See website for the details.
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by bush&gore make me wanna ralph

SAN FRANCISCO (Oct. 20) -- The Nader 2000 |California campaign announced today that the Ralph Nader Super Rally on Saturday, October 21, in Oakland will be "webcast" live on the Internet beginning at 6:30pm PST at the national Nader campaign website, (*not* the
California campaign website).

Nader will be joined by numerous special guests, including Harvard professor and leading African-American intellectual Cornel West; actor Danny Glover; musicians Patti Smith, Dar Williams and ex-Dead Kennedy Jello Biafra; political cartoonist Tom Tomorrow; Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate Medea Benjamin, and other surprise guests. This is his only Super Rally in California, and the last Super Rally of the campaign.

The webcast will accomodate varying levels of access to the Internet, as follows:
1) Low-speed (28.8k) modem - *audio only*
2) High-speed (56k) modem - video and audio
3) Broadband (100k+ cable/DSL/T1) - video and audio

You will need Realplayer -- free software for receiving multimedia (video and audio) content from the Internet -- in order to see and hear the webcast. You can download Realplayer for free at,001019rpchoice_c1&dc=102110201019.

Nader 2000 | California
680 Valencia St. (@ 18th)
San Francisco, CA, 94110
Phone: (415) 701-1389
info [at]
by anti-Nader Spamite
alright more nader spam. Hooray only three weeks until the election and the Greens will take their usual 4% of the vote and nothing will change. But hey lets keep spending money on this liberal candidate, yes Nader is no further to the left then the House Minority whip David Bonior. So keep up the good work of tying everyones resources into a failed candidate instead of on the people who are working their asses of on the ground in the inner cities and elsewhere to bring about revolutionary change.

Go Ralph. How many more minutes of Saturday Night Live can you get your face on. Hooray for Ralph. I am against the corporations except when I can get my face on their sitcoms and make fun of the issues I claim to represent.

Ralph you make me wanna Ralph!
by Mr Zazu Pitts
And how many people are joining your revolution? 0.04% of the population? Try not to knock those who are trying to alter the system from within. If they fail, it will be a lonoooong time before anyone takes the "revolution in the streets" seriously, mostly (and sadly) because the overwhelming majority of people in the USA are comfortably numb with their misperception of "wealth" and the neurotic rush to "achieve" it. The Greens and others are trying to wake them up "from within."
I visited the website and immediately became alarmed by the copious amounts of merchandise being sold as a fundraising gimic. I understand that the Nader/ LaDuke campaign and the Green party need to raise money. However, the excess of this merchandizing seems to directly feed into the consumer culture that needs to be abolished. If I buy a Nader t-shirt, symbolizing to others that I identify myself as a progressive, then I am also stating, "I bought this shirt so my life can be more meaningful." It seems to strongly parallel the way multinational corporations continuously bombard us with products that have their logos displayed. I believe that their should be other ways THe Green Party could raise money without having to "Nike" itself to its supporters. This strongly concerns me and I hope by posting this, a dialogue can develop on how a grassroots campaign (which i believe this is what it is supposed to be) can find alternative ways to sustain itself.
by Anti-Nader Spamite
someone says 0.04% are joining the "revolution" hey green thumb get your thumb out of your ears. The percentage of non-voting is more like well over 50%. Hey you can't change the system from within, especially with a DC insider that makes his living off of the inner beltway. Let green fade to black.
by dick cheney

I guess i would have to say that we need to start from a position where we can communicate with people in a language and context that is familiar and understandable to them... By jumping from dismissing the "inside" the system struggle to calling for more committed radicalism we stand to leave ourselves isolated like the Weathermen of the early '70's...i think as a whole we need to focus on inclusiveness instead of tactics that help to create an elitist vanguard of people who contest each other over levels of self-sacrifice. Which isnt' to say that voting will really change anything but at least the anti-corporate agenda is getting coverage and for the moment that's better than any other segment of the left is doing at the moment in terms of bringing forth some sort of a focus to attempt to get the public's attention.
by anti-Nader Spamite
Sorry dude. There is a large group of people that have been trying to make change happen from within for the last 50 years. They are called Progressive Democrats and Democratic Socialists of America. Oh look, no change. But they are the ones that have been doing the most work in the political scene against corporations. Actually, the Greens are just undermining that work and trying to look like outsiders. But hey look at Germany. Ah yes, the Greens co-opted by the Social Democrats. Only three more weeks for this stupidity to be over and the "Vanguard" will be back on the front pages and the real workers will be working and Nader can go back to his cosey work suite in the inner beltway having gained some more noteriety.

by david horowitz

Well, I don't think you can just dismiss the work of the last 50 years in terms of people working in insider type roles. I myself don't have an insider status but your romanticized notion of a disenfranchised mass being able to making revolution without the aid of large sectors of privileged groups is misplaced i suspect. Not that progressive democrats aren't to be broadly condemned, but there have definitely been victories and they shouldn't be dismissed in the interest of creating an oversimplified black and white, no gray areas perspective, where we can draw lines between the holy and the devils.
As for the stupidity to be over, you must surely realize that it will be replaced by other stupidity: the violence of Palestinian "'terrorists" or some other nonsense about how this election signals a dramatic shift to the right amongst the general public, etc.
And the "vanguard" won't be on the front pages (they haven't been ever since Seattle) and "real workers" well i guess that phrase is so ridiculous i'm kind of at a loss for least 80% of the population work, they haven't stopped because of the election hysteria and their lives haven't and probably won't change when the elections over. As for the gains in Nader's notoriety, that is an unfortunate consequence of playing the election game, but one that might be worth it, if it helps to spread some anger towards the corporations
Ultimately this is a class war and should be fought on all fronts (except, I would say that violence against other humans is to be avoided) We shouldn't opt out of one tactic, because we are so pessimisstic about peoples' abilities to see the limitations of that tactic, rather we should take every tactic we can imagine and use them. Our creativity is better than theirs, we should not hesitate to embrace it.
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