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Indybay Feature

Shame, shame on PG&E: Protest April 11th

by Marie Harrison, SF Bay View (reposted)
Come to the power plant Tuesday, April 11, at noon

After weeks of trying to find out if PG&E truly intends to meet their April 1 target date for shutting down their 77-year-old Hunters Point power plant, we found out they are not. When I talked with a PG&E spokesperson two weeks ago, he told me that as far as he knew the closure was on target and that they were in the testing stage with the new energy transmission line projects that will allow the closure of the PG&E power plant.

The PG&E spokesperson asked me to speak with one of the engineers working on the Jefferson-Martin and Potrero-Hunters Point transmission line projects. I placed a call to the office of the PG&E engineers, yet I still have not heard a word. However and for the benefit of all of you who chose to believe that it’s all over and time to move on to other things, I need to let you know that there are more delays that PG&E has failed to tell the community about.

Tuesday, April 4, after we asked for help from everyone we could think of to set the record right, the San Francisco Department of the Environment did contact PG&E. The city official let Greenaction know the response from PG&E Government Relations Manager Travis Kiyota. Mr. Kiyota apparently stated that the rains have slowed construction of the Jefferson-Martin line and it is not yet complete, though it is in the final construction stage. Mr. Kiyota confirmed that testing of these lines was not underway, but had no more details.

This means that what PG&E claimed two weeks ago – that testing was underway – was apparently not correct. This means more delays, and more pollution in our air.

We need everyone to come to the front gate of the PG&E Hunters Point power plant on Tuesday, April 11, starting at 12 noon, to join the Bayview Hunters Point Mothers Committee, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, All Hallows Garden Residents Association, ANSWER-SF, Bay Area Code Pink, SF Bay View newspaper, Circle of Life, Chinese Progressive Association, Community First Coalition, Environmental Justice Air Coalition, Global Exchange, Gray Panthers, Huntersview Tenants Association, Literacy for Environmental Justice, Our City, PODER, POWER, Rainforest Action Network and the San Francisco Green Party in a community action to shut down the PG&E Hunters Point power plant.

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