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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

PG&E faces grassroots backlash

by Greyed Avis
Hundreds of signs and billboards all over town, almost every one of the misleading "NO on I -too costly" signs had "paid for by PG&E" stickers slapped on them Thursday night.

It seems that an underground group of concerned pro-MUD citizen activists took it upon themselves to see to it that PG&E's "NO on I" signs were in compliance with the law and credited them by showing their true source of funding.
Hundreds of signs and billboards all over town, almost every one of the misleading "NO on I -too costly" signs were hit. Could it be that PG&E will not be able to buy the vote of a public that is fed up with their lies and price-gouging...stay tuned for details.

For more on the MUD (prop I) go to:
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