Global Justice
Global Justice
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Indybay Feature

People Have the Power 1 - Yes to Public Power, No to War (5 photos & text)

by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
5 photos, text, and links...
Approximately 2,500 attended the People Have the Power rally in San Francisco. Speakers from a variety of organizations spoke in favor of the creation of a Municipal Utility District (MUD) - Yes On I campaign for Public Power in San Francisco - and encouraged those in the audience to help with the campaign.
Many speakers talked about the need for peaceful justice not war, spoke against racist scapegoating / racist attacks and the attack on civil liberties.
The doors to the hall opened several hours prior to the start of the rally so that people could learn about, and get involved with, the dozens of organizations that had set up tables at the event (including
The People Have the Power Tour is sponsored by the Democracy Rising organization “as a means to educate and empower citizens throughout the country.”
Democracy Rising website:

Ralph Nader on 9/11:
* How Can We Honor The Victims? * Our Civil Liberties. * What Makes Us Vulnerable? * US Foreign Policy Impact. * Justice Not Bombs. * The Real Effects on the Afghan People.
Listen to excerpts of Ralph Nader’s speech on the Democracy Rising website:

Nader Blasts Bush’s War at S.F. Rally - post:

What is a M.U.D.? 28 Mins. Documentary covering the social, political, environmental and economic reasons to support Public Power in San Francisco:

San Francisco-Brisbane Municipal Utility District (MUD) - Yes on I website:


DEMOCRACY RISING - People have the Power Rally
San Francisco, CA USA
October 11, 2001
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