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Newsitem List

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imageFrom Negroland to Negro Bar - Origins of the Juneteenth Freedom Journey
by adapted from Shannen Dee Williams
Elmina Castle and the Catholic chapel erected at the center of its courtyard directly on top of the structure’s slave dungeon are still standing is one of the great historical treasures of the 21st century....
Posted: Sun, Jun 6, 2021 10:27pm PDT
imageProposed Proclamation for 2021 Africa Day - California State Capitol Celebration
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
On May 25, 1963, the Organization of African Union was founded to promote the unity and solidarity of the African nation states to act as a collective voice for the people of the African continent. Today, the African Union continues that journey to secure Africa’s long-term cultural, economic, and political future California, the fifth economic power on earth, has a profound role and responsibility towards expanding mutually beneficial trade and commerce....
Posted: Mon, May 24, 2021 4:23pm PDT
imageOver 1600 gallons of oil spilled in Inglewood Oil Field; oil and gas scorecard released
by Dan Bacher
“Yesterday's oil spill is a deadly reminder that the environmental racism that’s shaped and harmed Black, Indigenous, and people of color continues to put our health at risk,” said Martha Dina Arguello, STAND-LA Coalition and Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles....
Posted: Wed, Apr 7, 2021 6:45pm PDT
image2021 Sacramento Ghanaian Independence Day Celebration
Independence Day Weekend offers a sneak preview into an exciting new addition to the Farm to Fork Capitol in the Great State of California....
by Adapted from 2020 Celebration
Sacramento Ghanaian Independence Day Weekend offers a sneak preview into an exciting new addition to the Farm to Fork Capitol in the Great State of California....
Posted: Fri, Mar 5, 2021 12:34pm PST
image2021 National Freedom Day - Black History in the California Gold Rush
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
(1840-1875) Discover the historical significance of Pan Africans in early California history is essential to preserve the authentic contributions that helped shape California and the United States of America....
Posted: Mon, Jan 18, 2021 10:13pm PST
imageBlack Agriculture vs. Black Farmer: Remembering George Washington Carver Recognition Day
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
The National Holiday Recognizing George Washington Carver remains cloaked in mystery. Hint: It not USDA Secretary Thomas Vilsack the problem, few "Black Farm Leaders" will even will say George Washington Carvers's name or share his journey....
Posted: Fri, Jan 1, 2021 8:21pm PST
image2020 California State Capitol - Racism in the Farm to Fork Capitol
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Our 22nd Annual, 2020 California State Capitol Kwanzaa continues a special tradition in the seat of authority of our Great State of California, Farm to Fork Capitol of America, where "Racism" is officially a Public Health Crisis throughout the Capitol Region....
Posted: Thu, Dec 31, 2020 5:36am PST
imageDiscover the Hawaiian Seamen who built Sutter's Fort and settled the Sacramento Region
by Edited from Peter T Young
Eight experienced Hawaiian seamen, whom King Kamehameha selected escorted Johan Sutter from the Sandwich Islands to establish a colony inland Northern California. The agreement to pay them ten dollars a month and return them back to the Hawaiian Islands after three years if they wished to leave. The "hidden figures of authentic Sacramento History comes alive for 2020 Sacramento County Kwanzaa...
Posted: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 3:50pm PST
imageFederal Juneteenth Holiday Bill Lacks Congressional Budget Office Cost Analysis
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Juneteenth our agreed upon date of a National Day to celebrate Freedom awaits a cost analysis by the "Non-Partisan" Congressional Budget Office during the election cycle for oue President, US Senate and US House of Representatives. Freedom is never free....
Posted: Tue, Oct 20, 2020 7:03pm PDT
imageSacramento, California MAAFA - Beyond the Ritual Toward Solutions
by Charisse Jones
A new notion of "Black Lives Matters" suggests a possible desire to examine the authentic Black experience here in Sacramento, California. The City of New York experience is an example of possibilities... if the beginning of 'Manifest Destiny' becomes part of the story....
Posted: Mon, Oct 12, 2020 11:08am PDT
image2020 Juneteenth National Holiday Convention
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Globally, Juneteenth is poised help expand a year round expression of Freedom marked by a new official United States of America, Federal Holiday that could begin on Saturday, June 19, 2021, as we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors preparing for an amazing new beginning....
Posted: Fri, Sep 11, 2020 6:37am PDT
imageA Great Nation Celebrates Our Journey Towards A Juneteenth National Holiday
nal Independence Day Act would make June 19 an official annual federal holiday, the first new one created since the 1980s.  While officially this would guarantee a day off for federal employees and pu
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act would make June 19 an official annual federal holiday, the first new one created since the 1980s. While officially this would guarantee a day off for federal employees and public schools, in practice many global multinational corporations will follow suit....
Posted: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 2:20pm PDT
textSacramento And Swiss Sister City Liestal Need To Talk About Their History by Noam Schaulin, JUSO BL
After the attack on the now removed statue of the founder of Sacramento John Sutter, the Young Socialist Party of the swiss canton of Baselland launched an action in Sutters hometown to draw attention to the fact that John Sutter was a slave owner and child trader. Now, they want Sacramento and its sister city Liestal (Switzerland), capital city of the canton of Baselland, to use their partnership to remember Sutters victims and educate the citizens of both places....
Posted: Tue, Jun 23, 2020 8:04am PDT
image20th Anniversary of Rosa Parks Day in California
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Our 2020 Rosa Parks Day of Courage, at Sacramento City Hall is the oldest known official celebration of Rosa Parks Day in California. ACR 156, California Legislation recognizing the 20th Anniversary of Rosa Parks Day will recommit a statewide effort to share the strength, courage, faith and determination of Rosa Louise McCauley Parks with young school children and seasoned seniors who have forgotten how to sing, "We Shall Overcome" in California and throughout the world....
Posted: Wed, Jan 29, 2020 3:56pm PST
imageExploring California Pan African Heritage in Elk Grove, California
by Michael Harris
2020 Black History Month, Early California Pan African Heritage...
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2020 8:26pm PST
imageColonel Charles Young Memorial Highway
by Edited from Dana Dierkes
November 1903 celebrated an amazing accomplishment at Sequoia National Park. November 2019 we prepare to recall and resurrect the reason for the original celebration by helping establish the Colonel Charles Young Memorial Highway for the world to see....
Posted: Sat, Oct 26, 2019 9:32pm PDT
imageBirthday Tribute to Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr.
by Edited from the Sacramento History Museum
Leidesdorff passed away on May 18, 1848 from what was then called brain fever at the age of 36 in San Francisco just after he received official reports of vast sums of gold on his American River land....
Posted: Wed, Oct 23, 2019 4:00pm PDT
imageCalifornia organizing to show support for HE Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, AU Ambassador
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Full Moon, Maafa Commemoration and 2019 Pan African Global Trade and Investment Week are aligned to show broadbased support for Her Excellency Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, African Union Ambassador to the United States of America...
Posted: Sat, Oct 12, 2019 3:37pm PDT
imageEducation exchange a focus of Pan African Global Trade and Investment Week
by Khubaka, Michael Harris
Sharing the legacy of Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. will help facilitate educational exchange between California's educational institutions (public colleges in the University of California, California State University and California Community Colleges) and private institutions studying and embarking on study trips to African and Caribbean educational institutions for cultural and economic reasons....
Posted: Thu, Sep 5, 2019 9:33am PDT
imageInaugural International Teff Super Grain Day
by Michael Harris
Everyone is invited to celebrate International Teff Super Grain Day with us or at an Ethiopian Restaurant in your community....
Posted: Tue, Aug 6, 2019 10:24am PDT
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