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audioWar making for idiots...4-17-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 58.8MB) by DJ Mouse Report
Eva Bartlett, Jimmy Dore and Richie Allen tackle the weekly big lie and patently insane policy of bombing Damascus in support of Al Qaeda (Western takfiri) forces (1hr.)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 17, 2018 2:15pm PDT
audioAssassination Pretext Technicians v Syria...and MLK...4-10-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 54.3MB) by DJ Mouse
Today's big lie; "the evidence is quite overwhelming that the perpetrators of this chemical weapons attack, as well as previous ones, is the Assad government" setting the stage for war on Damascus assassination pretext technicians Amy Goodman and Glen Greenwald insulted our intelligence yesterday that the stupidest enemy ever just gave the US a pretext to attack when they had won the war...w/ US/UK/Israeli soldiers caught in Eastern Gouta chemical weapons in hand...(29 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 10, 2018 2:02pm PDT
audioUK Spies and Russian Judgment...4-3-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 62.6MB) by DJ Mouse
False Flag Weekly News looks at Israel's Black Cube spy company and we sample soundbites from Monday protest over state murder of Sahleem Tindle...'dirt' on Hillary is the term apologists use for primary theft...pole vaulting over Podesta emails on ax murdering child rapists of the NATO/Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) death squads...felonious child predator Wiener got a pass by FBI gang till his laptop w/ their open criminality caught up w/ 'em...ditto for Sahleem Tindle's killer J...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2018 3:10pm PDT
audioSalisbury nerve agent attack...3-27-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 117.3MB) by DJ Mouse
Craig Murray and William Binney take down pretexts for bipartisan war machine's moves on Russia (61 min.)...
Posted: Fri, Mar 30, 2018 9:54am PDT
audioIsrael Not Involved...3-13-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 55.0MB) by DJ Mouse
Got Security Clearance?...not Assassin in Chief son in U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, Trump Organization’s former chief legal officer, continue to share sensitive classified intelligence with Jared Kushner...sampling False Flag Weekly News and Wayne Madsen's Intrepid Report...
Posted: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 1:51pm PDT
audioZombie media gas attack on Syria and at home...3-6-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 119.9MB) by DJ Mouse
This morning DJ Mouse woke to the Von Braun slave monger disciple school of zombie mind fork brain surgury w/ Sonali and Amy 10 points down the dial from 104.1 fm berkeleyliberationradio(dot)info crying about saving civilians in Damascus suburbs from Chlorine NATO is supplying its assassins...immediately after narrowly surviving the foul air from a very gross Terry on NPR calling a dreamer's mom illegal...(71 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Mar 6, 2018 2:12pm PST
audioCancer Weapon, CW attacks on Venezuela, Syria...2-27-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 44.5MB) by DJ Mouse
In the endless bad news side of things the MSM is screaming for war on Syria and other post 9-11-01 hit list countries based on...Al Qaeda linked sources?...and on 60 Minutes this week do White Helmet assassins murder the child on camera wittingly or by incompetense?...but first a reading from CIA whistle blower Jim Wilcott on the cancer weapon used on Hugo Chavez and Venezuela...and we return to the bogus Hiroshima day trial in Concord for protesting at the tracks the war on Afghanistan base...
Posted: Tue, Feb 27, 2018 2:58pm PST
audioContra-revolucionarios...2-20-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 14.0MB) by DJ Mouse
Amid mad Russophobic WW3 shilling by the likes of even Bernie Sanders we look at a few real issues....
Posted: Tue, Feb 20, 2018 2:04pm PST
audioWTC Pentabomb: What Afghan made us stand down?...2-13-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 106.5MB) by DJ Mouse's Mintpress' Whitney Webb and Sibel Edmond's on the 'left' R2P assassination campaign in Syria and the Intercept's journalistic sell out...sitting for 4 years on the Saudi memo ..a smoking gun amid the Title 18 section 1116, 1117 Conspiracy to Murder violations. False Flag Weekly News looks at this and fallout from Zacarias Moussaoui lawsuit challenging official big lie (1 hr.)...
Posted: Tue, Feb 13, 2018 2:09pm PST
audioRICO Times...2-6-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 87.8MB) by DJ Mouse
As some of the henchmen for Assassin in Chief in DC hand off power and exit the spotlight, their enjoying the fruits of recent mass murder, rape and pillage requires pointed complicity or incompetence on our part as journalists, and general ignorance of the public as plaintiff's under the Civil Remedy provision of section 1964 of the Title 18 RICO statute. (45 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Feb 6, 2018 1:44pm PST
audioMedia Zombified by losses (audio/mpeg 120.6MB) by DJ Mouse
Consortium News founder Bob Perry who blew whistle on 1980 coup, dies reporting such state w/ Gary Webb and Cranberries lead singer Dolores O'Riordan......
Posted: Tue, Jan 30, 2018 12:05pm PST
audioRadio Blather...1-23-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 37.9MB) by DJ Mouse
EXTRA! EXTRA!...DJ Blather turns 65 this year...and they're trying to take away our toys...10 points down the dial...from 104.1 fm Berkeley Liberation Radio (dot) info...w/ BET...Berkeley's Evil Terrorist and former kamikaze treasurer...and Amy and the 911 getaway wheel...worth 20 battalions of tanks...against both Syria and the takfiri proxies we sent there in the Arab Sting...Eva Bartlett smacks down Steven of many R2P perps running interference for NATO death squad...
Posted: Tue, Jan 23, 2018 1:16pm PST
audioMLK assassination and election fraud...1-16-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 60.9MB) by DJ Mouse
Once Upon Endless Contra War abroad and endless assassinations at home...the FBI called the investigation into Saudi funding for assassinations and election primary theft a "matter"...on instructions from Poppy Bush's Mena coke stand attendant, and former Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton...converting DOJ and State Departments into a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization...
Posted: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 1:36pm PST
audioImagine: No US Military Bases on Foreign Soil (audio/mpeg 2.9MB) by KPFA News/Ann Garrison
The United States is the largest, most lethal military power in human history, with 1000 military bases and seven geographic commands spanning the globe. That didn't stop the new Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases from holding its first "No Foreign Bases" conference at the University of Baltimore from January 12 to 14....
Posted: Sun, Jan 14, 2018 1:31pm PST
audioGetaway drivers spinning 'dirt' donuts over contra war graves...1-9-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 85.5MB) by DJ Mouse
stooge MSM is lately calling the crimes of USA's bipartisan murder racket 'dirt on Hillary' to shove CIA assassinations and related election thefts here and abroad under rug of 'Russia collusion' lets go back to our death squad campaigns in Central America for some context......
Posted: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 2:27pm PST
audioRussophobic Seth Rich Election Murder Racketeers 'R' US...1-2-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 39.2MB) by DJ Mouse
Nevermind the paper trails proving primary election theft and acknowledging our creation of death squads whose leaders are being exported from Syria by the Pentagon and whose remaining hit men in Damascus are being showered w/ crocodile tears by 'left' press oil war drones...(28 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Jan 2, 2018 1:28pm PST
audioGrinch's Xmas (audio/mpeg 64.7MB) by DJ Mouse
Extra Extra!...Santa just found out who was naughty or nice, and guess what...he's obviously pissed at millions of starving children this year...let's blame...Jesus Christ...what can you say...Lee Camp takes it away...H.A. Goodman and Wikileaks TV deliver the inquest......
Posted: Tue, Dec 26, 2017 1:54pm PST
audioShakedown City...12-19-17 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 59.1MB) by DJ Mouse
Israel not involved (pt.3)...sendoff songs for a once progressive guy...and let's wake Willie middle of night...w/ bad news about his friend...because EVERYBODY KNOWS...when you get the heads up not to fly (like Pic Botha on Pan Am 103) don't think you can sleep easy...and when part of the 9-11 insiders machine fails...for whatever reason...cut to the cover story...nevermind money trails from that big hole where rapid rail was supposed to go before the great bank to our...
Posted: Tue, Dec 19, 2017 2:08pm PST
audioIsrael not involved (cont.)...12-12-17 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 79.1MB) by DJ Mouse
Old home week for track potato mouse...starting w/ my 8-7-17 truck block 4 Yemen...Max and Francisco singing about Brian and Holly...'No sword shall turn to plowshare till the land is their's to plow, and the name is on the ballot that rot's in the prison now'...Abby Martin on crimes behind the coverup that is 'R' psychosis....
Posted: Tue, Dec 12, 2017 1:12pm PST
audioIsrael NOT involved!!!...12-5-17 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 79.9MB) by DJ Mouse
Got White Helmets...the propaganda organisation exposed...w/ Vanessa Beeley on their links to al Qaeda affiliates in Syria...a soundbite from Anatoly Antonov on NATO genocide in his related crimes scooped by Sibel Edmonds and H. A. Goodman...too nauseating to detail here...but damn the genocidal Yahi killers...full speed arriba......
Posted: Tue, Dec 5, 2017 2:33pm PST
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