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Newsitem List

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textStanford University resident assistants strike over COVID-19, wages by Gabriel Black (WSWS repost)
The strike by the University’s resident assistants at over two dozen student dormitories sheds light on the increasingly impossible situation facing students and student workers....
Posted: Mon, Sep 6, 2021 9:59am PDT
textCalifornia school reopenings have already caused thousands of COVID-19 infections by Brian Gene (WSWS repost)
Less than two weeks after the full reopening of California public schools, thousands of students and staff have tested positive for COVID-19 and tens of thousands have gone into quarantine....
Posted: Fri, Aug 27, 2021 7:36am PDT
textCasualties of reopening schools: Children dying from COVID-19 by Niles Niemuth (WSWS repost)
Amid a surge of COVID-19 cases throughout the United States, hundreds of children have lost their lives to the disease....
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2021 10:40pm PDT
textCoronavirus health disaster in Los Angeles looms with reopening of schools by Dan Conway, Renae Cassimeda (WSWS repost)
A crime of historic proportions is underway which can only be stopped by a coordinated intervention by the working class. Like schools around the country, Los Angeles students have almost no options whatsoever for remote learning while the Delta variant tears through school populations leading to mass infections and deaths....
Posted: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 1:52am PDT
textAmerican educators speak out against school reopenings by Melody Isley (WSWS repost)
This report illustrates how some teachers are determined to fight back against the reckless subordination of human life to capitalist private profit....
Posted: Fri, Aug 13, 2021 9:31am PDT
textDon’t send children into unsafe schools! by Socialist Equality Party US (repost)
The Socialist Equality Party calls on all educators and parents to form rank-and-file committees, independent of the pro-capitalist unions and political parties, to campaign for and stop the drive to reopen schools....
Posted: Wed, Aug 11, 2021 7:47am PDT
textBay Area, California teacher raises critical concerns over school reopenings by A California Teacher (WSWS repost)
The WSWS received this letter opposing the reopening of schools and the ending of coronavirus mitigation measures across the US....
Posted: Tue, Aug 10, 2021 6:53am PDT
textStop the giveaway of California's community Colleges by Bob Price
Students, community members, faculty and staff are organizing to stop the privatization of California's community colleges....
Posted: Thu, Aug 5, 2021 4:41pm PDT
textThe new school and Farewell to capitalism by Kerstin Chavent and Rudiger Dammann
"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." That is why copyright reform, patent and property law, and many other regulations of the material "goods economy" that have grown up in the industrial age are not suitable for meeting the challenges of the information universe....
Posted: Mon, Aug 2, 2021 3:42am PDT
textThe Viral Death of School by Bertrand Stern
A real improvement in the school system could only come from a change in the underlying conception of man. Children must be treated as human beings with their own dignity and rights - not as stuffed geese that can be filled with knowledge of the state at will....
Posted: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:34am PDT
textStephanie Bice Dismisses Q-Anon by Cat Wilmott
This is a response to a Politico article about incoming GOP member Stephanie Bice. It addresses her denial of Q-Anon....
Posted: Thu, May 13, 2021 9:16pm PDT
textSEIU calls off Sacramento school strike at last minute, allowing all schools to reopen by Jonathan Burleigh (WSWS repost)
With less than two months left in the school year, scrapping the current distance learning plans and building new hybrid education models and work schedules from scratch is disastrous for public health, academics and family life. Over 90 percent of the union’s members had authorized the strike, demanding greater personal protective equipment (PPE) and accommodations for workers with young children at home....
Posted: Thu, Apr 22, 2021 4:24am PDT
textThe Reproduction of Ignorance and Violence in America by Christina Hill
This article is about the reproduction of ignorance and violence toward minority communities in America through a sociological perspective. The focus is on the socialization of ignorance through public education, with a lack of cultural awareness and racial tolerance, public school funding inequalities, and a call to action for education reform....
Posted: Mon, Apr 19, 2021 3:46pm PDT
textSonoma County’s Institutional Responses to the Black Lives Matter Movement by Lilyana Pantoja
This piece is about Sonoma County's educational institution's reponse to the Black Lives Matter movement. It explains the movement and how it has affected a couple of educational institutions in the county. It brings to light what their steps are going forward after the movement's influence....
Posted: Sun, Apr 18, 2021 6:25pm PDT
textOakland Education Association attempts to defuse anger over reckless return to schools by Jonathan Burleigh (WSWS repost)
After pushing members to ratify their deal to resume in-person instruction, union leadership is now trying to restrain teachers’ opposition by declaring an impasse over negotiating schedules....
Posted: Sat, Apr 17, 2021 8:51am PDT
textOnline events with Chomsky, Jeff Chang, Frida Berrigan & many others by Towards increasing Networking
Here are some 17 online events taking place over the coming month (and starting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 31), featuring people such as Noam Chomsky, Jeff Chang, Frida Berrigan, Hazel Henderson, Dave Zirin, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and many others. These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Ireland, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be in...
Posted: Tue, Mar 30, 2021 9:55am PDT
textOakland schools set to reopen amid surge in pandemic by Jonathan Burleigh (WSWS repost)
After a narrow ratification of the Oakland Education Association’s sellout agreement to resume in-person instruction, teachers are facing a dangerous end to the school year....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2021 11:57pm PDT
textSchool reopening deals approved in Los Angeles and Oakland as unions stifle opposition by Dan Conway (WSWS Repost)
Those who did vote in “favor” were told repeatedly by the unions that they had no choice but to vote for the agreements....
Posted: Tue, Mar 23, 2021 8:25am PDT
textSF Judge Rules School District Must Vacate Renaming by Not to Be Missed
On March 18, 2021, Judge Ethan Schulman issued an Alternative Writ of Mandate in a lawsuit ordering the SF School District to either vacate the Board Resolution of January 26, 2021, the school renaming resolution, and dissolve the Renaming Committee, or show up in court on May 6, 2021 and explain why it has not complied with the order. See
Posted: Sat, Mar 20, 2021 10:04pm PDT
textStarting Tonight (Sat): Online events w) Chomsky, McKibben, Frida Berrigan & many others by Towards increasing Networking
Here are some 17 online events taking place over the coming month (and starting tonight, Saturday, March 20), featuring people such as Noam Chomsky, Bill McKibben, Frida Berrigan, Thomas Piketty, Paul Mason, Hazel Henderson, and many others....
Posted: Sat, Mar 20, 2021 1:01pm PDT
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