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Newsitem List

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textBay Area Anarchist Communist Meeting by towards an organized movement
Meeting of Bay Area Anarchist Communists next week, interested in discussing ideas on organization and action....
Posted: Wed, Jul 9, 2003 9:39pm PDT
audioReport on Oakland High students and the Secret Service (audio/mpeg 4.6MB) by Sarah Olson
2 Oakland High School students alleged to have said "Bush is whack" were interrogated by the Secret Service separately for over an hour on 23April03. The students, who are of South East Asian dissent, were questioned without the presence of a lawyer. Authorities at the school or the Secret Service did not notify their parents for nearly two weeks. The students claim that Secret Service threatened them and their entire families with deportation and prison time. 8 minutes; 4.6 MB...
Posted: Thu, Jun 26, 2003 11:20pm PDT
videoVideo: Oakland High students speak out against repression (video/x-msvideo 8.0MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Oakland High School students led a lunchtime speak out today to protest repression on campus. Student leaders took the microphone to blast Principle Monk’s responses to student organizing, including: suspending students who passed out fliers about student anti-war walkouts, installing barbed wire on fences to prevent students from climbing them during walkouts, silencing dissent in classroom discussions, and eagerly cooperating with the Secret Service to come into the school and interrogate t...
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
textSpeakout at Oakland High TODAY by Jonah
WHAT: Youth Speak Out Against Repression at Oakland High School WHEN: Friday June 6, 2003 at 12:35 pm WHERE: Oakland High School at the gate on 1023 MacArthur Blvd....
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 7:50am PDT
textOakland City Council Honors Judi Bari with Her Own Day by sfimcista
Oakland City Council Honors Judi Bari with her Own Day; Gathering to Commemorate Anniversary of Bombing This Saturday in Oakland....
Posted: Thu, May 22, 2003 10:24pm PDT
textMeeting to Respond to Oakland High Incident Tuesday by Jonah
The next meeting for the coalition to respond to the Oakland High Secret Service Interrogation initiated by East Bay Educators Justice Network, will be Tuesday, May 20th at 4:30PM at Oakland High School, Room 311, 1023 Macarthur Blvd. E-mail Jonah at for car pool assistance or a ride from the Macarthur BART....
Posted: Mon, May 19, 2003 3:01pm PDT
Posted: Thu, May 8, 2003 10:06am PDT
textOakland Teacher Calls Secret Service on Students!! by Fired Up!
An Oakland teacher called the Secret Service on two 16 year old Oakland students because the alluded to offing Bush in a fired up conversation in their class about how Bush is killing people all over the world!! This is the type of thing that students say all the time....
Posted: Sun, May 4, 2003 11:53am PDT
textCampus Anti-War Network (CAN) West Coast Conference by Campus Anti-War Network
April 25 through the 27th students from all over the West Coast will be meeting at Chico State for Campus Anti-War Network West Coast Conference to discuss the current and future of the student anti-war movement....
Posted: Tue, Apr 22, 2003 7:38pm PDT
image9-11 Story Examined with Screening of AfterMath: Unanswered Questions from 9-11
by CA
The official version of the events of 9-11 were examined and dissected by eminent researchers after last night's screening of AfterMath: Unanswered questions from 911...
Posted: Tue, Apr 22, 2003 3:58pm PDT
textW Coast Socialist Conf by Todd C
West Coast Socialist Conference, April 12-13, UC Berkeley, Stop the War! Change the World!...
Posted: Mon, Apr 7, 2003 5:38pm PDT
textW. Coast Socialist Conf. by Todd C.
April 12-13, West Coast Socialist Conference, UC Berkeley...
Posted: Fri, Apr 4, 2003 9:24pm PST
textW. Coast Socialist Conf by Todd C
April 12-13, West Coast Socialist Conference, UC Berkeley...
Posted: Wed, Apr 2, 2003 4:44pm PST
imageJr. High Students Slam GW-Dracula, Van Tells It, U.S. Out, No Colonial (M20)
by B. Marsh
March 20, 2003 --- San Francisco --- Ongoing Actions to Stop the War --- Civic Center Rally (5 photos)...
Posted: Sun, Mar 30, 2003 2:36pm PST
videoSFState Sit In (video/quicktime 947.1KB) by Rocco
Students Sit In at the Administration Building at 2:30. They plan to stay a while....
Posted: Mon, Mar 24, 2003 10:11pm PST
imageSFSU Students Protest
by G.K.
SFSU students staged a sit on the administration building today after the administration refused to respond to students demands that the school take a stand against the war on Iraq and varrious other issues....
Posted: Mon, Mar 24, 2003 9:27pm PST
imageBay Area Students Walkout March 5th
by Not In Our Name Bay Area
Thousands of youth and students walked out of class in the Bay Area on March 5th to protest the US war on Iraq....
Posted: Fri, Mar 7, 2003 10:40pm PST
by Brian Covert
Arcata, Humboldt County, CA -- More than 100 high school students here left their classes midday Wednesday, March 5, to march in solidarity with the "Books Not Bombs" campus strikes across the United States....
Posted: Wed, Mar 5, 2003 6:14pm PST
imageBerkeley High and UCB Rally Against War
by Z
Several hundred students showed up March 5 for an antiwar rally on the Berkeley campus....
Posted: Wed, Mar 5, 2003 2:40pm PST
textNat. Student Anti-War Conference by Todd C
Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) National conference in Chicago, Feb. 22-23...
Posted: Fri, Feb 21, 2003 10:32am PST
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