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Racial Justice
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Newsitem List

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textThe time has come to RESPECT the OHLONE the First People of the Bay Area - now. by Francisco Da Costa
October 12, 2006 the SF Human Rights Commission, held a hearing to listen to the First People of the Bay Area and those supporters that wanted to focus on the pertinent issues linked with Federal Recognition, the Shellmounds, and other related issues. This was not the first time the Human Rights Commission had focused on this issue. In the early 1990s a Resolution was passed recognizing the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe as the indigenous people of San Francisco and the neighboring areas. Here is San F...
Posted: Sat, Apr 2, 2011 10:10am PDT
imageDiscover Gold in the Sacramento River Basin ~ Leidesdorff Ranch
by michael harris
Primary source documentation of the authentic contibution of people of African descent is elusive in 2011. Students who are required to produce authentic and original thought are essential to a greater measure of truth in Folsom, CA. If the original town of Negro Bar, CA, Negro Hill, CA were a result of Leidesdorff Ranch then an authentic legacy must come to light. Discover Gold a regional notion of Gold Rush California includes people of African descent then let the story find a measure o...
Posted: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 8:26pm PDT
textSFU School Board utter disdain for students and parents living in Bayview Hunters Point. by Francisco Da Costa
In the year 2011 the San Francisco Unified School Distric,t Board of Education; has chosen with INTENT to harm our children and parents that go to the many middle schools in the Bayview Hunters Point. In the past we have voiced our comments linked to Malcolm X, Willie L. Brown Academy, Gloria Davis, Bert Har. We all remember the fiasco that took place at Thurgood Marshall some years ago. While I have given some time writing articles, more time talking to the students and teachers - the time ...
Posted: Sun, Mar 27, 2011 4:12pm PDT
imageHistoric Black Agriculture in California, Negro Hill Burial Ground Project
by michael harris
Negro Hill Burial Ground Project may finally provide a positive outcome in the El Dorado Hills region, the original region of Negro Hills, California...
Posted: Sat, Mar 26, 2011 1:37am PDT
imageCommission meeting will feature MLPA update, salmon regs
by Dan Bacher
John Laird, Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, is scheduled to provide an update (item 15A) regarding North Coast marine protected areas under the MLPA Initiative on April 7 at 9:30 a.m....
Posted: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 8:11pm PDT
imagePETITION: Ethnic and Critical Race Studies at UC Santa Cruz Now!
by Ethnic Studies Now!
The time is right—indeed, long overdue—for the establishment of a department of ethnic and critical race studies at UC Santa Cruz. As a public institution of higher learning, the University of California is mandated to serve the people of California. SIGN THE PETITION!
Posted: Wed, Mar 23, 2011 3:17pm PDT
imageCalifornia Ag Day ~ Creating Inclusive Agriculture Education
by michael harris
California Agriculture instruction could include education on agricultural history, nutrition, economics, or simply the planting of a school garden. A broader goal for California Ag Day will become the use of an inclusive education opportunity that commemorates agriculture's importance to all of California....
Posted: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 8:49pm PDT
image"Never Again for Anyone" Tour with Auschwitz Survivor Hajo Meyer & Islamic Scholar Hatem Bazian: photos & audio
by dave id
In commemoration of international Holocaust Remembrance Day 2011, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, American Muslims for Palestine, and the Middle East Children's Alliance sponsored a 13-city speaking tour throughout the U.S. and Canada called "Never Again for Anyone" featuring Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer. During his appearance in Oakland on February 17th, Dr. Meyer was joined by UC Berkeley professor Dr. Hatem Bazian, chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine, and Sa...
Posted: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 12:49am PDT
imageA New Way Forward ~ Transformational Healing Weekend
by posted by michael harris
Susan L. Taylor will be joined by renowned activist and author Kevin Powell and Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome Author, Dr. Joy DeGruy. My hope it to gain new tools to "heal thyself" while continuing to work towards a renaissance for "Black Agriculture the foundation of Black Culture." The stolen legacy of the "African Founding Father of California," Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. and many, many others must be shared and built upon for a positive new way. Limited Space is still...
Posted: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 8:45pm PDT
textProtect Our Co-op’s Democracy: Restore Members’ right to put initiatives on the Co-op bal by Maggie Coulter
This attempt by the Board to use policy to circumvent the Bylaws is a violation of the Bylaws and a fundamental breach of the Cooperative Principle of Democratic Member Control....
Posted: Tue, Mar 15, 2011 9:00am PDT
imageWorldwide Resistance to Suspect Marine Reserves Builds
by Dan Bacher
The Chagos Islands Marine Reserve, the largest in the world, was pushed through by the U.K. government, the Obama administration and nine prominent environmental NGOs, ranging from the Pew Charitable Trust to Greenpeace, despite outrage by the Chagossians and human rights groups throughout the world. “The fish have more rights than us,” said Roch Evenor, secretary of the UK-based Chagos Support Association, who left the islands when he was four years old....
Posted: Tue, Mar 15, 2011 8:29am PDT
calendarFREE RAPA NUI DAY OF ACTION; Rally & Protest
by Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu
Chilean Consulate General 870 Market Street, Suite 1062 San Francisco, CA...
Event Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 9:00am PDT
Posted: Sun, Mar 13, 2011 10:27pm PDT
imageWinnemem leader challenges Feinstein's idea of 'peace on the river'
by Dan Bacher
Mark Franco, headman of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, challenged California Senator Dianne Feinstein's contention that the construction of the peripheral canal and new dams would lead to "peace on the river." Photo of Mark Franco at Winnemem Journey to Justice event in Berkeley February 3 by Dan Bacher....
Posted: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 3:33pm PST
imageCommission adopts unified marine reserve plan as secret meetings exposed
by Dan Bacher
“There is no evidence that tribes have had a negative impact upon the ecosystem," said Thomas O'Rourke, Chair of the Yurok Tribal Council. "They have been part of the ecosystem since time immemorial. Science needs to recognize people as part of the ecosystem. If you don’t include people, the proposal will fail. Our rights are not negotiable.” Photo: Frankie Joe Myers, Yurok Tribal member and Coastal Justice Coalition activist, testifies at the Fish and Game Commission's MLPA Initiative in...
Posted: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 12:51pm PST
audioWinnemem-Wintu: Protecting Women's Rights of Passage (audio/mpeg 26.5MB) by Christina Aanestad
Caleen Sisk-Franco, Chief and Spiritual Leader of the Winnemem-Wintu discusses the Balas Chonas or Puberty Ceremony-which honors a girls transition into womanhood, her decision to declare war against the U.S. government, and her tribes work to return indigenous salmon to the McCloud River, for International Women's Day....
Posted: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 8:16am PST
textA People's Hearing on Racism & Police Violence: video-recorded testimony available online by Kim Rohrbach
Despite cold weather, and a cold auditorium at a venue located off the beaten path, a full house attended each day of the People's Hearing on Racism & Police Violence, held in Oakland on February 19-20. For those of you who couldn't be there, you can watch each of the four sessions online at:
Posted: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 11:30pm PST
imageResistance to fake marine 'protection' builds from Diego Garcia to Baja California
by Dan Bacher
"The Cucapa are doing the same thing they have been doing for 9,000 years," said Subcomandante Marcos. "The Cucapa and other Indian people called for this camp in defense of nature so they can fish without detentions or being put in jail." Subcomandante Marcos and Aura Bogado at an Otra Campana meeting in October 2006. On the following day, the Cucapa Tribe and Zapatistas jointly announced plans to set up a Zapatista Peace Camp in the Colorado River Delta to protest an unjust "marine prote...
Posted: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 3:18pm PST
imageThe MLPA Initiative does not protect the ocean
by Dan Bacher
“Coastal development, water pollution, and other human activities threaten the health of marine habitat and the biological diversity found in California’s ocean waters,” the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) states in Fish and Game Code Section 2851, section c....
Posted: Sun, Mar 6, 2011 8:56am PST
imageWhat’s a big oil lobbyist doing chairing a marine protection panel?
by Dan Bacher
During this widely-contested process, Reheis-Boyd and other task force members went out of their way to take water pollution, oil spills and drilling, military testing, wave energy projects, corporate aquaculture, habitat destruction and all other human impacts on the ocean other than fishing and gathering off the table in the so-called marine protected areas created under the privately funded initiative. Photo of Santa Barbara oil rig sunset image - some rights reserved by Jim Sneddon....
Posted: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 7:21am PST
videoCisco and Dylcia on Panthers and Independistas --SF8 Hearing on March 2 (video/x-flv 91.8MB) by Kiilu Nyasha and Angola 3 News
This new episode of Freedom is a Constant Struggle (filmed by Angola 3 News) features Dylcia Pagan and Cisco Torres. Dylcia is a Puerto Rican freedom fighter, Independista, and former political prisoner. Cisco is the last member of the SF8 facing charges. He has an evidentiary hearing on March 2, 2011, and there is an 8 AM rally prior to the hearing, where supporters are urged to attend....
Posted: Sun, Feb 27, 2011 8:35pm PST
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