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Indybay Feature

REPORTBACK SACRAMENTO: Alleged "Peckerwoods" Attacked During "White Lives Matter" Banner Event

by Some Sacramento Antifascists
REPORTBACK SACRAMENTO: Alleged "Peckerwoods" Attacked During "White Lives Matter" Banner Event Over South Sac Neighborhood
Following a "White Lives Matter" event in the Sierra Foothills in March, the hate group announced it would be slogging its violent WLM rhetoric down to the streets of Sacramento this month. February 12th was a day of action for many White Power, Proud Boy and White Nationalist groups across the U.S., and Sacramento was no exception. San Jose similarly saw a Proud Boy presence outside a Planned Parenthood. The group in the Sierra foothills last month was credited for being small, with only a 4-person turn out and plenty to say. Tweeted by @Borwin10, "Sacramento Nazi Alert: this upcoming Saturday (Feb 12) one of WLM's (a neo-nazi group) planned "event days". Last month a group of them was out at the freeway onramp at Sierra College Blvd and I-80 in Rocklin. This group likes overpasses and similar high-traffic areas." Seen to the left is the banner hung over a South Sac neighborhood just earlier today. This time, there were six attendees who dressed for a fight. Around 11:00am, between MLK & 44th St, members of the community took to social media to report fascist organizing spotted over the 44th Ave foot overpass. A group of white men with tight cut hair and shaved heads were spotted carrying camo backpacks, banners, go-pro cameras and combat boots. Responding to calls on social media, members of the community surrounded the overpass, drawing nearby residents from their homes. Residents of the prodominantly Black & Brown neighborhood were alerted to the prim and proper white nationalists now displaying a massive banner across the 44th St foot bridge reading "White Lives Matter" and "Immigration is Class Warfare." A group of vehicles, assumed to belong to the white nationalists, were parked on the 44th St side of the overpass, across from Pacific Elementary school. Near the scene, a white forerunner was parked with a "Peckerwood" sticker on the cabover reading "Good Night Left Side." A Black jeep with red trim had a dealer plate removed and is assumed to be related to the incident. While community members exited their homes, a skirmish broke out against one of the White Nationalists returning to his car. He can be seen wearing all black, a balaclava, a camo mole bag and boots. He was reportedly chased two blocks and confronted with a baseball bat. He could be heard screaming "I'm not a part of anything!" down the street. Mace was deployed and the man was seen falling into the drive-way of a local resident to hide. Another white nationalist approached on foot. If you have any information connecting to this fascist, you can reach out to @Sac_Rad_Edu on Twitter. He can be seen less clearly on the HWY 99 overpass, holding the fence in the center of the grouping. Later, witnesses say sheriff's arrived to the Pacific Elementary side of the 44th Ave foot overpass where antifascist symbols were sprayed in the road next to lit road flares. White nationalists members gathered into a group of 6 over the foot pass, now with police protection while displaying their fascist propaganda.

Respondent antifascists and residents of the community continued to patrol the streets that lead up to the foot overpass in trucks and cars. Reportedly, a concerned resident informed Sacramento antifascist members that it was time for "all the white people" to leave, as to not be confused with the Nationalists on the bridge. It was later reported that residents of the neighborhood performed a "safe ejection" of the white nationalists, and a removal of their propaganda from the overpass.

This is an on-going story, as an Antelope School District email was released earlier this day announcing the confrontation of "protestors" and students outside of a local middle school. Witnesses report the alleged "protestors" to be Proud Boys in full uniform, confronting students with a bull horn and even entering the school. The email indicates that the Proud Boys have assembled there with Sacramento County Sheriff's for the last two days.
Antifascists and concerned community members who are wondering how to proceed when faced with spontaneous white supremacist organizing are advised to never approach them alone. Community is a powerful tool. You should actively work to collaborate with your neighbors on projects and insert cultural anti-racism into the core of your work.

The ideal community defense plan should be a network of friends, neighbors and contacts who share the same concern for fascist organizing. You don't all need to agree on the same philosophies to agree that white supremacist organizing is a threat that must be met directly, and with force whenever possible.

Speak to your friends on a contingency plan in the case of fascist organizing in your day-to-day spaces, such as shopping, work or school, and discuss how you will go about combating it. Most of the time, it will be sounding the alarm and alerting others. Most work is intelligence gathering, an underappreciated and overly-required part of combating fascists. However, when you have the right group of people at the right place and time, you can skip all the discussion and move into action.

If you've been considering getting involved with anti-fascist organizing and don't know where to start, consider following @Sac_Rad_Edu for insightful, challenging and even entry-level material on how to get started. You do not have to be Sacramento-based to benefit from the material. -Some Antifascists in Sacramento
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by caring person
Really appreciate you posting an update on indybay. We must stand strong against these fascists. Together we will beat them back.
by AF2
At 5141 15th Ave in Oak Park. There is a Kek flag that someone who lives at that address has put in their window. Kek and Kekistan a fictional character and land that was created by the alt right in online forums with the said intention to be tongue and cheek and a joke to troll liberals and others. But Kek is no joke and very much a symbol of hate and extremism. The flag is recognized by the SPLC, ADL and other hate monitoring groups as such.
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