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Indybay Feature

Moderna and Me

by Michael Steinberg (blackrainpress [at]
My Experience Being Vaccinated in San Francisco
After word got around that vaccination were available in SF I called my health clinic to see if I could get jabbed there. The answer was no.

But not long after I learned that a site in my neighborhood, the Western Addition, was doing the job. I called my clinic back and was able to make an appointment for the next Monday at 2:50 p.m.

On that day I hiked down to the clinic and was reasonably on time.Upon arrival I saw that the Ella Hill Hutch tennis courts just east of the clinic had been transformed into an outdoor medical facility to administer the shots, with about a half dozen white tents scattered around the site.

Was I in Havana or San Fran?

At the entrance to the courts I saw two green taped arrows where arrivals were to wait to be called for intake.

It didn't take long for me to be summoned to the nearest tent. The worker had a list of names of people to be jabbed. Mine was on it. She asked me if I was a patient at the clinic, for ID, then a series of questions about my health and possible association with anyone who's tested positive for the virus. I myself had tested negative last May. She didn't check my temperature, just directed me to a folding chairs arranged on the court where others were waiting for their shots. It was sunny, chilly and gusty.

Not too long a worker in another tent came out and called to us. My turn had come. I ambled over, took off my coat, and got my Moderna shot. I hardly felt it. After that I was directed back to a chair on the court to wait for a while to make sure I didn't experience any ill effects from the vaccine.

Soon my intake worker came out with a CDC card showing my info and treatment history. My second and final shot would be a week after Valentine's Day. "You'll be hanging out with me until 3:38," she let me know."

As the time passed I looked around others on the court.
Everyone seemed calm and composed. There were no visible cops. I wondered if Che would be making an appearance.

Every so often the intake worker would come around to check in. "You can go now, " she said to a couple seated near me. "You'll be hanging out with me a few more minutes," she told me.

When that time came I thanked her and hiked back up the hill to Divisadero. I was home by 4.
All in all my experience was positive, thorough though seemingly casual and user friendly.
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