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Indybay Feature

Protesters Tell Police "Wear A Mask!"

by We Will Fight for the Living
At a demonstration in San Francisco on August 21, police, some of whom weren't wearing masks, were face to face with protesters. Over the din, a demonstrator in the first video can be heard asking a cop, "where's your mask?" and in the second video the crowd is chanting "wear a mask!...wear a mask!"
videos courtesy of CCSF Collective
video 1 is 4 seconds long
video 2 is 9 seconds long
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On August 21st, protesters met at Crissy field for a protest organized to march across the Golden Gate Bridge. The march was to honor those who died at the hands of police as well as those who perished from COVID-19. Organizers stated, "The pandemic has brought into sharp relief a number of stark realities that plague this nation." They called for new federal leadership immediately, adding, " We can’t wait until November. Donald Trump should resign."

The demonstration was in solidarity with simultaneous marches across New York City's Brooklyn Bridge and across bridges in several other cities.

During organizing activities including protester shield training, some of the police did not wear masks and protesters (to a one, masked up) called them out on it. When SF marchers headed to the bridge there was a standoff when police stopped them at the entrance to the bridge's pedestrian walkway and told them they could not bring shields.

Here some police, who were face to face with protesters, were not wearing masks. Over the din, a demonstrator in the first video can be heard asking a cop, "where's your mask?" and in the second video the crowd is chanting "wear a mask!...wear a mask!"
by Fight for the Living
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