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Indybay Feature

Saving Life On Earth: Discussion on Contraception, Consumption and Conservation

Thursday, July 09, 2020
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Center for Biological Diversity
Location Details:

Saving Life On Earth: A Discussion on Contraception, Consumption, and Conservation

Date and time: July 9, 2020 at 4 p.m. PT

Host: Center for Biological Diversity

Every day, we add about 227,000 people to the planet – and that comes with a steep cost.

Human population growth and overconsumption are at the root of our most pressing environmental problems, including the wildlife extinction crisis, habitat loss and climate change.

World Population Day is Saturday, July 11 so this week is a perfect opportunity for a conversation about this important work. We’re focused on common-sense solutions including the empowerment of women and girls, universal access to reproductive healthcare and education, healthy and secure food systems – and a societal commitment to giving all species a chance to live and thrive.

We also have some fun. The Center has distributed more than 1 million free Endangered Species Condoms across the country with catchy packaging slogans like “Fumbling in the Dark? Think of the Monarch” and “Wrap with Care, Save the Polar Bear.”

Thursday’s presentation will feature the Center's Kelley Dennings, Population and Sustainability Campaigner, and Sarah Baillie, Endangered Species Condoms coordinator.

The Center for Biological Diversity fights to protect America's wildlife and wild lands.
Added to the calendar on Sun, Jul 5, 2020 6:03PM
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